Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 146: : Known as a heartthrob?

Seeing Yun Chen speak so well, the two girls also showed their teeth.

"Thank you" with a smile

"No," Yun Chen said, and continued to raise his hand to chop the lobster.

Soon the two girls sat across from him and whispered.

"This guy is kinda handsome"

"Yeah, he's more handsome than the guys in our class anyway."

"Hehe, I think so too"

Perhaps because appearance is a matter of justice, after the two girls ordered their meal, they took the initiative to chat with Yun Chen.

"Handsome guy, are you alone?" The white sympathetic girl first broke the silence and said.

Wen Yan Yunchen raised his head and smiled: "Then am I a pig?"


This answer immediately caused the two girls in front of them to tremble while covering their small mouths and smiling.

"Handsome guy, you're so funny, you look at the same age as us, you should also be a student, right?" the white sympathetic girl said again.

Yun Chen smiled and said, "That's right, but it doesn't count."

Although he is now the head of the school, he is still a student of Teacher Xue.

This answer confused the two girls in front of them, but they didn't get too entangled.

The girl in the dress seemed to be interested in Yun Chen's indifferent attitude, so she laughed again.

"What college do you go to, handsome guy?"

"God's Pet Academy" Yun Chen took a bite of lobster meat and put it in his mouth, said casually.

After hearing the words "God Pet Academy", the two girls were stunned.

"Wow, you're actually from the Divine Pet Academy?"

"The principal of your college is a genius, I often see his news"

"Yes, yes, it is said that this Principal Yun is super handsome."

This made Yun Chen joking and said after drinking a sip of Coke.

"The rumor is true, he is really handsome"

"How handsome is he?"

"Yeah, is Peng Yuyan so handsome?"

Before the meeting, the two cared so much about their appearance, so Yun Chen smiled.

"It's hard to say how handsome, but he should be as handsome as me"

Hearing that, the two girls were amused again, covering their mouths and smiling.

"Haha, handsome guy, you are really narcissistic, but you are really handsome."

"Yes, if you want to be in our academy, you must be at the school grass level."

Yun Chen smiled and said, "Then which college are you from?"

"We are from the nearby Wind and Rain Beast Control Academy," said the girl in the dress.

"Oh, that's it." Yun Chen nodded understandingly.

The Wind and Rain Beast Control Academy is not as large as Mingde Academy, and its foundation is not as good as the Royal Academy.

It belongs to a well-established college in Hushan City.

I was eating barbecue and chatting when suddenly the lights came on on the stage in the middle of the barbecue city.

Yun Chen was attracted and turned around, his first reaction was, does anyone want to perform a show? Or sing a song?

I saw a man in a suit and dressed like an emcee walking onto the stage with a microphone.

"Dear customers, welcome to our seafood barbecue city. Tonight is the time for the weekly Yiwu Friendship Tournament."

As he finished speaking.

Countless customers around the room applauded.


“Finally something fun to watch”

"Haha, I'm here for this tonight, it's finally starting"

The emcee on the stage waved his hand, signaling the customers to be quiet first.

Then he smiled: "Regardless of whether they are new or old customers, they can participate in this competition. The rules remain unchanged until now. Customers who can become the champion tonight will not only get a week's free meal coupons in BBQ City, but also To have dinner with our beautiful boss Miao”

"A rare opportunity, everyone is welcome to sign up"

The voice fell, and the audience was boiling.

Countless customers were in an uproar for a while, as if they did not expect the benefits to be so good tonight!

I was even fortunate enough to have dinner with Boss Miao, who is known as a heartthrob.

It's really exciting to think about it!

After all, Yun Chen was here for the first time, so he was completely stunned.

He turned to look at the two girls in front of him who were also surprised, and asked.

"What's the situation?"

"Huh? Handsome guy, don't you know? This is one of the characteristics of Seafood BBQ City. Not only does it have delicious food, but it also prepares a wonderful arena for customers to watch. If you become the champion, you can eat here for a week for free. ' explained the girl in the dress.

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded understandingly.

No wonder it's so late, the barbecue city is still full of people, and the feelings are still lively.

I have to say that the owner here will do business.

"Oh, so, who is Boss Miao that the host said just now? Why is it that the customers here are like chicken blood when she mentions her?" Yun Chen asked incomprehensibly.

Hearing this, the two girls in front of them were stunned again, and their eyes looked like aliens.

"Isn't it? Handsome guy, you've never been to Seafood BBQ City, but you haven't even heard of Boss Miao?"

Yun Chen smiled: "Well, I have little knowledge. I used to be active in the north of the city, and rarely come to the urban area."

"Oh, that's no wonder. Principal Yun in the north of the city is famous, but Boss Miao is also very famous in the city. She is the big boss of this barbecue city."

"Yes, yes, Boss Miao is not only powerful and powerful, but also extremely beautiful, known as the existence of a heartthrob!"

When the two girls finished speaking, their eyes showed longing and admiration.

The more Yun Chen listened to it, the more interesting it became, and then he smiled and said, "Wonderful? Is it a bit exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration at all, you can see the reaction of the customers here," said the girl in the dress, shaking her head.

He doesn't seem to want his idol to be questioned.

Wen Yan Yunchen smiled and did not hold back, but in his heart he became more and more curious about this boss Miao.


How beautiful is that?

Just out of curiosity, a row of guardrails suddenly appeared on the stage ahead.


The sound of metal rubbing can be heard.

In the blink of an eye, the stage instantly turned into a ten-meter-long and ten-meter-wide arena.

"Very good, two customers have already signed up, so we have invited them to the stage now!"

After the master of ceremonies finished speaking.

I saw two men walking into the ring side by side.

One is fatter and the other is skinny like a monkey, forming a great contrast in body shape.

When the two stood in the middle of the ring, the emcee stepped forward with a microphone.

"Can you two introduce yourself first?"

The fat man took the microphone with a naive smile on his fat face.

"Hello everyone, I'm from the Qingfeng Beast Control Group. I was just here for a late night snack, but if I'm fortunate enough to have dinner with Boss Miao, I'd like to give it a try!"

The emcee nodded, then retracted the microphone and handed it to the skinny monkey man.

"Can you introduce yourself?"

"I'm a loose human beast master, and I don't work for any animal control group." After saying this, the skinny monkey man turned around and shouted in a certain direction.

"Boss Miao, I love you, you are my goddess!"

After saying this, the customers sitting under the ring raised their middle fingers.


"Boss Miao, can you defile it? Get out of here!"

"Don't say anything useless, show your skills!"



Hearing the discordant voice below, the male emcee smiled and took two steps back.

"Okay, I count to three, and tonight's arena officially starts!"

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