Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 205: : Slap dry and wake up

At this time, Li Yang also noticed all this, but a group of people in front of him had already regarded him as a thorn in his side.

"kill him!"

"If you dare to stop us from making a fortune, kill him!"


A group of beastmasters let out low roars, and then rushed towards Li Yang like crazy.

Everyone exudes a strong murderous aura!

And Yun Chen, who had been standing at the corner of the corridor, also decided to take action.

It's hard to find someone who is sensible and sober, and he has to find a way to keep it!


A golden bow appeared in his hand, and then he lifted it and aimed at the front.


A fist thick flame swept towards the crowd.

Just when Li Yang was about to be buried by the crowd, a huge dragon claw suddenly appeared in the sky.


With the swaying of the flame dragon claw.

A group of irrational beast masters were instantly blown up.

Standing in the corner, Yun Chen whistled and waved at Li Yang.

"This way!"

Seeing a young man beckoning to him not far away, Li Yang was also slightly taken aback.

But I didn't want to think so much, and hurriedly trotted over.

Under the cover of two flames, he finally ran smoothly to the corner of the corridor on the third floor.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

Li Yang took a deep breath, he was no longer as calm as when he was in command of the battle.

After swallowing his saliva, he thanked him, "Thank you, little brother. If it wasn't for your help, I would have been thrown from the third floor by these people."

Yun Chen smiled and shook his head: "You're welcome, these people have already lost their minds, even demonized, so there is no need to talk to them."

"Yes, I also found out, now everyone in the castle is crazy, they only have treasure in their eyes"

After speaking, Li Yang looked at Yun Chen again, and then said with emotion: "Little brother, you are very firm, aren't you confused by these gold and silver jewels?"

Yunchen still smiled unabated: "It's not because I am so firm, but I have seen real treasures, so in comparison, I find that everything here is fake."

This made Li Yang's expression stunned.

Ever seen a real treasure?

Taking another look at the golden dragon bow in Yun Chen's hand, he instantly thought that the other party was a son of a wealthy family.


at this time.

An ice spear shot directly.

Wiping Yun Chen's bangs, he bombarded the wall behind him.

"No, this group of people has now regarded us as aliens, we have to hide first!" Yun Chen said after reacting.

There are too many beastmasters if there are gradually demons here.

So Yun Chen knew that even if Godzilla was summoned, he would still be outnumbered!

At present, we have to find a way to hide first, see the situation clearly, and then make plans.

"Okay, let's run up!"

In this way, Yun Chen and Li Yang turned around and ran to the fourth floor of the castle.

But it was only after I came up that I found out that this place had already been preemptively occupied by the Beast Control Group and some scattered beast control masters.

Even in order to **** the treasure, the two gangs have already died!


A beast master was cut off his neck in an instant.

"Whoever dares to rob our animal control group, this is the end!"

A man with a big axe said arrogantly, but before he could finish speaking, an arrow was hit in the chest.

"Go to Nima, what is your animal control group?"

"Brothers, hurry up and grab it!"

The two gangs had already killed their red eyes, but Yun Chen unexpectedly found a slightly fat figure in the crowd.

I saw Wang Xiang holding two gold bricks in his arms, and also participating in the battle with a hammer in one hand.


After knocking over a person with a hammer, he was about to pick up the items dropped by the other person, but at this moment a figure appeared behind him, giving him a kick in the back.

"go away!"

Wang Xiang couldn't react in time, and his body was kicked two meters away in an instant, and then fell heavily to the ground.

But at the same time, the two gold bricks in his arms also fell.

"Grass! My golden bricks!"

"Don't steal it!"

Wang Xiang gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, Yun Chen noticed that his blood-red eyes were gradually becoming clearer.

Seemingly aware of the clue, Yun Chen said: "Let's help Captain Li, let's go and drag that fat man over together!"

"He?" Li Yang asked, pointing to Wang Xiang who was sitting softly on the ground not far away.

"Yes, it's him!"


While speaking, the two of them jumped out at the same time.

Li Yang's strength is not weak, and he is very flexible when walking in the chaotic crowd.

Not to mention Yunchen, he is simply a monkey!

In the blink of an eye.

The two came to Wang Xiang's side one after the other, lifted him up involuntarily, and took him away.

"What are you doing!"

"Don't drag me, that's my golden brick!"

Although Wang Xiang was lifted up, he still did not come out of his greed, his eyes fixed on his two gold bricks that had been put into other people's pockets!

Soon, Yun Chen and Li Yang carried Wang Xiang to the corner.

"Brother Wang, wake up." Yun Chen crouched down and said.

But at this time, Wang Xiang's expression was extremely excited, and he clenched his fists and was about to stand up.

"What are you doing? Don't get in my way!"

Li Yang, who was standing aside, sighed lightly: "It seems useless, he still hasn't come out of his greed!"

Yun Chen also nodded, raising his arm and slapped him in the face.

It slammed heavily on Wang Xiang's fat face.


The sound is crisp and loud!

But don't say, after being slapped, Wang Xiang's expression froze for a moment, and then his body followed suit.


"what's the situation?"

Seeing that his consciousness seemed to recover, Yun Chen let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it's still good to slap in the face"

Wang Xiang covered his face with one hand, and said in a dazed way, "What's going on here, brother? Hey, Captain Li, why are you here?"

"You just killed the red eye just to grab the gold bricks," Yun Chen said with a smile.

This made Wang Xiang's expression even more dazed, and hurriedly shook his head.

"How is that possible, Brother Yun, stop joking with me, I'm such an easy-going person, how can I..."

The words hadn't finished yet, as if he had thought of something.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "No, it shouldn't be, did I just do that?"

Yun Chen looked at his blank expression, stood up and said.

"Captain Li, as I thought, these so-called antiques of gold and silver jewelry, famous paintings, have a special ability. As long as you grab them, they will confuse your mind, and even if you grab too much, they will become demonic!"

Li Yang nodded and agreed with Yun Chen's words.

"Yes, so all of this can be explained, but it's useless for us to know, and everyone here has been confused. How can this be done?"

Yun Chen touched his chin and said, "These people don't need us to worry, and what we have to do is to find out the monster that is sitting in this secret realm, and after it is eliminated, the secret realm will also disappear, and then these people will return to normal. "

"It makes sense." Li Yang nodded again, and added: "Just where will this beast be?"

Wen Yan Yunchen also thought about it, and then smiled.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be on top!"

"Up above?"

Li Yang and Wang Xiang muttered together, and at the same time raised their heads to look at the ceiling on the fourth floor.

They said in unison, "You mean at the top of the castle?"

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