Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 134: : A monster pretending to be a ghost!

"Yes, it's convenient for you to tell me, do you have a commissioned task?" Yun Chen went directly to the topic on the phone.

"Principal Yun, to be honest, my entrusted task is quite complicated, why don't we tell it face to face?"

This made Yun Chen amused.

Everyone who issues a commission thinks their task is complicated.

"Okay, let's wait for the afternoon, let's meet and talk," Yun Chen said.

"Okay, how about we meet in the coffee shop of the Emgrand Hotel in the afternoon?" The voice came from the receiver again.

Yun Chen nodded: "Well, then we will meet and chat"

After a few simple words, he hung up the phone, and Yun Chen walked out of the room with a sigh of relief.

He also has to go to teach the students.

Time flickers.

In the blink of an eye, it was around four in the afternoon.

Yun Chen walked into a five-star hotel and took the elevator to the coffee shop on the sixth floor.

"Hello, welcome"

"Good afternoon, sir, how many?" the waitress greeted politely.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled slightly: "Look for someone"

After he finished speaking, he glanced around in the cafe, and soon found a young and beautiful woman sitting somewhere by the window.

So Yun Chen directly raised his foot and walked over.

"Excuse me, is that Miss Bai?"

Hearing this, Bai Ruolan raised her pretty face and said with a light smile, "Hello, is that Principal Yun?"

"Yes, it's me"

After confirming that the beauty was the client, Yun Chen pulled out the chair and sat opposite.

Looking at his handsome and immature face, Bai Ruolan smiled lightly.

"I still can't believe it was Principal Yun who took my order from you. I'm really flattered. To tell the truth, my sister is still your student."

Yun Chen was slightly taken aback by these words: "My student?"

"Yes, my sister's name is Bai Ruoxi" Bai Ruolan showed a charming smile on her pretty face.

"Oh, that's it, that's quite a coincidence." Yun Chen also followed with a smile.

Bai Ruolan fiddled with her hair and said again, "But since my parents divorced, I followed my mother and she followed my father, so we haven't been in touch for a long time."

Yun Chen nodded understandingly.

I love the school flower of my own academy, and there is such a beautiful and moving sister.

But he didn't come here to talk about the shortcoming of parents, so he went straight to the topic.

"Then Miss Bai, can you tell me what your mission is?"

Hearing this, Bai Ruolan smiled awkwardly, and found that she had indeed said too much.

"Okay, it's actually like this..."

Soon Yunchen learned that this young and beautiful woman was actually the president of this hotel!

The so-called Bai Fumei said that she was like this.

When Bai Ruoxi briefly explained the matter, Yun Chen frowned slightly.

"Your hotel is haunted?"

"No, no, you misunderstood, a supernatural event happened in a room on the 11th floor of our hotel," Bai Ruolan explained.

"Then it's no different from what I said," Yun Chen laughed.

"Okay, I can only say that Principal Yun's language ability is really strong." Bai Ruolan smiled awkwardly.

Yun Chen took a sip of coffee and muttered.

"It's really new, the beastmasters are still in charge of catching ghosts these days."

The voice was not loud, but Bai Ruolan heard it too, so she said, "But I don't believe that there are ghosts in this world. I guess the previous supernatural incident was done by monsters."

Yun Chen put down the cup and smiled: "Is there any surveillance video at that time?"

"There is one in the corridor, but we don't have surveillance in the guest room," Bai Ruolan explained.

Yun Chen nodded: "Okay, let me see the surveillance video in the corridor, I want to determine whether it is a monster or not."

You must know that monsters are absolutely not allowed to infiltrate human cities!

This is also the responsibility of every animal master!

Soon Yunchen took the mobile phone handed over by the other party, and then looked at the video above.

The picture is in the corridor on the eleventh floor of the hotel.

The time shows 1:15 am.


At this moment, a white shadow floated across the corridor, stopped in front of a door, and miraculously passed through the door and entered a certain guest room.



In the video, a couple in pajamas ran out of the room in a panic, shouting as they ran.

After watching the surveillance video, Yunchen asked, "When did this happen?"

"The night before yesterday," Bai Ruolan said truthfully.

Yun Chen nodded: "It's not a ghost, it's a cunning monster."

When she heard the word "monster", Bai Ruolan took a deep breath.

In the hearts of ordinary people, ghosts and monsters are equally terrifying!

Even thinking of the fact that there was a monster hidden in her hotel, Bai Ruolan felt her scalp go numb.

"Excuse me, how did you know for sure?" Bai Ruolan held back her fear and asked.

Yun Chen smiled lightly: "It's very simple. Judging from the surveillance video, there is some green liquid in the place where this white shadow floats, and when he entered the door, he turned himself into liquid and flowed in through the crack of the door."

"So that's the case, it's you Beast Masters majoring," Bai Ruolan nodded understandingly.

Yun Chen smiled, but muttered in his heart.


Why is this kind of magical beast again, and it has also infiltrated the human city.

A small number is fine, a large number is bad!

"However, this monster is very cunning, so its level will not be low, and it needs to be handled with care," Yun Chen said with a frown.

Bai Ruolan nodded hurriedly: "As long as this monster can be eliminated, our hotel will fully cooperate with you."

"Don't be so troublesome, please don't let customers stay in your guest rooms tonight, just leave a room for me and see if this monster will show up," Yun Chen said.

"Okay, I'll do it." Bai Ruolan nodded again.


Blink of an eye.

After eating a free meal in the hotel, Yun Chen came to the eleventh floor with a burp.


After swiping the room card, I walked into a room on the eleventh floor.

"Hey, my dear, this five-star hotel is of the highest grade, it's so clean, look at the big bed and the floor-to-ceiling windows."

Yun Chen stood in the guest room and glanced around, feeling very emotional.

After all, this is the first time I have stayed in a five-star hotel.

"If the college develops in the future, I must build the dormitory building like this!" Yun Chen said while rubbing his chin.

Although he seemed to be talking to himself, his eyes quickly scanned all the objects in the room.

After all, this monster is quite cunning and has a high level.

So it must be taken seriously, no one knows what it has turned into at the moment.

"Playing hide and seek? I like it," Yun Chen chuckled in his heart.

He pretended to stretch, then took off his T-shirt and walked to the bathroom beside him.


The shower sounded.

At this time, Yun Chen was sticking to the door panel, listening carefully to see if there was any movement outside.

"Since this monster likes to play tricks, it shouldn't show up so early, just wait"

After muttering, Yun Chen turned around and walked under the shower to take a comfortable shower.

But just as he was about to pour the body wash.


The bathroom door behind him was pushed open strangely...

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