Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 351: give up

Jun Luotian stretched out his hand and flicked Su Ruixue, and said, "Before you say something that makes me angry, this one will punish you."

"Eh eh, what are you doing! Brother, you are the private enemies of the communique!" Su Ruixue shouted again and again.

"No, no, it's not a private feud of the communique, but a public feud of the communique. After a while, the private feud will be reported again as appropriate." Jun Luotian smiled.

"Eh, you're bored! It's so angry." Su Ruixue shouted.

"Well, you say it quickly." Jun Luotian said.

"Um ... Brother, I want to ask you ... that is to say ..." Su Ruixue squeezed for a long time, but did not say why.

"What the **** do you want to say? If you don't say anything, I won't listen." Su Ruixue said.

"Okay, I said, I can't say it?" Su Ruixue said in a hurry.

"Speak, I listen." Jun Luotian said.

"That means ... that ... brother, do you still like Xiyue." Su Ruixue asked across her heart.

Jun Luotian's smiling face suddenly pulled down the corner of his mouth and asked, "What do you ask about this?"

"Eh, you answer me! Do you still like Xiyue?" Su Ruixue asked again.

"I ... I know that we are not a person of the world, so I will let go of her like." Jun Luotian said.

"But, do you feel tired and sad?" Su Ruixue asked.

"Yes, but is there any way? I have tried my best, I have shown more than once that I have feelings for her, but it is a pity that it is not the time." Jun Luotian said.

"Untimely? What do you mean?" Su Ruixue asked.

"I met her too late. I like it in a hollow. Xiyue's heart already belongs to the great prince." Jun Luotian said: "I have that confidence. If I met Xiyue first, I have confidence." Moon will love me. "

"Oh, that's right. But Master, I heard you're calling Xiyue the Great Princess, you ..." Su Ruixue asked a little hesitantly.

"Sister, do you know what the most important thing a person has is." Jun Luotian asked.

"What is it? Honesty?" Su Ruixue thought back.

"I'm asking about feelings." Jun Luotian shook his head and said.

"In feelings? Hmm ... is trust?" Su Ruixue thought.

"This is what two people together need most." Jun Luotian said.

"Then, what is that? I can't think of it." Su Ruixue said.

"Have you ever heard a sentence called, Everyone has self-knowledge?" Jun Luotian asked back.

Su Ruixue nodded somewhat puzzled.

Jun Luotian got Su Ruixue's response and continued: "I like Xiyue very much, but Xiyue already has a heart for the big prince, and if I insist on loving her, pursuing her, and not letting go, then I'm right This month's love is a burden for her. Xiyue and the big prince Lang are very beautiful, and they like the big prince so much. If I destroy their feelings, that is to say, let them both There is a gap in my feelings. Xiyue will be uncomfortable, and I will feel discomfort when Xiyue is uncomfortable. "

Su Ruixue heard Jun Luotian's explanation and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and asked, "That is to say, Master, haven't you put down Xiyue in your heart?"

Jun Luotian nodded, shook his head again, and said, "I'm putting it down."

Su Ruixue thought about it and said, "Brother, I don't think you are letting go."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Jun Luotian asked.

"Because ... I just saw your fan, and the pendant on your fan sold you out, Master. And, it's already early winter, and you are still carrying the fan, is it not a matter of seeing things and thinking?" Su Rui Xue finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Jun Luotian, waiting for Jun Luotian's response.

Jun Luotian froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Just get used to it."

With that said, Jun Luotian picked up the fan on the table, stroked the piece of ruby ​​with his hand, then smiled and said, "If you really want to let go, you will naturally put it down bit by bit."

Jun Luotian sighed and continued: "I have also tried to throw away everything about Xiyue before. I dropped this ruby ​​and threw it in the creek in Guigu, and later I regretted it. I spent a whole three days. I went to find the ruby ​​in the stream. Later, I found it. I later found it. Then I decided not to throw it away, just stay by my side, just Just think about it. "

Su Ruixue was silent, she had not experienced such a memorable feeling like Jun Luotian, she did not know how to comfort Jun Luotian.

At this time, Jun Luotian said again: "When I deeply like Xiyue, I was in Guigu, and she was in the palace of the crown prince. I couldn't see her, I wanted to see her. I wanted to see what she thought, and thought of me. Regardless of Guigu's regulations, I used my private rights, and I arranged Qishu to Xiyue's side. "

"Seven Uncles? This is Guigu's big bogey! Brother, how can you use the guardian of Guigu?" Su Ruixue shouted in dismay.

"It ’s just a confusing thing. I let Seven Uncle look at Xiyue every day and report the whereabouts of Xiyue to me. I do n’t want to see Xiyue. If I want to see it, I can go directly to it. I ’m just afraid ... Grievance. "Jun Luotian said bitterly.

At this time Su Ruixue looked at Jun Luotian's profile, he had fair skin, a pair of dazzling black eyes as if he could see through all the sad and sad eyes of the past and present, and his expression was like a cold star. Straight nose bridge, silent and cold as ice. The face is like a crown jade, but it has a pair of dark eyes like the midnight cold star. The tall and straight nose bridge shows the male's masculinity.

Su Ruixue thought about the days when he and Jun Luotian were studying medicine together in Guigu. At that time, Jun Luotian was protecting her from the heart and forbearing her.

Su Ruixue still remembers that she was drunk and unconscious because she stole wine and eat with a few brothers. The other brothers were beaten and punished, but only her Su Ruixue's punishment was shaved. .

At that time, Su Ruixue was mischievous and she often made mistakes. But as soon as he made a mistake, he acted spoiledly against Junluotian, not letting this seemingly rigorous and strict, but in fact very easy to discuss, punish himself.

And every time, Jun Luotian often compromised in the end, Jun Luotian helplessly scolded her. And Master ’s punishment was mostly done by Jun Luotian for her.

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