Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 418: committed to

Therefore, he must be strong and have enough strength to contend with Liu Guifei before he can show off with Liu Guifei. In this way, even if Liu Guifei is temporarily unacceptable, he can use his own power to protect Wang Meiren's safety, and then use facts to make Liu Guifei understand that the two mothers are equally important to him, even if he and Wang Meiren's mother and son are reunited, it will not be because of it. And cut off the mother and son of Liu Guifei.

If it was not forced, he did not want to fight against Liu Guifei.

But, Liu Guifei's worries cannot be persuaded by her weak words. She can only use facts to prove that she believes that Long Yinfeng will not let Wang Meiren leave her. One day, Liu Guifei will believe what he said, and believe that he will be filial to her all her life! ,

He has two mothers, and they both love him the same, and he will also filial to them both!

"As for the issue of establishing a prince, my reputation is so disastrous. It is unlikely that my father and the emperor will establish me as prince. For Liu, the best way is to give hope to Liu's wife in the palace. Concubine, as long as they can give birth to the prince, it is Liu ’s hope and reliance. I will do my best to support him. If it is not possible, I will only find an ally from my other brothers and brothers. " Long Yinfeng said, his eyes brightened again, "But in any case, the concubine has a kindness to me, and I will definitely strive to guarantee Liu's interests. As long as I insist, I think, one day, concubine I can understand my thoughts and believe that my filial piety to her will not change because of my mother's presence! "

"Huh!" Looking at the expression of Long Yinfeng's sudden flying, Mu Xiyue couldn't help smiling at him, nodded vigorously, and said, "I believe that Liu Guifei will understand! The woman's heart is actually very sharp Yes, they can finally distinguish true feelings from hypocrisy, and Liu Guifei is such a smart and keen person, she must be able to understand. "

"Do you think so?" Long Yinfeng smiled even more happy when he heard Xiyue's approval.

"Xizue, do you know? According to the ritual system of the Daxia dynasty, after the emperor's collapse, the concubine would have to live in the deep palace, but the concubine with her children can leave the palace if they can get the new emperor's permission. The residence where the children live is raised in their old age. "The sound of Long Yinfeng is like flying birds, flying indefinitely, floating in the blue sky." If as I expected, I will be able to hold the new emperor in place, and then the new emperor will allow it I took my mother-in-law out of the palace, and if the mother-in-law would like it, I would also take it out. "

"What you think is beautiful, aren't you afraid that your limelight is too strong, the new emperor is afraid of you, and a bird will bow to hide?" Mu Xiyue squinted at him.

Long Yinfeng laughed, hugged her, and said leisurely: "Of course I will keep my duty, and I will not touch the taboo of the new emperor. I can lead the soldiers to fight, but I have no ambition to call the emperor. It ’s a very useful courtier! If the New Emperor does n’t even have such a vision, I do n’t know how to catch my coolie, but instead want to get rid of me. Such a faint and narrow-minded person, I ’m not a fool, why? Want to choose to support such people? "

Mu Xiyue was joking, but when she heard the words, she only pursed her lips and didn't speak again.

Long Yinfeng turned his head suddenly, staring at Mu Xiyue, "Xiyue!"

"Huh?" Mu Xiyue looked back, questioning.

"You know? According to the rules of the Daxia dynasty, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the rest of the princes will seal the king, and then have their own land. When the time comes, I will take the mother and the concubine together to the fief and honor them. . Then go to a wife that I like, "Speaking of which, Long Yinfeng's expression suddenly became cramped. Especially, when facing Mu Xiyue's swollen eyes, she felt more enthusiastic and turned away slightly, not daring to straighten her eyes. Seeing Mu Xiyue, I continued, "I will treat my wife very well. If she likes it, I will open a business for her on the fief, or Xiuzhuang, if other opponents bully her. , I'll take her to hit those people's place! Xiyue, you ...... Would you like to honor my mother and concubine with me, and then go to the place with me? "

This is tantamount to asking Mu Xiyue to be his wife.

Mu Xiyue's eyes widened suddenly, with shock, surprise, joy, sweetness, and a little crying and laughing. Even if Wang Meiren and Liu Guifei were filial piety, she asked if she would like to go with him ... How do you hear this feeling of a local bully! Suddenly thinking of Shouchang Bofu's retreat, Long Yinfeng saw her feeling upset in Tonglou, and suggested that she should join her and go to the scene to vent together, but inexplicably a hint of sweetness filled her heart. And joy.

This fool is really ...

Seeing that Mu Xiyue didn't reply, Long Yinfeng was anxious and couldn't help turning her head, saying hurriedly: "Actually, that time in your boudoir, I wanted to ask you if Fu Junsheng was not the person you were expecting If there is another man, he is willing to be the only one in his life, but he is notorious, it looks beautiful, but it is in danger. He is always on the cusp of the storm, surviving in the cracks, dancing on the edge of the knife. How difficult it is, he is willing to stand side by side with you, always standing next to you, bearing with you, as long as there is a breath, will not allow others to hurt you ... Xiyue, if there is such a man, would you like to Willing to marry him? "

At that time, because there was Fu Junsheng, because she had no intention of him, he suppressed it.

And now, finally asked.

Because he really likes Xiyue, he really cares, so even if last night to today, Xiyue has already behaved so clearly, he still has to ask. After he told Xiyue all his things, his situation, his plans, everything about him without any concealment, let her understand everything about him clearly before making a decision.

She's the only one in her life?

Hearing what he said, Mu Xiyue did not show ecstatic performance, but instead the original gentle expression solidified, eyes slightly drooping, and it took a while to sincerely say: "Hong Mo, if you can't do it, then, Do n’t make promises to me. "

"Xiyue, what do you mean?" Long Yinfeng was puzzled.

"You said, you are willing to be the only one in your life. Hong Mo, if you make such a beautiful vow to me, and give me hope and fantasy, but if you don't make it in the end, I will hate you!" Mu Xiyue Slowly.

Long Yinfeng finally understood her doubts and worries, and suddenly remembered Xi Yue's sudden change of expression at that time, and the suddenly furious words, vaguely understood something. After a moment of contemplation, Long Yinfeng's expression became solemn, staring at Mu Xiyue's eyes.

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