Favorite Academy: Start Summoning Godzilla

Chapter 422: : Indescribable dreaminess

Yun Chen has been an orphan since he was a child, and he naturally knows how tragic it is for a child to lose his mother.

So he took a deep breath and said without looking back.

"You don't have to drive her away, but from now on, don't expect her to live in a wooden house, and no one can take her in!"

The meaning is clear.

From the face of the child, the death penalty can be avoided.

Today I can only sleep in the wilderness, enduring the wind and the sun.

Hearing this, many intercessors let out a sigh of relief, and Wang Hu let go of what the middle-aged aunt said.

"Thank you Principal Yun quickly!"

The middle-aged aunt also knew that this was what she deserved, so she hurriedly knelt down and said choked up.

"Thank you, Principal Yun, thank you, Principal Yun, from now on, I will definitely make a change."

Yun Chen ignored her and did not turn around.

Lift your feet and continue walking towards the stream in the distance.

ten minutes later.

They have come to the territory of the Beacon Fire Beast Controlling Group, and they are close to the stream.

Mainly rely on fish farming and fishing for a living.

In addition, the water source must be controlled to ensure that everyone in the forest can drink pure mountain water.

"Quick, let's work harder, we must put up the filter today!"

I saw a group of animal masters, standing on the shore and erecting a high-tech water purifier.

From a distance, it looks like a huge windmill.

"Principal Yun, why are you here?" A long-haired man trotted over after seeing Yun Chen.

His name is Hu Zhichao, and he turned out to be the deputy head of the beacon-controlling group.

After the head of the group died, he took charge of the affairs of the beacon-controlling beast group.

"Come and walk around, what are you guys doing?" Yun Chen squinted and smiled.

Hu Zhichao explained: "Our brothers moved from a drinking water company in the north of the city overnight. After putting this thing on, drinking water will be quite convenient in the future."

These words made Yun Chen interesting.

"A large water purifier, right?"

"Yes, Principal Yun, as long as the water in the creek is filtered from the windmill, you can drink it with confidence, and this purifier also has the functions of measuring poison and impurities," Hu Zhichao continued to explain.

You can see that this guy is quite proud.

However, this was indeed a good job, so Yun Chen praised him without hesitation.

"Not bad, it's a wise decision to give this territory to you, but I just remembered a very important thing when you talked about drug testing."

Hearing this, Hu Zhichao nodded in understanding.

"What's the important thing?"

"After all, everyone who lives in the forest relies on the water source of this stream, so it must be controlled. Never allow enemies or people with ulterior motives to poison the stream," Yun Chen said solemnly.

Hu Zhichao was surprised after thinking about it.


Once someone poisons this creek, the consequences are unimaginable.

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Hu Zhichao hurriedly nodded: "What Principal Yun said is very true, I will immediately arrange for my subordinates to take precautions."

Yun Chen also nodded and turned to look around.

Soon his eyes locked on a group of people resting under a tree not far away.

"By the way, how are you going to settle the people in your area?"

Hearing this, Hu Zhichao showed a proud expression on his face again.

"President Yun, please rest assured, I have seen the sites of several animal control groups next door. They are all building wooden houses, but we are relying on a small stream here, there is a lot of wet soil and a lot of stones, so wait for this water purifier to be installed. Now, I will let the brothers build some mud houses to house the people."

A mud room is definitely better than a wooden one.

After all, there will be no wind leakage, and it can also have the effect of sheltering the rain on rainy days.

Yun Chen also smiled with satisfaction: "Well, if that's the case, that's pretty good too."

He could see that these beast control groups began to compete secretly after they were assigned to the territory.

That's great!

Only by competition can the development efficiency be improved.

Seeing that they stayed here for a while, Yun Chen continued to lift his feet and walked forward.

Another ten minutes passed.

Entering a dense forest, this is the territory of the Rose Beast Controlling Group.

Just a few steps away, I heard the voices of some girls.

"Come on, sisters, I heard that Principal Yun came to inspect, we have to speed up and show the results"

"Okay, Sister Xiner"

"By the way, is Principal Yun really coming? I'm so excited."

"Yes, I haven't met Principal Yun yet. It is rumored that he is not very old, but he is so handsome."

"Hee hee, I've seen it once, he is indeed a very handsome little brother."

"It's true, I'm inexplicably looking forward to it"

Hearing these words, Yun Chen smiled inexplicably.

The rumors are not false at all, he never refuted the handsome thing!

The Rose Beast Controlling Group is one of the few female animal control groups, so most of the members are women.

There are little girls in their twenties, and there are aunts in their 40s and 50s.

And there are a lot of members.

"Huh, it's alright"

Yun Chen was walking in the dense woods, looked up and saw an indescribable dreaminess.

It's like coming to a fairy tale world.

Because of the terrain here, it is impossible to cultivate land or build a house.

But these women also had ideas, setting up hammocks in every tree.

And in order to keep out the wind and rain, each tree trunk is wrapped with a special material protective film, forming a group of round huts on the tree.

The most characteristic is that these protective films are also available in a wide variety of colors.

There are cartoons, spots, and totems.

Standing on the ground and looking up, what catches your eye is a colorful dream.

"Wow, looking forward to seeing someone coming"

"Really fake?"

I saw heads protruding from the protective film on the trunk.

"Is it Principal Yun?"

"It seems so, it's really handsome"

"Sisters, welcome Principal Yun to our dream city"

"Hello, Principal Yun"

Hearing the voices coming from all around, Yun Chen raised his head with a smile and said.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw an old man jumping down from a tree, and Yun Chen's expression was stunned when he saw him.

"Huh? Chief Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Changlin squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "A poor old man of my age is disliked wherever he goes, and only the Rose Beast Controlling Group can take me in."

Yun Chen obviously didn't believe these words, so he followed with a smile.

"Come on, it must be your old friend here, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Changlin also blushed, and hurriedly said in a low voice, "Actually, it's just that the deputy head of their animal control group has a good relationship with me. Principal Yun, don't get me wrong."

The deputy head of the Rose Beast Controlling Group, Yun Chen was still a little impressed.

It looks like an old lady in her 60s.

So he smiled tacitly: "Chief Lin, are you putting this on for a twilight love?"

As the teasing finished, Lin Changlin's old face became even more ashamed.

So he hurriedly opened the topic and said, "By the way, Principal Yun, since I saw you, I just have something serious to tell you."

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