Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 438: Toxin clearance

"Okay, go ahead and speak carefully so as not to suffer from flesh and skin."

Mu Xiyue bowed deeply and left with a smile.

A full moon hid in the clouds, but few of them looked out again, and the re-released moonlight was scattered on the ground, and it was also covered on Mu Xiyue. It is beautiful and moving.

The injured hand in the water sleeve is cold, no longer in pain, but remembering the pain, Mu Xiyue raised his lips and smiled gently.

I do n’t know the source, my thoughts are still in the sky. I occasionally recalled the words of Songbai Fangcai ‘In fact, this should not blame the prince, think about the sufferings of the prince before, these are simply insignificant. 'Long Yinfeng was born in the emperor's house. Although he didn't know why he came to the border town, he did not necessarily suffer. But from Song Bai's tone, it was not difficult to hear that he had experienced some tragic things and his hegemony. Isn't arrogance born? Or is it because of what I have experienced that the day after tomorrow must not be forced?

From this point of view, his own understanding of him is insignificant if it seems to be a corner of the sky. Forget it, it's not a good thing to be confused for a few days.

"Miss Mu Xiyue, you can come. The ladies have waited for a while, please come with your slaves." Xuexiang greeted her anxiously, pulling Mu Xiyue to Luyiyuan's inner court.

Lian Ruoyi really cherishes her life. For the sake of Long Yinfeng, this man she can exchange her life for, lives for him, rejoices, dies for him, and wishes. How do you compete with her? Maybe it ’s too much to overestimate yourself.

Sorrow rises from the heart, and the moment you step into the threshold, the shadow in your heart moves away from you by one point.

The three brothers of Long Yinfeng were sitting in the room and talking with Lian Ruoyi who was lying on the embroidered couch. She was so lucky to get such kind of love; she was so happy that she could get the true heart of Long Yinfeng . She looked like a delicate flower, and she appeared in front of her, inferiority as a weed that had just protruded out of the earth and was destined to be unworthy of even the foil.

Fortunately, there is self-esteem, fortunate to have pride, won, my luck; lost, my life.

"Miss Mu Xiyue, I'm sorry, but I have to trouble you again." Lian Ruoyi smiled brilliantly, just like a spring flower.

Slightly raised the corner of the lip, after figured out, no longer sorrow, went straight to the couch, raised his hand to diagnose the pulse.

"There are no toxins in the body, and the pulse has returned to normal, but the breath is slightly worse, but after a little conditioning, it will be cured in a few days." Withdrawing her hand, Mu Xiyue tried to keep a smile, after all, she had to talk to Long Yinfeng Holding hands for a lifetime, I can't show a trace of sorrow at this time. "Congratulations, even the girl."

"This is all due to Miss Mu Xiyue. If it were not for you to heal Ruoyi with colorful birds, if Ruoyi dreamed, she would not dare to imagine that she could be cured." Even Ruoyi was really grateful, but also mixed with a trace of urgency: " Miss Mu Xiyue, I said at first, if you solve my poison, I will let the prince thank you very much. You can't do anything. You can never let you go without gain. What do you want? Tell me, the prince will definitely agree. "

Steady and squinted indifferently, he looked at Long Yinfeng and said, "Mu Xiyue first thanked Wang Ye reward, the doctor's kindness, Mu Xiyue did not ask for anything. I only hope you and Ruoyi girl will grow old together. Thank you Mu Xiyue. "

Long Yinfeng stared at her with a blank expression, and her deep eyes showed the chill that was deliberately hidden. The only thing I could feel was that Mu Xiyue.

"Mu Xiyue girl, are you leaving?" Ling Jihua said in a voice, with a reluctant gentle tone.

He shifted his eyes slightly and said softly: "Since even the girl's illness is cured, Mu Xiyue has no need to stay in the house."

Ling Jiejie stood up and walked in front of Mu Xiyue, smiled and said: "There are still a few days to be the birthday of the fourth king. Why don't the girls stay for a glass of wine, and let Ruoyi express her heart, how is it?"

Mu Xiyue was embarrassed, sweeping the expressionless face of Long Yinfeng, silently, and even Ruoyi said: "Yes, Miss Mu Xiyue, Yun's birthday is coming, after his birthday, I Will never leave you again. "

With a slight sigh, he met with the gaze that even Ruoxi looked forward to, and said, "Well, I'd like to say goodbye to Master."

"It's so good." Ling Jihua clapped her hands and smiled.

"It was late at night, and some of you chatted slowly. Mu Xiyue retired first." Qing turned around and walked out of the house, taking away a few lines of inquiry, and also taken away the sadness.

Out of Lvyiyuan, looking up at the shining starry sky, there was a melancholy breeze blowing around me, and the bleak start, the hair on his shoulders fluttered indiscriminately.

The day after tomorrow is the birth of Long Yinfeng, the main palace of the city will inevitably be extravagant. Beiyuan and Nanyuan are the two busiest yards. Under their skillful dress, the palace has already been full of joy.

In the morning, the harsh cicada sounds from outside the window woke up and rubbed his sleepy eyes to get up.

When the window sash was pushed open, a gust of hot air was on the way, and all I heard and heard was the breath of summer.

Qiu Lingding is here, a pot of water is steaming. Pack yourself up and look at some red, swollen hands and say to yourself: "It's time to go out."

The servants in the garden were arranging the bonsai for the birthday, sweeping their oblique eyes, all green.

"Yongye, Chentie has been sent out, but the old owner of Qiongran Mountain Villa is out of the house, so he is missing, so Chentie is not here." Song Bai respectfully reported the birthday, and Long Yinfeng walked quietly. listen.

"Is the Grand Prince and the Second Prince in the house?"

"The first prince is in the mansion. The second prince said he would buy something in the border city and return to the proud city, so he left the house." Song Bai said, not thinking that the pace of Long Yinfeng had stopped and almost hit.

Following Long Yinfeng's gaze, Mu Xiyue had just crossed the flower path and walked out of the house. Song Bai said quietly: "Miss Mu Xiyue always left early and returned late these two days. Panic. "

Long Yinfeng was stunned, leaving early and returning late? With her temperament, even if Feng Qing is not in the house, it is not so idle, saying, "How do you know that she will leave early and return late?"

Song Bai answered: "The other night, Miss Mu Xiyue came back late, and happened to let the old slave encounter her. She also saw her full hand injury. The old slave kindly gave her medicine. For a moment, basically these days. "

Jianmei slightly twisted and said, "Nothing is going on here for you. Go on."

"Yes, lord." Song Bo stooped and retreated.

Mu Xiyue left the house and turned towards the north of the city.

In the morning, the streets were just awake, the steamed buns and steamed buns, green fruits and vegetables are all beautiful scenery in the border city.

Mu Xiyue watched while walking, trying to keep these in mind, and it would take some effort to see it soon.

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