Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 289: : Do you want to join?

Hearing this, Xu Yanli recovered from her thoughts.

She had a hunch that a miracle might actually happen.

"I'm listening, but Yun Chen's identity is very special. I can tell you this, he must not have an accident, otherwise the situation will be serious!"

After hearing this, Liu Man was not too surprised.

Because she had heard some rumors before, saying that Yunchen was invited by the principal from Hushan City.

But these words made her more and more curious about Yun Chen's true identity.

So he asked tentatively, "How serious is it?"

Xu Yanli turned around and said lightly with her back to her.

"It's so serious that our academy can't afford it!"

This made Liu Man unconsciously take a deep breath.

She also knew that at this point, she could already find out the bottom line.

After swallowing, Liu Man nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to the place where Yun Chen lives now. I won't bother the principal anymore."

"Go, let me know as soon as there is any news"

"Okay, Principal"

When Liu Man left, Xu Yanli turned around.

What she just said was really not alarmist. Once Yun Chen really had an accident with her, the God Pet Academy in Hushan City would definitely not let it go!

"Where is he? What the **** happened?"

Xu Yanli rubbed her forehead and muttered.

But even if she racked her brains, she couldn't come up with a reason.


The screen cuts back to a hotel somewhere in Hongye City.

Yun Chen just ordered a small self-heating hot pot from takeaway, and now he is leisurely eating and drinking in the room.

"Eating hot pot and singing songs is really comfortable"

Just as he was enjoying himself, he heard a movement next door.

So I hurriedly turned off the sound of the TV, and put my ear against the wall.

This kind of small hotel was originally poor in sound insulation. In addition, Yun Chen concentrated his soul power on his ears, and his hearing was instantly improved several times!

"Brother, it seems that things are going bad?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I just went to the proving ground to inquire. That guy Yunchen seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no trace, and my white fog flag is also gone."

"Interesting, this deal is more tricky than I expected, it's fun, haha, it's really fun!"

"Brother Kui, I think it's better to contact the buyer and give up the deal, right? Principal Yunchen can get out of his body in such an environment, it shows that he is very capable!"

This was a woman's voice, which made Yun Chen a little surprised.

I didn't expect that there were women in this group.

"I agree with what the fourth sister said. Big brother, it's too late for us to stop. This deal is too hot. Once Yunchen realizes that we did it, the situation may not be optimistic."

"Shut up? Is that old man still famous in Hushan City now? What's more, the white fog flag of the third child can't be found, so I guess that guy Yunchen has already noticed that we are playing against him."

Hearing this rough voice, Yun Chen on the other side of the wall grinned.


I just like to play tricks with smart people, it's a lot of fun!

The dull time at Hundred Flowers Academy made him almost fade away. Those girls in the academy were not of the same order of magnitude against him at all.

It's really boring.

But now it's alright, it's finally a little exciting.

"I agree with eldest brother, our reputation is very important, and even if that Yun Chen is very talented, our four siblings are not easy to mess with, especially the strength of the boss, even if we are singled out, we will not be afraid of him!"

The strength of this group is really strong.

Especially the gambler A Kui, Yun Chen noticed that the soul power aura in this person was definitely not under him.

So once the four of them joined forces, Yun Chen really felt that he would suffer without Godzilla's help.

Therefore, he can't act rashly, and it is safest to find opportunities to defeat them one by one!

"Brother, shall we..."

Just when the sound came from the next door again, suddenly there was a knock on the door from Yun Chen's side.

"dong dong dong"

The sudden knock on the door made the cautious four people next door suddenly stop talking.

"What's the matter? Isn't there anyone living next door?"

"I don't know, maybe I just checked in today."

"Forget it, forget it, let's continue to discuss and discuss countermeasures."

Yun Chen, who was listening on the wall, took a deep breath.


Luckily the gang wasn't suspicious, or it was bad.

"dong dong dong"

The knock on the door came again, and Yun Chen walked to the door very irritably.


While speaking, he secretly used cat eyes to look outside.

It turned out to be the simple front desk girl.

"Open the door"

Yun Chen thought about it and decided to open the door, otherwise it would not be a problem to keep knocking on the door.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Hey, I finally guessed who you are playing in Hokage!" The girl at the front desk said with a smile.

Wen Yan Yunchen was stunned for a moment, and then he wanted to scold his mother.

Depend on!

I just said it casually, big sister, do you want to be so persistent!

Just when Yun Chen was about to speak, he suddenly heard a voice from next door.

"Something's wrong, the third child, go and see next door!"

"Okay, big brother!"

Wen Yan Yunchen screamed in secret, the group of guys next door are too sensitive!

After all, he has seen how powerful this group of people is. If he starts the fight openly, he may not be able to take advantage of it!

thought here.

Without saying a word, Yun Chen dragged the girl at the front desk into the room, and then closed the door with one foot.

"What are you doing? It hurts me"

The girl at the front desk looked very unhappy and shook off her arm.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it," Yun Chen explained.

"Then why did you drag me into the room? I'll tell you, I'm a serious girl"

The girl at the front desk took a few steps back, showing a defensive look.

Looking at the other party's misunderstood expression, Yun Chen was speechless.

But he had already heard the sound of footsteps approaching outside the door, so he became anxious.

"To be honest, I'm playing a very fun role-playing game with a few friends next door. Do you want to join?"

This made the front desk girl's eyes light up instantly.

"Wow, RPG? Cool, can I really join?"

Yun Chen was very fortunate that he met such a simple and deceitful girl, so he smiled and nodded.

"Of course you can join, but you have to know that my friends are playing the role of the Xiao organization, and I can tell from the look that I am a positive character, so if you want to join, you have to help me complete the task."

"Okay, okay, is it a bit similar to script killing?" the girl at the front desk asked happily.

Yun Chen didn't have time to explain anything at this time, and said directly.

"Almost, but now you have to cooperate with me to complete the task, and then you can join our role-playing game"

"Well, you said, what should I do?"

The girl at the front desk didn't have any doubts, instead she was quite excited.

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