Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 109: : The cunning jellyfish!

At this moment, Xue Xiaoying, who was sitting on the rock, was raising her little hand in front of her mouth and sighing.

But at this moment, she was alert and immediately felt footsteps appear.


"it's me"

The ever-changing jellyfish transformed into Yunchen's appearance came out of the night in the village.

Seeing its appearance, Xue Xiaoying put down her heart: "It turns out to be yours, didn't you just go to dig a hole with the soul beast?"

The ever-changing jellyfish approached Xue Xiaoying with a smile while glancing at the sleeping students nearby.

"Just leave it to the soul beast, I suddenly thought of something I want to tell you."

This made Xue Xiaoying a little puzzled: "Huh? What's the matter?"

"Don't worry, I'll come and tell you"

The ever-changing jellyfish continued to lift its feet and walked forward while talking, and its arm hidden on the back was now wrapped in layers of highly toxic liquid!

Xue Xiaoying nodded, but didn't think much about it at first.

But when he saw that the Variety Jellyfish was only ten meters away from him, he suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong with your leg?"

"Huh? My legs are fine." Variety Jellyfish chuckled, but continued to walk forward.

However, the more Xue Xiaoying looked at each other's walking posture, the more wrong it became.

Attentive, she quickly found out that something was wrong!

Although Variety Jellyfish deliberately kept himself walking normally, the more he walked like this, the more distorted his posture became.

"By the way, did Teacher Xu tell you about his situation?" Xue Xiaoying's small hand on the stone suddenly clenched tightly.

Her exclusive Horcrux harmonica has already appeared in the palm of her hand.

However, Variety Jellyfish didn't realize that this was deceiving himself, so he laughed casually.

"I haven't told me yet. I'll ask him later, but what I want to tell you is the key."

Hearing this, Xue Xiaoying suddenly sneered.

Immediately put the harmonica to his mouth, and then a pleasant sound came.

The Variety Jellyfish hadn't reacted, and suddenly felt that his legs were covered with a layer of cement, and then he couldn't move.


The students who were awakened also opened their eyes one after another.

When they saw that "Yunchen"'s legs were petrified, everyone was puzzled.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"Headmaster, what happened to him?"

Seeing all the students staring at him, Variety Jellyfish remained calm.

"You are..."

"Stop pretending, our academy doesn't have a teacher named Xu at all, who are you!" Xue Xiaoying said coldly after standing upright.

Hearing this, Variety Jellyfish knew that she had been exposed.

So he slammed the arm hidden in his back to the front.

In an instant, the arm turned into a green tentacle.

"It really is a monster!"

Xue Xiaoying responded quickly, and her body jumped to the left quite sensitively.

boom! ! !

The huge stone behind him was immediately shattered by the tentacles thrown by the ever-changing jellyfish.

"Start the fight!" Xue Xiaoying stood up and said immediately.

The students who were dumbfounded at first also reacted at this time.

That is not Yun Chen, but a demonic beast that can transform!


The flaming eagle squatting on the tree immediately flew into the air with its wings outstretched.

Then facing the ever-changing jellyfish on the ground, it was a sudden wave of wings.

A fire dragon with a thick fist swept down directly!


The Variety Jellyfish instantly showed its true appearance, a two-meter-high green jellyfish.

The body is covered with layers of green and faint venom, as long as it is stained with a little, no matter how strong the spirit power is, it will be poisoned immediately!

Mildly paralyzed.

Severely died on the spot!

"Everyone, be careful, don't get too close to this monster, the venom on it has a penetrating effect," Xue Xiaoying said quite experienced.

Seeing that he was surrounded by several soul beasts, and flames kept falling from the air.

The ever-changing jellyfish does not plan to fight.

The body swayed slightly in place, and immediately turned into a pool of green liquid.


Just flow to the side.

Xue Xiaoying also knew that this monster was not simple, and if she really wanted to take her own life, there might be casualties on her side, so she said decisively.

"Don't chase, our mission is to defend this village, let it run if it wants to run"

Hearing this, several students who were about to lift their feet only took a few steps back.

"What is the name of this monster, teacher?"

"Yeah, it's too exaggerated to even turn into a human figure, isn't it?"

"That's right, and he has also changed into the appearance of the principal. This IQ is so high."

Xue Xiaoying couldn't explain it at the moment, but she knew that she had to call Yue Boen at the main gate of the village.


After this episode.

In the blink of an eye another few quiet hours passed, as the sun rose above sea level.

Yun Chen also climbed up from the dry well.

"Huh, it's half done"

Sitting on the haystack beside him, looking at the three spirit beasts beside him, he smiled again: "You guys also have a little rest, it's all hard work"


My stomach was just a little hungry at this time, so Yun Chen thought about going to Xue Xiaoying's place to have some breakfast first.


Just when he came out of the village with three soul beasts.

The students at the back door immediately acted on guard.


"The monster is here again!"

Xue Xiaoying also frowned at this moment, but when she saw the three soul beasts behind Yun Chen, she let out a sigh of relief.

"He's the real headmaster"

After hearing this, the students put down their weapons and then showed apologetic expressions.

"Teacher, what's the situation? You don't know me after a few hours?" Yun Chen said speechlessly after approaching.

Xue Xiaoying was sitting in front of a pot, cooking instant noodles.

He wrote lightly: "Last night, a monster changed into your appearance and wanted to attack, but we drove away."

Yun Chen just sat down with his legs crossed, when he heard this, he was immediately stunned.

"Imagine into me?"

"Yes, the soul beast is quite cunning," Xue Xiaoying nodded and said.

After he finished speaking, he picked up the noodles, put them in a bowl, and handed them to Yun Chen.


Taking the bowl, Yun Chen frowned slightly. He suspected that this magical beast might be the black shadow he saw last night!

If Xue Xiaoying hadn't been careful, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Yun Chen was very afraid in his heart.

"Have you told Lao Yue about this?"

"Well, I called." Xue Xiaoying nodded and said.

Wen Yan Yunchen drank the noodle soup and smiled: "It's still a careful teacher."

"Don't praise me, but this monster is very cunning and has to be guarded," Xue Xiaoying said.

Yun Chen nodded: "Yes, wait for us to set an internal password here."


"Yes, it's fine if this monster doesn't dare to come back, but if it dares to come back, I'll let it come and go!" Yun Chen said with a mouthful of noodles.


Screen switching.

At this time, the battle situation outside Hushan City was still extremely fierce.

As the main battlefield, the dense army of monsters that can't see the edge is still attacking here like a flood.

hoo hoo hoo! !

A burst of roars, incessantly.

The fighter jets in the air whizzed past, constantly dropping missiles at the monster army.

boom! ! !

The fire was blazing and the dust was flying.

Countless beast masters, leading their respective soul beasts, charged forward!


"For Humanity!"

"For the home!"

This is their fifth time from yesterday to now, and they have charged the enemy.

But just when the atmosphere of the battlefield reached its peak, suddenly the whole earth was shaking.

boom! ! !

Countless beast masters and soldiers who were charging forward were almost shaken by the shock.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

In the distance, I saw a monster sea turtle, like a huge fortress, walking slowly.

Every time it landed, the ground shook violently.

However, this is not the end. On the shaking ground, a huge blue whale with four legs suddenly jumped out!

After the demonization, the huge body broke through the earth.

A burst of dust was splashed, and with its body shaking slightly, countless monsters and beastmasters were sent flying into the air.

"I... my God!"

"This... what is this!!"

When they saw the appearance of these two behemoths, everyone involved in the war was shocked.

Everyone raised their heads and swallowed and spit...

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