Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 557: bear

The blood spewing out of my mouth splashed far and far, like a piece of cinnabar, and it was beautiful and beautiful. I reached out and looked for the blood splashed on Luo Xun's face. I only felt that my eyes became blurred, even the strength of my speech. It's about to disappear: "Xun'er, you--you--are all right."

Luo Xun stunned there, forgot to blink his eyes, forgot everything, only the moment when he just admired the palm of the moon, he repeated in his mind constantly, "Mother-in-law." Shaoqing, a child's The voice bleakly sounded through the dark night sky.

"Mu Xiyue——" Long Yinfeng shouted with heartache, and immediately picked up the Rin Yuejian on the ground, forgetting the painful internal injury: "Ling Jihua, I want to smash you tens of thousands of corpses, ah ---"

A lion without eyes is like a deer with no horns. There is no danger at all. He diligently recognized the direction of Long Yinfeng, but the sound of the surrounding fight was too noisy, which confused his hearing and feet. Stepped on a knife, groped and picked it up, and chopped indiscriminately.

Long Yinfeng rushed at him with a sword like crazy, stab with one sword and one sword, extremely angry; with a sword one sword after another, he hated it very much. Ling Jihua can only protect himself to a minimum, but his initial ambition gradually passed away when he was infected with the unstoppable breath of Long Yinfeng.

With the knife in his hand, Long Yinfeng fell to the ground. Ling Jihua knew that he was in danger, and gave up his resistance, allowing Long Yinfeng's sword to pierce his body. "Hahaha—" Ling Jihua knelt down on the ground with a crazy smile, and the warm current flowing from the body was quietly sending away his life. At this time, he was more like a devil, a wraith, "Long Yinfeng, you Kill me, I ’m not afraid, nor will I be lonely, because you are accompanied by your most beloved woman on Huangquan Road, hahaha— "

Withdrawing the sword, he pierced the sword fiercely again and said, "You dream, I will not let Mu Xiyue die. You will never have this blessing."

Ling Jiehua still had a smug smile on his face, demonstrating that he was the real winner, even though he lost and died under the sword of Long Yinfeng.

Ling Jihua's party leader died and fled. After seeing Ling Jihua's death, he threw his helmet off his armor and knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

"Mother, mother, don't sleep, open your eyes and look at Xi'er." Luo Xi shook Mu Xiyue vigorously, tears on her small face.

"Xi'er, don't shake it, your mother will hurt." Luo Xun said, crying and pulling away Luo Xi's hand.

"Dad, why don't your mother look at Xi'er? Does she not want Xi'er? Is she dead?"

"Luoxi, you nonsense, I will hit you." Luo Xun said with tears in his anger, his inner worry was not overwhelmed by Luoxi.

Holding her in her arms, she was always so light in her memory. Even when she was pregnant, she didn't weigh much. Sad tears spread across the cheeks, and the heartache was overwhelmed. Oh my god, is there any way I can let her bear the pain?

"Xiyue, do you wake up or not, don't leave me and the child alone, don't we say that we need to hold hands and grow old?" Long Yinfeng said softly, and suddenly asked loudly, "Feng Qing Why haven't you come yet? "

"Emperor Qi Yu, General Feng has already invited him." The Yulin Army commander responded.

"Xiyue, please, don't leave me anymore, I can't stand a person living in the world thinking of you alone, that's too cruel." Tears dripped on Mu Xiyue's face, and slipped into his shirt again.

Mu Xiyue slowly opened her eyes, and dimly, she saw someone crying and raised her hand with difficulty, wanting to help him smooth out his wrinkled brows, Long Yinfeng held her hand tightly. On his face, he said excitedly: "I knew you wouldn't be so cruel, you wouldn't leave me and your children alone, and I wouldn't let me miss you alone."

A gulp of blood poured out, "Mum--" the two siblings cried.

Embracing her tightly, Long Yinfeng shivered and said: "Please hold on, Fengqing will come soon, you will be all right, all right."

"I'm afraid I'm afraid I can't live with each other--" The sight had disappeared, and my body seemed to sink into a dark abyss, and all voices were moving further and further away from myself.

The hand slipped from the warm palm of Long Yinfeng, and when it hung on the ground, the sound was as harsh as a drum, "No-."



The Yaxu Palace under the night light was brightly lit and almost dazzling, just like to keep that life hanging for a while.

The doctors at the Royal Hospital all knelt in the outer hall, leaning over in a panic, fearing that there was a missing head and they had to be separated from their bodies. They had seen Long Yinfeng anger, but if compared with the anger at this time, then his previous anger had to be described as gentle.

Mu Xiyue's pale face did not bring a trace of blood, and Long Yinfeng added three sets of silk quilts to her, which still did not make her cold body warm.

Feng Qing twisted her eyebrows for her pulse, her face dignified, her eyes overflowed with countless puzzles.

"Qing, how's it going?" Long Yinfeng asked softly, afraid to disturb him.

Feng Qing said: "It stands to reason that Ling Jihua's palm should be full of entry skills, Mu Xiyue is definitely mortal, but she still has a breath of breath, although weak, but careful recognition really can feel Arrived. "

He doesn't care about this, he just wants to know if Mu Xiyue can be safe: "Do you mean she is still alive?"

Feng cleared his jaw, but failed to unwind his melancholy. "I don't understand the reason why that breath is still there, so I dare not make a judgment. Maybe there is this moment, the next moment--" He didn't want to say anything from his mouth. This is the second time that Mu Xiyue was angry in front of his eyes for the second time.

"Come here--" Long Yinfeng shouted suddenly outside the hall.

A bunch of court eunuchs came in: "The minions / servants are here."

"Go and prepare a comfortable carriage with a few silk quilts inside, go quickly--"


"Emperor, what are you doing?" Feng Qing asked in a puzzled way, but there was joy in his eyes. He knew that Long Yinfeng would not let Huamu Xiyue die, just as Huamu Xiyue couldn't bear Longyin. The wind is gone.

"I'm going to take her back to Vanishing Forest." Looking at her affectionately, holding her hand tightly, it seems to pass the temperature of your palm through Mu Xiyue to continue her fragile life.

A glimmer of hope flashed, but said sadly: "The proud imperial city has 20 days away from the border city, which includes the time for sleeping and sleeping halfway. , What will happen to Mu Xiyue at that time depends on the will of God. "

"We have to go back, too." Luo Xun pulled Luo Xi to the bed, said Long Yinfeng firmly.

"Well, we also have to go back, and the grandfather of the teacher can definitely cure the mother." Luo Xi wiped the tears on his cheeks.

Looking at Luo Xun, Long Yinfeng pulled him over: "Xun'er, do you know how to get into the lost forest?" After all, he was still a child and didn't want him to carry too much.

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