Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 255: : Really curious baby

"Wow, Chairman Qiu is here"

"Yeah, why did she come to our No. 2 canteen?"

"Chairman Qiu is still pretty, he's so temperamental."

"I wish I could be as beautiful as Chairman Qiu"

A group of girls all showed expressions of envy and reverence.

And Qiu Yaoyao, who strolled into the cafeteria, was accustomed to this kind of gaze.

Mei Mu glanced around in the cafeteria and quickly locked onto a certain boy.

"Huh? Is this guy here too?"

Qiu Yaoyao's pretty face was stunned for a moment, but soon when Yun Chen also looked at her, a sneer appeared on her pretty face.

Nothing was said.

Very coldly, he turned and walked to the spiral staircase beside him.

Yun Chen also looked at Qian Ying who was gradually going upstairs, and muttered in his heart.

"Sure enough, it's the same as the photo, she is indeed a big beauty"

fair enough.

Finally seeing myself, then tonight's plan can be more effective.

Just when Yun Chen was about to withdraw his gaze, Le Yue had already walked to his side.

The pure white hand patted the dining table and said, "Hey!"

"Why?" Yun Chen raised his head and smiled.

For some reason, this bright smile made Le Yue's scalp tingle, and she seemed to think of last night's scene again.

So I felt panic and fear in my heart, and even a little blushing.

"Then what, sister Yaoyao asked you to go up to the second floor"

When she said this, Le Yue was a little afraid to meet Yun Chen's eyes.

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with letting me go to the second floor?"

"Don't ask so many questions, if sister Yaoyao asks you to go up, go up obediently," Le Yue said, frowning her eyebrows.

But Yun Chen shrugged: "If she wants to tell me anything, just let her down."

"Oh, it's interesting, you are so arrogant, dare to talk to Sister Yaoyao like that" Le Yue sneered and said.

This made Yun Chen unconsciously smile: "What? Can she still eat people?"

"Okay, then let's go and see"

Le Yue glared angrily, then turned and walked away.

Looking at her back gradually walking away, the corner of Yun Chen's mouth raised slightly.

"I really don't remember to eat or fight. I just taught her a lesson last night, and now I'm not big or small."

Quick kung fu.

Wang Shiqi came over with two lunch boxes.

"I don't even know what you like to eat, so just take two servings. Do you think it suits your taste?"

Yun Chen took a lunch box and said with a smile, "It's good, I'll transfer the meal fee to you later."

"It's alright, we're all classmates, it's just a meal," Wang Shiqi smiled with a pair of small tiger teeth.

Soon the two sat opposite each other and started eating.

Yun Chen just happened to be hungry, and his personality was carefree, so he had nothing to say.

In contrast to him, Wang Shiqi eats gracefully and swallows slowly.

"Eat slowly, if it's not enough, I can give it to you," Wang Shiqi said with a blushing face.

Yun Chen, who was pulling the rice, smiled and shook his head.

"Enough is enough"

Wang Shiqi was also very happy to see him eating so happily.

With a smile on her pretty face, she asked curiously, "Student Yunchen, have you really seen Godzilla?"

Wen Yan Yunchen raised his head: "Huh? Why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious. I really didn't dare to think about it before, that someone could summon such a behemoth." Wang Shiqi's eyes twinkled with stars.

It seems to think that the picture is too shocking.

Seeing that she was so curious about her brother, Yun Chen smiled and said, "Actually, the Godzilla I saw wasn't too big, it was just a teenager."

"Youth form? How big is that?" Wang Shiqi continued to ask.

Yun Chen raised his hand and pointed to the front door of the canteen, then smiled.

"It's about as tall as the big tree at the door."

"Wow, the youth form is so high? It's amazing, it is indeed God's favorite Godzilla" Wang Shiqi's small face showed an expression of admiration.

It's like listening to a fairy tale.

"The owner of Godzilla should also be a very great animal master, right?"

These words made Yun Chen smile unconsciously. How should he comment on himself?

After pondering for a while, he said, "It's amazing, I can't say it, but it looks very handsome."

"He looks handsome? So how handsome is he?" Wang Shiqi asked again.

Like a curious baby.

"How handsome? It's hard to say, I'm probably as handsome as me," Yun Chen said with a cheeky smile.

The voice fell.

Wang Shiqi, who was sitting across from the dining table, immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

"Student Yunchen, you are so humorous"


Aren't I handsome, man?

Yun Chen gave an embarrassed smile: "Okay, then treat it as if I didn't say it."

"No, in fact, classmate Yunchen, you are really handsome, and you are more handsome than the boys who were transferred before," Wang Shiqi said hurriedly.

Afraid that the other party will be unhappy.

Wen Yan Yunchen grinned: "I love hearing this"

Seeing that he was not angry, Wang Shiqi blushed and continued, "Student Yunchen, you are from Hushan City, have you seen other powerful soul beasts?"

At this time, Yun Chen was almost finished eating. After all, if someone invites you to lunch, then it's okay to chat more.

Putting down his chopsticks, he said, "My pet, I have seen one, but I have also seen a dream-level soul beast, a crane."

"Crane? Or a dream-like one? Wow, that's amazing." Wang Shiqi was excited again.

Seeing her expression, Yun Chen smiled secretly.

The students here are really rare in the world.

In Hushan City, the dream-level soul beasts are afraid to say that they are all over the street, but if you are lucky, there will be one every few years.

"Oh, yes, there is also an epic juvenile mammoth, I have seen it too," Yun Chen laughed.

"Epic-level soul beasts? Then we have them too, but only two or three." This time, Wang Shiqi didn't seem too surprised.

Yun Chen nodded understandingly: "If it is the most special soul beast, I have seen a frost bone dragon from abroad, and I can't judge the rank."

Hearing that, Wang Shiqi's pretty face was stunned again.

"Wow, classmate Yunchen, you've seen a lot, even foreign spirit beasts? It's amazing."

"It's okay, I've only been fortunate enough to see it once, but that bone dragon really impressed me a lot," Yun Chen said with a smile.

The opposite Wang Shiqi put down her chopsticks and chuckled lightly.

"No matter how powerful it is, it can't be more powerful than God's favorite Godzilla, right?"

This made Yun Chen really difficult to answer.

Because of that contest, my brother didn't have the upper hand.

Although there is a relationship of rank suppression, if the rank is really the same, Yun Chen has no idea whether he can defeat that special bone dragon.

The key is that Frost Bone Dragon, Yun Chen can't see all its information, including its rank!


In the blink of an eye, it was evening, after the end of the day's lessons.

Yun Chen returned to the RV alone with a small schoolbag on his back.

Taking a sip of iced Coke, he glanced at the time on his phone.

"Wait two more hours and start tonight's action!"

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