Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 107: : Two soul beasts are more powerful

In the blink of an eye, Yun Chen was running around the village with Godzilla.

"Brother, let's hurry up, I don't know what's going on with Lao Yue and the others," Yun Chen said worriedly as he ran.

at this time.

Suddenly Yun Chen paused, because he noticed that on a roof not far away, a dark shadow flashed by the moonlight.

"Huh? What is this?" Yun Chen raised his head and asked in surprise.

But before he could react, the dark shadow in the distance landed on a roof again, and then disappeared.

It's like being in the dark night.

Yun Chen is very curious who this shadow is, is it a human or a monster? Enemy or friend?


A thunderstorm fell again in the sky ahead.

Yun Chen didn't have time to think about what the black shadow was, and continued to raise his feet.

"Brother leave!"


After another ten minutes or so, Yun Chen finally brought Godzilla to the main entrance of the village.

At this time, the fighting here is quite fierce.

Ten students wandered around separately, and they attacked a marine monster at the same time in groups of two.

And Yue Boen was alone, with a copper-colored giant shield in front of him. Since he attracted most of the monsters, the huge phantom created by the giant shield was gradually weakening.

But I have to say that the juvenile mammoth, who is only level 7, is not afraid at all in the face of these low-level monsters of level 15.


The long elephant trunk slammed out, and immediately knocked out a highly poisonous monster crab.

Although the level is low, the defensive power of the soul beast of the epic level is super strong, and it is matched with the lightning attack of the Thunder War Leopard on the side.

The two soul beasts were born in the densely packed group of monster beasts, fighting their way out.

"Boss, go and help!" Yun Chen said decisively after reading the general situation.

Due to the lack of experience during the instantaneous evolution, and Godzilla will enter a long-term weak state after the effect is removed, so Yun Chen does not consider using this trick until the critical time!


After receiving the order, Godzilla shook his tail, raised his big feet and charged forward.

When you come to the juvenile mammoth, you roll in place.

Back Slash!

The sharp back shone with light.

In an instant, five or six highly poisonous monster crabs were beheaded.

After standing up straight from the ground, countless pairs of giant pincers attacked it.

But unfortunately, Godzilla's hard skin is not something that these little guys can't break through.


Godzilla roared, and then his tail swung outward.


In an instant, the five or six highly poisonous monster crabs behind him were swept away.

Before landing, the Thunder Panther turned into a bolt of lightning, killing them all in the air.

Whoosh whoosh!

I saw a blue electric light flashing in the air.

[Because your pet Godzilla killed a poisonous crab, gain 5 experience points]

[Because your pet Godzilla killed a poisonous crab, gain 5 experience points]



Glancing at the virtual screen that was swiping, Yun Chen decisively charged up with the Shadow Wind Blade in hand.

"Old Yue, let me help you!"

While speaking, the Shadow Wind Blade swung forward fiercely.


The two-meter-high black light wave swept forward in an instant, and all the sea monsters in a straight line were cut into two pieces.

at this time.

Suddenly, a shell-like sea monster appeared on the ground, the size of an adult.

The two huge shells immediately closed together and locked Yun Chen in the shells.

Seeing this scene, many students panicked.


Just when their voices came out of their mouths, bursts of cold air emanated from the gaps in the two-meter-high shells.

It's like the door of the refrigerator is not closed tightly.

Immediately afterwards, the solid shells were covered with layers of ice patterns visible to the naked eye.


In an instant, there was a loud noise, and the shell that wrapped Yun Chen was like an explosion, and the fragments were splashed around.

"Play this trick with me?" Yun Chen sneered.

At this time, all the soul tools on his body have been revealed.

He was dressed in a silver robe, with two frost-spitting dragon heads on his shoulders.

Holding a shadow wind knife, the light blue cloak on the back blew in the wind.

"Oh my God!"

"The principal's outfit is too handsome!"

"It's good to be the principal, he's handsome and invincible!"

The pupils' eyes twinkled with envy and admiration.

Soon Yun Chen came to Yue Boen's side and said.

"Old Yue, are you alright!"

Yue Boen's arms bulged with blue veins, and violently pushed the copper-colored giant shield in front of him.


More than a dozen highly poisonous monster crabs were immediately knocked out.

After getting a chance to breathe, Yue Boen took a deep breath and said, "I'm okay, I just want to scold my mother!"

"Huh? Why?" Yun Chen said, then waved the Shadow Wind Sabre twice in a row.


Two black light waves formed a fork shape and whizzed forward.

"It was fine, but suddenly a group of silly beastmasters came, attracted these monsters, and ran away, Mr. Cao Te, let me catch them, I must **** these grandchildren alive!" Yue Boen said angrily.

This made Yun Chen laugh too.

Because the group of grandsons in Lao Yue's mouth have become the souls of his own sword.

But now is not the time to talk about this, so Yun Chen pulled the topic away.

"Old Yue, I just checked, these monsters are not high level, let's work together to clear them up as soon as possible, otherwise the movement will continue for too long, and I'm afraid it will be bad to attract high-level monsters!"

"Okay, Principal, if you join the battle, I don't need to be tied up."

While speaking, Yue Boen violently pushed the huge shield in his hand.


Like a wall collapsing, several highly poisonous monster crabs were instantly crushed to death.

When the phantom on the shield disappeared, Yue Boen bent down to pick it up again, and then threw it forward sharply.


The shield is like a flying prop, and it roars and flies forward.

At this moment, Yun Chen was suddenly attacked by a monster on his back.

In an instant, the cloak stunt was triggered, and the body turned into a blue light.

After disappearing in place, it appeared again ten meters away, holding the Shadow Wind Blade and sweeping away thousands of troops with one blow.


I saw green blood flying.

On the other side, the two soul beasts, the young Godzilla and the young mammoth, seemed to be getting better.

Especially the juvenile mammoth, seeing Godzilla's back slash with such powerful lethality, even wanted to try it himself.


I saw that the body fell sideways, not only did not turn over, but the ground shook the dust flying.

But what's amazing is that two highly poisonous monster crabs were crushed to death by its body the size of a small wild boar.


Godzilla roared twice, as if to say, don't imitate brother, brother is just a legend!

While speaking, the stout tail swept again.


The two poisonous crabs behind them were knocked out.

The young mammoth stood up, as if stimulated, and stomped the ground with its thick soles.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, all the cracks appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the head lowered, and the tail swayed left and right like a broom.


After the juvenile mammoth let out a roar, the body slammed into the front...

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