Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 280: : boring to the point

Yun Chen listened to the voices of the female classmates beside him discussing, and also looked at the queue on the left.

Sure enough, I saw a beautiful woman with blue hair reaching her waist.

I have to say that this Qiu Yaoyao is not only the number one ace in the academy, but also looks very outstanding.

It can make people lock on her among so many girls at a glance, and it is conceivable that it is really beautiful.

"Heh, I met this student council president again. It seems that I have a good relationship." Yun Chen whispered softly.

At this moment, Qiu Yaoyao in the queue next door also turned her head.

Soon the delicate beauty was locked on Yun Chen's body.

The eyes of the two met instantly, but neither of them diddge.

Even Yun Chen could feel the provocation in the eyes of the other party.

"It's a girl with personality." Yun Chen muttered with the corners of his mouth raised.

at this time.

After discussing with the other two female teachers, Liu Man also came over with a list.

"Be quiet, I will now announce the number of the cave you are about to enter, the same **** as usual."

After saying this, the queue instantly fell silent.

The female classmates held their breaths, waiting for their names to be called.



"The Moon"


"Wang Yali"


After calling the names of the three people in one breath, Liu Man continued: "You three, enter the cave No. 18"

"Okay, teacher!"

Le Yue and Wang Yali nodded at the same time, and they seemed to be in a group with Yun Chen. They were quite happy.

Soon the three of them left the team together and walked towards the rockery ahead.

at the same time.

On a tree in the far corner of the open space of the proving ground.

Suddenly a breeze blows.


This gust of wind was quite strange, blowing the treetops and the leaves swaying slightly.

When the wind calmed down, four figures appeared on the tree.

"Brother Kui, I still don't understand why you would take this deal, that Yun Chen is not easy to deal with!"

The four people who suddenly appeared in the tree, except for the tattooed gambler Akui.

There were also two other men and one woman, but these three were all wearing black robes and hats so they couldn't see their faces.

And now it is one of the women who is speaking.

"Of course I know that this is a hot deal, but as the saying goes, we seek wealth and wealth at risk. If we kill this Yunchen, we will be able to make a name for ourselves in Hushan City!"

Gambler Aqua showed a bloodthirsty smile, and with the tattoo on his half face, he looked extremely evil!

"Big brother is right. Although our four flags are somewhat famous in Hushan City, they still cannot be placed in the ranks. If we can really assassinate Principal Yun Chenyun this time, even the three major animal control groups will have to be afraid. We have three points!"

Seeing that the other black-robed man had said so, the black-robed woman had no choice but to nod.

"Okay, since the second brother said the same, should we start acting now?"

Hearing that, the gambler Akui, who had been looking at the terrain, shook his head and said with a wicked smile.

"Don't worry, although Godzilla is still in Hushan City according to the information, this Yunchen should still have some strength, so to be on the safe side, let's not expose it first."

This made the three of them bewildered.

So how should this kill the target?

As the boss of the Four Flags, the gambler Akuy has rich experience in assassination.

After looking at the rockery in front of him, he immediately thought of something.

"Have it! It's all ears."

The three people around them cooperated and put their ears close, wanting to hear what the big brother has any good ideas.

Gambler Akui raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer.

"Wait a minute, you..."

After he finished talking about his plan, the three people around him all laughed.

"It's a big brother, it's a big brother, this trick is really good."

"Okay, just do as big brother said."

Gambler Aqua also felt that his plan was foolproof, so he waved his hand confidently.



Swish swish!

The voice fell, and the three people beside him turned into three black shadows and disappeared on the tree trunk in an instant.


On the other hand, Yun Chen naturally hadn't noticed that someone had been eyeing him, and even took his own life.

Now he followed two female classmates, Le Yue and Wang Yali, into a cave.


The caves are fairly spacious and are dug out by hand.

And there are hanging lights all around the wall, so you don't have to worry about blocking your vision.

"Yueyue, look at the two beast ants in front of you, let's go"

After Wang Yali finished speaking, Le Yue also nodded: "Okay, let's go!"

talking room.

The two soul beasts attacked forward.

Le Yue's Thunder Eagle is quite powerful, swooping towards a beast ant on the ground in the air.

Instantly turned into a lightning bolt.

Knock this ant to the ground.

And Wang Yali's soul beast is an elite rank toucan duck.

Although the movement is a little slow, the attack power is also good, and the duck mouth is opened to clamp the knocked down beast ant.

"Hee hee, Yueyue, is my big mouth getting more and more powerful? Now I can control a junior beast ant all at once," Wang Yali said with a smile.

There was a hint of pride in the smile.

Le Yue also laughed: "It's quite powerful, but my Thunderbird won't lose to you!"

As she raised her hand.

The Thunder Eagle, which had just taken off in mid-air, swooped toward another beast ant again.


coax! !


Yun Chen, who has always acted as an audience, really felt bored in this level of battle.

Because these primary beast ants are only level 3-5.

Although they are all genetically mutated, each beast ant is as big as a mouse.

But Yun Chen could kill several of them with just a stomping of his foot, and he would not gain any increase in soul power.

So he was too lazy to do it, so he might as well keep these beast ants for other people's soul beasts to practice and level up.

"Okay, my big mouth successfully killed a beast ant, isn't it amazing?"

"What's the matter, my Thunderbird feels like it can deal with two beast ants at once"

When the two primary beast ants in front of them were killed, Le Yue and Wang Yali began to talk and laugh.

"Cut, just blow it"

"What's there to brag about? After all, my Thunderbird is almost at rank ten, and the rank is supreme." Le Yue smiled proudly.

Wang Yali frowned: "Are you good sisters? You're showing off your superiority again."

Seeing that her best friend was unhappy, Le Yue stuck out her little tongue, and then looked at Yun Chen, who was listless behind her.

"Hey, Yunchen, why didn't you bring your soul beast?"

Wen Yan Wang Yali also said curiously: "Yes, why didn't you bring the soul beast to leveling? By the way, I've known you for so long, and I've never seen your soul beast. What is it?"

Yun Chen smiled: "My soul beast is not suitable for leveling here, so I didn't bring it here. Don't worry about me, just treat me like air, and continue."

These inexplicable words made Wang Yali and Le Yue flash a row of ellipses on their foreheads at the same time...

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