Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 294: : finally placed

In the next room, Yun Chen also heard the sound of a door opening in the corridor.

So he would stand in front of the door and listen to the footsteps outside.

"Looks like someone has finally gone out, that's fine, this time it's my turn to fight back!"

While speaking, Yun Chen also gently pushed open the door and walked out.

Just following the stairs to the first floor of the hotel, I saw Zhang Keke playing a mobile game at the front desk.

"Hey, why did you come down again? And why didn't you wear the women's clothes I prepared for you?"

Yun Chen didn't have time to explain anything, and said directly.

"Did someone go out just now?"

"Yes, a friend of yours just went out," Zhang Keke said with a smile.

"Where are you going?" Yun Chen asked again.

Zhang Keke raised his finger and pointed out the door: "I remember going to the right"

"Okay, thank you"

Yun Chen didn't say much nonsense after speaking, he raised his foot and chased out.

But I have to say that the other party's speed is really fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was gone.

Yun Chen stood on the side of the street and looked around, but he didn't see where anyone was going.

"Damn, it's really fast!"

This time, he finally seized the opportunity of the other party's order, so he didn't want to let it go in vain.

To know that if this opportunity is not seized, there may be no next time.

"Where is this guy going?" Yun Chen muttered while touching his chin.

But he was smart, and quickly guessed the purpose of the other party's coming out this time.

At this juncture, if you dare to go out alone, you have already seen the news.

So after reading the news, I went out in such a hurry, I didn't want to know, I went to check the body!

After determining the other party's purpose, Yun Chen did not delay his efforts.

Immediately stopped a taxi beside him, and then got in.

"Master, go to the nearby military proving ground"

"Ah? Little brother, there was such a big accident at the proving ground. It has been closed for the past few days. Are you sure you want to go?" The taxi driver was also kind.

Yun Chen smiled: "It's alright, just send it to me."

"Okay, then sit down"

The driver stopped talking nonsense. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the taxi started slowly.


In Baihua Academy, many people have also seen the news now.

Especially in the classroom of Intermediate Class A, most of the girls lay on the table and cried.

Yun Chen had disappeared inexplicably before, giving them a glimmer of hope, but now they have seen such bad news again.

It really made them unacceptable for a while.

As a result, the entire classroom was filled with a sad atmosphere.


"Squad leader, Yun Chen... Yun Chen he..."

Many female classmates cried and looked at the vacant seat by the window with pear blossoms and rain.

When Yun Chen was there before, they were thinking of ways to trick him all day long.

But now people are suddenly gone, making them feel empty and empty, as if something is missing.

in the principal's office.

Xu Yanli was paralyzed on the chair, leaning on the desk, the phone was playing a news.

"It's over, it's over, it's over now"

Her lips trembled slightly, and she felt like the sky was about to collapse.

"dong dong dong"

Hearing the knock on the door, Xu Yanli gradually recovered.

She knew that she couldn't be like this, no matter how she was the leader of the school, she absolutely couldn't collapse on her own at this time.

With his arms trembling slightly, he propped himself up, then raised his head and said.

"Come in"

The door was pushed open, and the female assistant strode in.

"Principal, the military said that they can't bring Yun Chen's body over for the time being."

This made Xu Yanli's expression froze.


"I don't know about this either. The military didn't explain the reason. Would you like to negotiate with the principal in person?" The female assistant said truthfully.

After all, she is only an assistant, and has no say in the military.

Xu Yanli took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

"I know, you go out first"

"Okay, Principal"

When the female assistant left, Xu Yanli reluctantly stood up.

The negotiations on the military side were not in a hurry. Now that such a big thing has happened, she must first explain to the God Pet Academy in Hushan City.

Paper can't hold fire, people will know about it sooner or later.

So you might as well be proactive.

When she came to the window, Xu Yanli raised her phone and dialed a number.



After three calls, the phone was quickly connected.

At the same time, Yue Boen's hearty laughter came.

"Haha, what's the matter with my cousin?"

Hearing this voice, Xu Yanli felt even more self-blame and guilt in her heart, and said with a hint of choking in her voice.

"Uncle Yue, there is something I want to tell you."

"Okay, tell me then"

The nervous Yue Boen didn't seem to notice that there was something wrong with her tone.

Xu Yanli, who was standing by the window, took a deep breath again, and said with gritted teeth.

"Principal Yun, he... he has an accident"

As she finished speaking, the other side of the phone was obviously quiet for a few seconds. But soon there was another burst of laughter.

"Haha, cousin, are you kidding me? Our principal is such an awesome character, what can happen to him?"

Seeing the other party can still laugh out loud, Xu Yanli's heart is even more mixed.

"I'm not kidding, the day before yesterday, Principal Yun had an accident in our city's proving ground..."

However, Xu Yanli was interrupted by Yue Boen before she could finish her words.

"I know about this. At that time, a rockery collapsed, and he was trapped inside, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Yanli's expression was startled.

Uncle Yue, who is far away in Hushan City, how could he know?

"Uncle Yue, how did you know about this?"

"Our principal contacted me afterwards, he said it himself." Yue Boen's laughter came again.

But these words completely confused Xu Yanli.

Didn't the news say that Principal Yun died in the collapse?

How could I have contacted Uncle Yue afterwards? What is this all about?

But Xu Yanli wasn't stupid either. Thinking about the military's attitude after the incident, she didn't take the initiative to explain it to Hundred Flowers Academy, and even detained the body.

Is there anything lesser known about it?

Even she was kept in the dark!

"Hey, cousin niece, what are you talking about?"

The voice from the receiver pulled Xu Yanli back from her thoughts and spoke to the phone.

"Uncle Yue, did you really have contact with Principal Yun afterwards?"

"Of course, we are still on a video call. Would you like me to send you a screenshot of the call record?"

After hearing this affirmative answer, Xu Yanli suddenly raised the corner of her mouth, and her mood instantly brightened.

She was 100% sure that Yun Chen was still alive.

It was just the mysteries that happened in it that she couldn't help but want to solve it.

"No, no, Uncle Yue, are you busy?"

After speaking, Xu Yanli hung up the phone, put on her jacket immediately, and walked out of the office in a hurry.

"Today's meetings are all cancelled, I'm going out now!"

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