Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 138: : It's ridiculous

"Damn, the monster that Yun Chen wants to kill, I won't let him kill it!" Ju Ming sneered.

He did one of the most taboo things in human law, that is, to rescue monsters!

But at this time, the anger and jealousy in his heart had already made him lose his mind.

So Ju Ming immediately turned around and found a cart nearby, and whispered.

"Hey, climb up if you don't want to die!"

The dying Moon Shadow Seal seemed to understand what he said. He slightly opened his evil eyes and glanced at Ju Ming.

He twisted his body quite cooperatively and climbed onto the cart.

Then Ju Ming raised the corner of his mouth, showing a smirk, turned around and pushed the cart away in the opposite direction.


the other side.

Yun Chen had already run to the street corner out of breath.

But still no trace of the Moon Shadow Seal was seen.

"Damn, won't let it slip away!" Yun Chen said slightly depressed.

After all, in such a dim night, finding a magical beast that can transform is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

not to mention.

On this street, there is an alley every ten meters, and it is impossible for Yun Chen to go in every alley.

This is not realistic!

"Huh, let's count its fate!" Yun Chen sighed softly.

After all, he has done everything he can, and let this cunning monster run away, so he can't do anything about it.

at this time.

Suddenly the ground shook slightly.


Yun Chen immediately turned around and found that the giant toad in the distance fell to the ground with a bang. It should have been unable to stand the crowd tactics and was hung up.

Thinking of this, he raised his foot and ran back.

After a few minutes.

When Yun Chen rushed back to the scene, the giant toad had already been eliminated, and his body seemed to be deflated, lying on the puddles of disgusting liquid.

A group of beastmasters nearby are in charge of cleaning up its corpse.

"Boss, is there something good in this monster?"

"Hoohoo!" Godzilla shook his head, as if to say no.

Yun Chen took a few steps forward and stretched out his head to look at it. It was true that there was nothing in the opened stomach except for the smashed internal organs.


It's a pity that such a high-level monster didn't reveal anything good.

"Hello, Principal Yun"

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing glasses came over. From the dark blue uniform he was wearing, it should be someone from the Beast Control Bureau.

But facing Yun Chen, he was also quite polite.

"Hello, is something wrong?" Yun Chen turned around and smiled.

The man with glasses also smiled: "It's not a big deal, it's just a routine, I want to know the ins and outs of the next incident."

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded understandingly, and then explained the specifics of the matter.

The man with glasses standing opposite nodded while recording.

But when he heard that there was an illusionary monster running away, his expression was startled.

"My God, there is still such a thing!"

"Yes, from what I know, the monsters that can transform are quite cunning, and they even have the IQ of humans, so this is no trivial matter."

After Yun Chen finished speaking, he added: "In addition, I estimate that there should be more than one monster that will be transformed into our Hushan City now!"

This made the man with glasses frown, he knew the seriousness of the situation.

"Thank you very much for the important information you provided, I will go back and report this matter to my superiors"

"It's okay, it should be, I also hope that the Beast Control Bureau will be ready to deal with it."

"Yes, then I won't disturb Principal Yun."


After watching the man with glasses get into the car and leave, Yun Chen didn't stay any longer.

After using the portal to send Godzilla back to the academy, he rode back to the Emgrand Hotel.

As for those shops that were knocked down by the giant clams, there was an insurance company to take care of the aftermath, and he didn't need to be responsible.

Blink of an eye.

When Yun Chen was riding a motorcycle, he just returned to the door of the hotel.

I saw Bai Ruolan come out with a smile on her pretty face.

"Principal Yun, you have worked hard"

Wen Yan Yunchen shook his head: "It's too hard to say, but it's a pity that the magical beast that can only be transformed escapes"

"I just read about this from the news. It has nothing to do with you. After all, a huge monster appeared on the street next door, and it would be very difficult to destroy it," Bai Ruolan said thoughtfully.

Yun Chen also smiled and nodded: "Well, thank you for understanding"

"Yes, Principal Yun, I have opened a new room for you. You can continue to rest in our hotel. As for your remuneration, I will let the financial remittance to you tomorrow morning," Bai Ruolan said with a smile.

These words made Yun Chen very embarrassed: "I didn't destroy that monster that only transforms, so I deserve this reward."

"It doesn't matter, after all, you have done a good job, and you have also eliminated a potential threat for our Hushan City, so I feel that this reward is too small." Bai Ruolan looked at Yun Chen with beautiful eyes, and smiled very politely. .

I've seen people talking about this, and I'm short of money now.

So Yun Chen smiled nonchalantly: "Well, if the monster still appears here in the future, Miss Bai can contact me at any time."

"Well, Principal Yun, I have already arranged a supper for you, please," Bai Ruolan said with a smile.

It happened that Yun Chen was also hungry after a battle, so he laughed.

"Then I'm welcome?"

"Please feel free." A charming smile appeared on Bai Ruolan's pretty face again.


The screen switches to an uninhabited area in the north of Hushan City.

At this time, on the rough road, a van drove over, but suddenly came to a sudden brake!


Ju Ming, who was sitting alone in the car, was a little more awake at this time.

He looked out of the car window to make sure that there was no one around, and then he took a deep breath.

"What the **** am I doing!" Ju Ming slapped himself.

You must know that saving a monster is a serious crime of treason!

If caught, you will be directly sentenced to death!

Sitting in the driver's seat of the van, he knew that there was still a chance to turn back now, that is, to kill the monster in the trunk now!

Otherwise, once an incident happens, he, including his family, will have to finish the game!

Thinking of this, Ju Ming gritted his teeth and opened the car door, then came to the back of the car with a nunchuck.


Lifting the trunk, the Moon Shadow Seal was curling up and lying inside.

Ju Ming clenched his nunchaku, his eyes full of killing intent.

But just as he was about to raise his nunchucks high, the dying Moon Shadow Seal suddenly opened his eyes.

"Don't... don't kill me, just... just leave me alive and let... let me do anything"

This monster could speak, which made Ju Ming stunned.

And what the other party said made him panic for a while.

"What the **** are you doing, and why do you still speak our human language?" Ju Ming said slightly in surprise.


The moon shadow seal has not finished speaking, and once again fainted weakly.

Seeing this scene, Ju Ming once again put down the nunchaku in his hand.

It seemed that the words that I could do anything made him excited.

Thinking of this, Ju Ming gritted his teeth and closed the trunk again, and then drove towards a factory that had been abandoned for a long time in front of him...

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