Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 269: : You will pay for everything you do

Especially when he saw Le Yue sitting on the sofa, he clenched his fists even more, clenching his teeth, showing the appearance of wanting to eat people!

"Mary's next door! It's them!"

The man behind him also strode over: "What's the matter? What are you looking at, kid?"

"Brother, when I was at Baihua Academy, I was bullied by these girls!" The yellow-haired boy said with anger in his eyes.

One can imagine the humiliation he suffered in Hundred Flowers Academy at that time!

"Are you serious? Are these girls the ones who kicked you out of the academy?" The man behind him said with a serious expression.

His name is Gao Yong, the cousin of the yellow-haired youth.

In a relatively well-known animal control group nearby, he served as the team leader.

When his cousin was bullied before, he also thought about helping out.

However, the Education Bureau of Hongye City stipulated that the animal masters in the society were not allowed to enter the academy to make trouble.

So he was just helpless.

But now it's different, these girls who bullied their cousins ​​have left the academy, so he has to ask for an explanation for his relatives!

"It's them, I remember them all turned into ashes, especially that squad leader Le Yue, who was the worst for me at the beginning!"

After speaking, the yellow-haired youth's eyes were wet and he said aggrieved.

"Cousin, you have to be so nasty for me. If these girls didn't bully me all day, I wouldn't have dropped out of school less than half a month after transferring."

Seeing him talking, he started to cry, and Gao Yong cursed loudly.

"Cry Nima's cry, can you be a little bit better!"

Watching his cousin wipe his eyes aggrieved, Gao Yong was still a little soft-hearted.

Take a deep breath and look up at the box number.

"Let's go back to our box first, and wait for my cousin to come forward for you!"

This remark made the yellow-haired youth happy.

"Really? Cousin, will you avenge me later?"

"Of course, these are just young girls. If I saw me on the street, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to them, but since I bullied you, then I should teach them a lesson!"

After Gao Yong finished speaking, he turned around and left with a sneer.

The yellow-haired youth wiped his eyes and smiled viciously at the man in the box.

"Wait, you bastards, you have to pay back what you have done!"


Now in the box.

The girls still don't know that they are in a great disaster.

After seeing Yun Chen's singing, I was also very disappointed, because this guy pretended to be there again, it's really hateful!

"Hey, Yunchen, you can't sing?"

"That's right, you can really pretend!"

Yun Chen put down the microphone and said with a smile, "Is there? I don't think it's good enough to sing."

Seeing him so proud, Le Yue said aloud at this time.

"Since you think you can't sing well, don't sing, let's have a bar"

This made Yun Chen joking, sitting on the sofa and chuckling lightly.

"Drinking? Wouldn't you want to drink medicine in wine again?"

With that said.

There were several girls in the box who blushed because they recalled the scene when they were exposed by Yunchen.

"You're thinking too much. I just said that tonight we'll stop fighting for one night, just sing and drink, why? Can't drink enough?" Le Yue said with a blushing face.

Yun Chen nodded indifferently.

"Okay, just drink if you want, I'll accompany you"

"Okay, have fun!"

After saying this, Le Yue opened a bottle of beer and handed it over.

"Then let's play dice and drink, whoever loses will get a cup"

Wang Yali also sat down at this time, and then said: "Add me one"

Seeing the confident looks of the two girls, Yun Chen chuckled, "Oh, let's get started."

Soon the three of them shook the dice at the same time.

The other girls in the box also sat around curiously, looking lively.

"Come on Captain"

"Come on Lily!"

Only Wang Qihan said softly, "Yunchen, come on!"

Very happy month proudly opened the dice cup, and then smiled.

"I won, you drink!"

Yun Chen smiled indifferently, raised the glass and drank it.

He is not strong at playing dice, but compared to the amount of alcohol, he feels that he should not lose to these little girls!

After all, his alcohol intake was also trained by Chen Meng.



Just like that, the beer is opened one by one.

Yun Chen drank four bottles, and Le Yue and Wang Yali also drank about two bottles each.

But Yun Chen has a certain amount of alcohol, so his expression is indifferent, and his face is not different at all.

On the other hand, Le Yue and Wang Yali are more like drinking too much now, and their pretty blushing eyes are blurred.

"You two, can you still drink?"

"Qi, I'm afraid you won't succeed? You drink more than us, continue." Le Yue blushed, with a stubborn expression on her face.

But Wang Yali, who was beside her, hurriedly shook her head.

"I...I can't do it anymore, my head is so dizzy, Yueyue, drink with him, I...I"

Halfway through speaking, he covered his mouth and stood up: "I... ugh, I'm going to the bathroom..."

Seeing her hurriedly running out of the box, Yun Chen gave a very disappointing smile.

"Is this not going to work?"

"Lily has drunk too much, I'm coming!" Another tall girl sat over at this time.

It seems that he is going to play a wheel battle. No matter what tonight, he will get this shy guy drunk and lie on the ground!

Yun Chen has a strong soul power to protect his body, and he has also exercised before with the amount of alcohol.

So it is estimated that eight bottles of beer should not be a problem.

"Okay, then go on!"

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The tall girl who just joined is not as good as Wang Yali, so she can't hold more than one bottle of beer.

His face was as red as a drop of blood, and he fell directly on the sofa.

"Hey, Xiaomeng, get up and continue." Le Yue had also drunk to the limit, but she was still holding back.

The tall girl lying on the sofa raised her hand and waved it.

"Squad leader, I can't do it anymore, you can change someone, I'll go to the hospital if I drink more, it's so uncomfortable."

Seeing another drink, Le Yue's eyes were blurred, and her head was dizzy.

But as soon as he saw Yun Chen across from him, the guy looked at him with a calm smile as if he hadn't had a drink yet.

She became stubborn, and resisted to vomit, she must not let this guy see her jokes!

"Squad leader, do you want to continue?" Yun Chen squinted and smiled.

Le Yue covered her mouth and burped, then nodded.

"Don't be complacent, let me slowly, slowly continue with you!"

The girls on the sidelines also know that the squad leader has reached the limit at this time!

Yun Chen is also too powerful!

Not to mention that he sings well, and even drinks so well, does he have any weaknesses?

Why is it so hard to see him embarrassing once?

"Hey, no, didn't Lily just go to the bathroom? Why haven't you come back for so long?"

After a certain girl finished speaking, the box fell silent for a moment.

Because they just remembered, Wang Yali has been going to the bathroom for a while, why hasn't she come back yet?


The box door was pushed open, and Wang Qihan ran in panting and said.

"No, I just went to the bathroom to find Lily, but she wasn't there, and the phone was turned off when I called her. Will she..."

The following words have not dared to continue.

After all, Wang Yali is very beautiful, and she went to the bathroom alone when she was drunk.

Now suddenly there is no audio, which makes people extremely worried...

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