Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 285: : The last magic pill

"The Beast Control Bureau has begun to gather spirit beasts that can be moved by digging in the local animal control groups, and then all of them will be transferred to the proving ground."

Having said that, the female assistant said, "It's just..."

"Just what? Finished in one breath"

Xu Yanli, who was in a turmoil, had lost her patience.

Wen Yan's female assistant had to bite the bullet and said: "It's just that the military used infrared thermal energy instruments to judge that there is no life in the rockery."

"So the order issued by the Bureau of Animal Control is to dig up the body of our student no matter what."

After saying these words, Xu Yanli's heart became cold.

No more life?

This means that Yunchen has suffered misfortune in the collapse.


It's over now!

How should I explain this to the God Pet Academy in Hushan City?

Yue Boen, his distant relative, will never give up.

Most importantly, Xu Yanli felt extremely guilty. A young and promising boy just fell into his own place.

"Why is it happening like that!"

Xu Yanli covered her forehead with her hand, lowered her head and bit her lip.

His eyes were already wet, and there were even crystal clear tears streaming down his face.

She is so ashamed and ashamed!

Knowing this, she would never invite Yun Chen to help, or even carry out reform plans.

"Principal, are you alright?" Zhang Xia said with concern.

Xu Yanli didn't raise her head, but her shoulders were shaking.

The female assistant standing beside her reached out and tugged at Zhang Xia's arm, then shook her head to signal her to stop talking.

Now the principal needs a person to be calm and calm.

When the two left the office, Xu Yanli slowly raised her head.

But there were tears on his face.

Turning to face the breeze blowing outside the window, he choked.

"Principal Yun, I'm sorry for you"


screen everything.

"Ah, please~"

In the collapsed rockery, Yun Chen has successfully climbed to the ground.

It's just that now his body shape has changed, becoming a pangolin with gold claws and a silver helmet.


The sharp claws were constantly waving on the ground, and soon they dug a small hole.

"Huh, fortunately there is still the last Phantom Transformation Pill left, otherwise I'd really have to tell my life here today."

Yun Chen hid in a small hole under the ground, the corners of his mouth raised in secret joy.

But for some reason, when Yi Rong became a pangolin, he felt that drilling holes was really enjoyable.

So he kept digging holes in the ground.

It seems that I want to try and see how deep I can dig.

"I dig!"

"I'll dig again!"

While digging and digging holes, I also encountered a few artificial beast ants underground.

He was wiped out in minutes.

After all, even if he is now transformed into a pangolin, he still has more than 4,000 soul power!

"Hey, what is this?"

Soon Yunchen didn't know how deep he had dug, anyway, according to his estimate, there must be 30 meters underground.

No, a colorful stone was found in the rock.

Although I don't understand what it is, it should be a good thing to keep and talk about.

Putting the colorful stones into the virtual warehouse, Yun Chen continued to wave his golden claws.


The indestructible claws swung on the rocks, spattering pieces of sparks.

Another half hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Drilling holes in the ground was fun, and it also allowed Yun Chen to get some rocks that he didn't know.

But it always feels quite strange, so it's right to keep it natural.

"It's almost time to play, it's time to climb back to the ground"

After all, the Magic Pill has a time limit, and once the time is up, he will return to his original appearance.

In this small hole under the ground, you can't be squeezed out.

"I dig!!"

After adjusting the direction, Yun Chen began to dig in the direction of the ground.

Another ten minutes passed.


Yun Chen successfully dug up the soil on the ground, exposing his little head.

"Where is this?"

The big eyes glanced around.

Only then did he realize that he seemed to have come to an open space.

There is a large pine tree beside it.

And right in front of him is the huge rockery that has collapsed.

"Hey, what are those girls crying?" Yun Chen whispered softly.

His eyes quickly locked on a group of girls not far away.

Every girl was crying.

Especially the soft girl Wang Qihan cried the saddest.

Yun Chen wondered if she would faint from crying?

"As for sisters, I haven't hung up yet," Yun Chen muttered very depressedly.

It feels like these classmates are crying and mourning for themselves.

Just when Yun Chen was about to crawl out of the dirt, he suddenly heard a voice from the tree beside him.

"Haha, there has been no movement for so long, it seems that Yun Chen is bound to die."

"What big brother said is very true, that guy Yunchen can't be alive, not to mention that the third child also used his white fog flag, so no matter how capable he is, he has to die inside."

"I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy, will things not be as simple as we think?" said a black-robed woman standing on the tree trunk.

Next to the woman was a terrifying-looking man with tattoos on half of his face, showing yellow teeth.

"Fourth sister, you've been worrying too much. Under such circumstances, absolutely no one can survive!"

Yun Chen raised his head and listened to the conversation of the four people on the tree.

He was stunned for a moment at first, but soon seemed to understand something.

Especially the white fog flag mentioned by one of them reminded him of a white pennant he picked up in the white fog.

As soon as he contacted him in this way, he knew that all of this was what these four people called today!

"Strange, who are these four guys? Why don't I know each other?" Yun Chen muttered in his heart.

He is very strange, who are these four strange looking or dressed guys?

Why would you go to great lengths to harm yourself?

Just as Yun Chen was thinking about it, a black-robed man on the tree also noticed a trace of unease.

So he lowered his head to look under the tree, and he was stunned.

"Fuck, why is there a pangolin under this tree?"

And this pangolin is staring at itself with big eyes.

As the man finished speaking, the other three also bowed their heads.

"Hey, it's really a pangolin"

"Is this a mutated monster? You look at its claws so strange."

"It shouldn't be. If it was a monster, it would have attacked us. I guess whose soul beast is this?"

Soon the four looked around cautiously.

But it was found that there was no one else, only this strange pangolin was staring at himself with a smile that was not a smile.

"Are we exposed?"

"Brother is right, I feel the same way too!"

"Why don't we withdraw first, anyway, that guy Yunchen is probably dead, let's go back to make a deal?"

"It makes sense, withdraw!"

While talking, the four people on the tree swayed instantly,

It turned into four shadows and disappeared on the tree.

Yun Chen was not in a hurry to chase them, only to see his mouth twitching with a smile: "Since I found out, you can't run away."

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