Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 166: : What's wrong with this?

After listening to the narrator's introduction to the rules, Yun Chen also looked forward with interest.

Is dissecting a monster's body so complicated?

He used to dissect with a dagger before, and then he was only responsible for seeing if there were any monsters and spirits, and he didn't care about anything else.

Think about it this way.

Are you wasting too much?

There is a feeling of eating crabs and only eating crab legs.

"All participating students, take your place!" The referee's whistle sounded.

The second competition project has officially started!

However, this time the comparison was based on carefulness and anatomical techniques, so it was quite quiet in the stands, and everyone silently cheered on the contestants of their own academies in their hearts!

As the big screen in the gym lights up, all students, including Yun Chen, can clearly see the movements of each contestant.

"My God, they're so fast."

"Yeah, the action is really neat"

"Look, Hu Lanlan of the Divine Pet Academy, she didn't use a dagger but a pair of scissors!"

"Yes, yes, I saw it too, and have you noticed that there is no blood on her hands?"

A group of students were whispering in the stands, and Yun Chen also watched with great interest.

This Hu Lanlan's anatomy is really skilled!

I saw that one hand was holding the beast ant corpse, and the other hand was holding scissors, as if performing an operation, easily and skillfully cut open the beast ant's abdomen.


At this moment, the contestant of the Wind and Rain Academy on the next table also successfully cut the belly of the beast ant with a dagger.

But the strength was not well controlled, and the internal organs flowed out in an instant.

"Zhao Rui from Wind and Rain College, the autopsy failed!"

Hearing the referee's words, the student sighed in frustration, then turned around and walked out of the arena.

at the same time.

The other contestants have already started searching within their respective beast ants.

A pearl, a silver needle, etc., are all very small objects.

Everyone had a serious expression, their eyes fixed on the inside of the corpse, looking for objects they felt could be used.

Especially when one contestant took out a one-yuan coin from the beast ant's corpse, Yun Chen was completely stunned.

"I'll go inside! Principal Lu, is there still a steel scorpion growing inside the monster's body?"

After saying this, Tian Dashan also smiled.

"It's nothing, I just saw the boys in our college find two dice from the abdomen of the beast ant."


Lu Chenglong on the side smiled awkwardly: "These gadgets are worthless, I can't really put some spirits of monsters in it, right? If someone accidentally damaged it, it would be a waste, right?"

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded understandingly.

Yes, after all, the spirits of monsters are equivalent to Horcruxes, which are very valuable things.


"Li Chun of the Royal Academy damaged the usable object, and the judgment failed!"

A tall boy immediately explained to the referee, "I didn't know this dice was considered a usable object, so I just threw it away."

The referee shook his head: "This counts as well"

"Halo, that's fine too!"

The tall boy from the Royal Academy, with a rather speechless expression, turned away with a flick of his hand.

Another few minutes passed.

Looking at the table of each contestant, a lot of recyclable objects have been piled up.

The referee whistled again: "Sun Cheng from Jiuhe College, because he took out the useless objects from the beast ants, the judgment failed!"

that's all.

Another contestant was eliminated.

Yun Chen frowned slightly at this time, he felt that this rule was unreasonable, and even he would probably have made it unintentionally.

Looking at Hu Lanlan in her own academy, the little girl once again took out a small object from the beast ant.

"I finished"

"I'm done too!"

When Hu Lanlan raised his hand, the contestants of Mingde College beside him also said at the same time.

The two seem to have completed the test content at the same time.

"This is interesting. Two contestants finished at the same time, so who is the first?" Tian Dashan said with a smile while drinking tea.

Yun Chen smiled: "What do you think, Principal Lu?"

Lu Chenglong was also very embarrassed at the moment, and he did not expect such a coincidence to happen.

It was a coincidence that two contestants completed the competition at the same time!

So he smiled awkwardly: "How about, these two are tied for first place?"

"Three principals, I have something to say," Hu Lanlan suddenly said to the judges' platform.

Wen Yan Yunchen nodded: "Well, tell me."

"That's it, the ant corpse I dissected can be spliced ​​and restored."

After Hu Lanlan finished speaking.

I saw that she raised her hands, lifted the beast ant corpse on the table, and placed it on the ground.


Except for the tiny slit in the abdomen that was cut by scissors, this corpse was completely as if it had never been passive.

On the other hand, the contestant of Mingde Academy, the beast ant corpse on his table has been cut and mutilated by a dagger. It is impossible to achieve the effect of recovery!

Therefore, in terms of anatomical techniques, who is more powerful is immediately revealed.

"So that's the case. No wonder you used scissors to dissect the corpse. This way, the corpse can be better preserved and made into a specimen," Yun Chen commented with a smile.

After speaking, he turned his face to the dazed Lu Chenglong, and continued to smile: "So, this corpse is also a recyclable object, isn't it?"

Lu Chenglong and Tian Dashan think it makes sense.

"Okay, I announce that the first place in this competition is Hu Lanlan from the Divine Pet Academy."

Hear this.

Hu Lanlan jumped up happily.

She felt extremely satisfied to be able to win honors for her college and honor her beloved principal.

Seeing this little girl's happy appearance, Yun Chen also gave a thumbs up.

"Good job!"

"Hee hee, Principal, I will continue to work hard," Hu Lanlan said, her face flushed slightly.

After taking a deep breath, he said again, "Principal, can I ask you for a reward?"

Hearing this, Yun Chen also laughed: "Huh? What reward do you want? Is it also a Horcrux?"

"I don't want the Horcrux anymore, and it's a waste to use it for me. In fact, what I want more is to give you a hug? Principal?" Hu Lanlan said nervously with a blushing face.

Yun Chen is now the idol of many boys and girls in Hushan City.

A legendary boy with countless halos, and he looks handsome!

Especially after the defense of Hushan, he became a national hero!

Just when the little girl Hu Lanlan was extremely nervous, Yun Chen generously walked down from the judge's platform.

He smiled and said, "Why not?"

As he finished speaking, the originally quiet gymnasium burst once again.

The stand was boiling for a while, and even many people showed envious expressions...

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