Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 383: : Excalibur recognizes the master

Next, Yunchen threw 12 pieces of soul essence into the universal forging machine.

I have to say that this thing is really awesome, and the chances of creating a soul tool and soul tool are extremely high.


Seeing that the universal forging machine was activated again, Yun Chen also delayed his efforts, and immediately grasped the tiger handle of the divine sword and began to recognize the master.


When he clenched his fists, the colorful light of the dark sword became more and more obvious.


Before he could hold on for three seconds, the White Tiger Divine Sword automatically detached from his palm and plunged into the floor.

The hard floor is like tofu under the blade.

"What the hell? Can't you recognize the master?"

Yun Chen couldn't understand a little now. When he just held the hilt of the sword, he could feel a violent vibration, as if the divine sword was repulsing him voluntarily.


Could it be that this thing looks down on me?

Yun Chen is a little upset, even if you are a legendary sword, you can't look down on people!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he used both hands directly this time.

Holding the hilt firmly, the Excalibur was drawn from the floor.


The White Tiger Divine Sword once again flashed dazzling colorful rays of light, and at the same time, the hilt of the sword began to vibrate violently.

Yun Chen's original hand injury did not heal completely, so blood soaked the bandage in an instant.


After a few seconds, the vibration at the hilt became more intense, as if holding a hand on a high-speed rotating gear.

In an instant.

The bandages on Yun Chen's hands were all torn apart, dripping with blood.

"Come on, my hand!"

Yun Chen cried out in pain, but he knew that he must not let go at this time, otherwise he would never be able to control this divine sword.


With another painful groan, Yun Chen gritted his teeth.

His amazing endurance finally came in handy at this time.

If the average person could not bear the pain long ago, he would let go of his hand automatically, but Yun Chen was different, his hand was tortured many times by the dragon claw golden bow.

Therefore, endurance is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Soon, the wounds on Yun Chen's hand were all opened, and blood began to flow down the hilt of the sword.

Soon the entire Divine Sword was stained with his blood.

"Huh, are you alright?"

Just when Yun Chen was about to lose his hold, the hilt finally stopped.

This made him take a deep breath.

"It should be that I succeeded in recognizing the master, my good fellow, it is indeed a legendary sword, and recognizing the master is different from other Horcruxes."

But just when he was about to let go of his hand to check his hand injury, all of a sudden the colorful rays of light on the sword body immediately wrapped towards his hands.

In an instant, it was as if his hands were entangled in small rainbows.

"What the **** is this?"

Before he could react, he saw that the bleeding wounds on his hands had miraculously healed automatically.

This scene completely stunned Yun Chen.

"My God, does this divine sword have the effect of healing wounds?"

This... is this too strong?

Soon Yun Chen felt that his hands were finally conscious, and the wounds were gone.

Once again, I was shocked by this divine sword.

Yun Chen raised his Divine Sword with slight force in both hands.

But he didn't dare to slash hard. After all, he didn't know how powerful the sword was.

If you accidentally split your building into two sections, it will not be worth the loss.


Just as Yun Chen was concentrating on looking at his new weapon, the universal forging machine rang again.

Three soul tools appeared.

[Soul Tool: Shadow Armor]

[Grade: Excellent]

[genus: none]

【Bonus: 255】

[Special skills: none]


[Soul Tool: Sombra Leggings]

[Grade: Excellent]

[Attribute: None]

【Bonus: 224】

[Special skills: none]


[Soul Tool: Sombra Boots]

[Grade: Excellent]

[Attribute: None]

【Bonus: 211】

[Special Skill: Influx into the Darkness]

(Pick up the black shadow three-piece set to activate the influx of darkness special effects)

(When evading, there is a certain chance to escape into the darkness, and the duration is linked to your own soul power)

"Good guy, just give the whole three-piece suit?"

Yun Chen picked up the black shadow suit with great interest and looked at it.

Although it is also a top-quality suit, it feels that the attributes are not as good as my own three-piece ice dragon suit.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the tutors in the academy, who are interested?"

that's all.

Time flickered to noon the next day.

Yun Chen didn't sleep all night, really didn't sleep, and didn't even have time to doze off.

However, he still gained a lot. He has a handed down divine sword, so what's not to be satisfied with?

"Chief Qian"

Walking in the empty academy, I happened to watch Qian Xi come out of the building with a breath.

"Headmaster, did you call me?"

Hearing the movement, Qian Xi trotted over and laughed.

Yun Chen nodded: "What about Lao Yue and Director Xue? Why aren't they here?"

"Brother Yue went into the woods alone last night. As for Director Xue, I don't know," Qian Xi said truthfully.

Wen Yan Yunchen pondered.

Lao Yue should have gone to fiddle with the black dragon arm again, so he laughed.

"You contact them and ask all the combatants in the academy to gather at the gymnasium"

"Well, Principal, I'll contact them now"

Although Qian Xi didn't understand what Yun Chen wanted to do, his advantage was that he didn't ask anything and just obeyed the leader's arrangement.

When Qian Xi trotted away, Yun Chen continued to walk towards the gym in front of him.

Now a group of elites from Soul Eater Squad and Angry Slash Squad are sitting together, eating fast food, and chatting with each other.

After all, in today's academy, they are the only students who can stay and participate in the battle.

So no one had any airs, but they quickly merged together.

"By the way, how is your Soul Eater team practicing?" Zhang Zihe said with a smile while eating fast food.

As he finished speaking, a girl in the Soul Eater team also laughed.

"It's good. To be honest, I just found out that the monster tower can be entered indefinitely. We were all fooled by the teacher before, saying that each person can only enter once a week, otherwise the body will have abnormal reactions."

"Haha, isn't it? There is an abnormal reaction to the fart. I spent the night on the monster tower last night, and there is no abnormality at all"

This remark made all the elites laugh.

Zhang Zihe also laughed again: "Do you know that? Before, our Angry Slashing Squad destroyed this monster tower, and now I feel a little nauseous."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yun Chen squinting and smiling as he walked into the gym.

Zhang Zihe hurriedly retracted his smile, stood up and said, "Hello, Principal!"

This reaction speed made others feel ashamed, but they also stood up.

"Hey Principal!"

"Headmaster, why are you here?"

Yun Chen nodded while maintaining a smile: "Where is everyone eating?"

"I'm eating, do you want to have some?" Su Rou smiled with a small dimple at this time.

Looking at the food in everyone's fast food box, Yun Chen was already hungry.

"Okay, then give me one too"

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