Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 271: : exaggerated gossip

Seeing Yun Chen's curious expression, Wang Qihan was also confused.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Okay, since you want to know, I'll tell you."

Yun Chen sat back on the sofa, took out a bottle of Coke that he had prepared, matched it with popcorn on the table, and began to listen to the story.

"Actually, before you were transferred, there was a boy transfer student in our class, but he was not as good as you, so he was bullied by the girls in the class shortly after he arrived."

Yun Chen interjected and said, "Did Mr. Liu care about it at that time?"

"It's okay, but it's useless. It's impossible for the teacher to protect him all the time, and the monitor will always use it as an excuse to beat Li Hairui. In addition, the girls at work don't testify, so Mr. Liu can't do anything over time. ”

After listening to Wang Qihan's explanation, Yun Chen asked again.

"Is that so? In what way are you bullying others?"

"This...this..." Wang Qihan opened her mouth and hesitated.

Yun Chen smiled and said, "Let's talk, if you also want to change the current atmosphere of the academy, you must be frank with me."

Hearing that, Wang Qihan thought about it, nodded and said.

"Well, Li Hairui was really bullied in our class at the time. He was locked in the toilet several times during class and couldn't get out. The girls in the class used to play tricks on him for fun, and even often took his lunch box. laxatives, etc."

"Once he wants to complain to the teacher, the monitor will ask him to learn from him in the physical fitness class, and he will be beaten badly every time."

These words made Yun Chen laugh.

"It's too much, and it deserves revenge now!"

Wang Qihan nodded in agreement: "That's what I said, I was also strongly against such behavior at the time, but the school's atmosphere is like this, not only our class, but also other classes are bullying the boys in the class in various ways."

"As a result, the atmosphere of the whole school has completely deteriorated. If the girls in a certain class do not bully the boys, they will be considered disunity, and even gossip by the next class."

Yun Chen touched his chin and asked curiously.

"Will you be gossiped? For example, what kind of gossip?"

Seeing him so curious, Wang Qihan's cute face showed an embarrassing expression.

"It's all gossip from girls, you definitely don't like to hear it"

Yun Chen smiled and shook his head: "It's alright, I'm a gossip too, what kind of gossip do you usually gossip about when you tell me?"

"Do you really want to listen?" Wang Qihan asked.

Yun Chen took a sip of Coke and nodded: "Well, let's talk."

Seeing that he was so persistent, Wang Qihan said it directly.

"Just like how you are, the squad leader failed to bully several times, and the next class was rumored that the squad leader had an affair with you, and was still in the academy for deliberately letting the water go."

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Chen spit out a sip of Coke.


"Cough, this gossip is spreading, it's a pity that these girls don't become newspaper reporters"

Seeing his reaction, Wang Qihan said again embarrassedly.

"So I said you definitely don't want to listen to this gossip, and it affects your mood after listening to it."

Yun Chen smiled bitterly: "It seems that it is not an easy thing to change the atmosphere of the academy."

"It's very difficult, it's really difficult, otherwise the school leaders would be helpless," Wang Qihan nodded in agreement.


at the same time.

Hongye City, in a long-abandoned old building on Guangbei Road.

The ground here is rubble, a mess.

Wang Yali is being tied to a concrete pillar by Wuhuada.

The body can't move, but the mouth is not idle.

"Li Hairui are you crazy? What are you doing?"

"Let go of me!"

The yellow-haired youth who was squatting and smoking a cigarette, that is, Li Hairui, stood up with a sneer.

"Stinky Sanba, weren't you very proud when you bullied Lao Tzu in the academy?"

Wang Yali, who was bound, shouted while struggling.

"You kind of let me go, we'll fight one-on-one, what's your ability to tie me now?"

It's better not to say that.

As soon as he said it, Li Hairui's anger was instantly ignited.

When he went up, he slapped Wang Yali in the face with a clear and loud call.


"One-on-one duel? What's the matter, why didn't you say that when a group of girls bullied Lao Tzu in college?"

The voice fell.

On the dilapidated concrete stairs on the side, three men came.

From the soul power emanating from these people, it can be seen that they are all true beast masters!

Definitely not Wang Yali, including Li Hairui, such a beast master apprentice can compare!

"Cousin, don't worry. When the girls who bullied you arrive, it's not too late to vent your anger."

The man with the strongest soul power among the three, Gao Yong, said with a sneer.

Seeing his cousin coming, Li Hairui hurriedly laughed.

"Okay, cousin, I'll listen to you tonight."

After speaking, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the two behind Gao Yong.

These two are Gao Yong's subordinates, but Li Hairui must also be respectful, who makes people a real beast master!

Taking the cigarettes handed over, one of the men with a flat head looked at Wang Yali who was bound.

Then he smiled and said, "Captain, the girls in these academies now have really developed physiques."

Before Gao Yong could speak, Li Hairui hurriedly answered.

"Brother Zhang, don't you know that there are quite a few beautiful girls in Hundred Flowers Academy. Just in the class I was in at the time, there were a lot of good looking girls."

Hearing that, the flat-headed man touched his chin and chuckled.

"Is that so? It's really a good place, but it's a pity that the Bureau of Beast Control is strict, otherwise I really want to go to this Hundred Flowers Academy."

Gao Yong lit a cigarette and took a breath.

"Don't think too much, just rely on your strength to go to other people's academies, and be beaten by a group of little girls for nothing."

This remark made the flat-headed man look embarrassed, but it was not easy to refute.

Can only cooperate with a smile: "The captain is right, the captain is right"

Just as these people were chatting.

Soon I heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

Gao Yong casually sat down in a chair with a cigarette in his mouth, stretched his waist and said.

"It looks like everyone is here, it's time for you to perform, cousin."

Hearing this, Li Hairui also took a deep breath. He had waited too long for this opportunity.

Finally got revenge tonight!

He will pay back the humiliation he has suffered tonight!

It's just that when he thinks of Le Yue's strength and skill that crushed him, he feels guilty.

"Brother, wait, you have to help me."

Gao Yong, who was sitting in the chair, said disdainfully.

"Look at what you're doing. Xiao Zhang and Xiao Sun will help you later. I want to deal with a few little girls in the mere mere? How can I still be in this area in the future?"

"Yes, yes, my cousin is right, it's enough to have Brother Zhang and Brother Sun to help me," Li Hairui said confidently.

As he finished speaking.

On the dilapidated concrete stairs, Le Yue and seven or eight girls have walked up slowly.

Le Yue, who was walking at the front, had a serious expression, firm eyes, and a sense of generosity.

When she came to the third floor of the old building, she saw Wang Yali who was tied to a stone pillar in front of her, and her eyes became slightly moist in an instant.

"Li Hairui, we have come, hurry up and let Lily go!"

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