Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 700 Government Affairs

It was July, and it was noon again. The weather was extremely hot, and the bright sun seemed to be melting the earth.

But only at two or three o'clock, there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the pouring rain lasts for several hours, and it will not stop until the evening.

And such a huge amount of rainwater quickly fills the rivers and lakes, and then pours into the ocean. This is a cycle. It seems simple, but it has a lot of mystery. The vitality of the world lies in this.

"It rained for four hours and nineteen minutes today, with an average rainfall of 25 centimeters in various places. A total of 1.5 billion cubic meters of high-quality fresh water was injected into the Gobi Desert, and a total of 15.8 billion cubic meters of high-quality fresh water was injected into various parts of the glacier continent. A total of 42 billion cubic meters of high-quality fresh water is injected into the area west of Black Bear Island, and a total of 25.2 billion cubic meters of high-quality fresh water is injected into the northern part of the Tiger Islands."

"In the next five days, the pure land of glaciers and the pure lands of snow mountains will absorb water vapor at an accelerated rate, and will eventually absorb about 150 billion cubic meters of fresh water within five days, and then purified by the pure lands of glaciers and snow mountains, about the sixth day Or complete the next round of rainfall on the seventh day, with an estimated precipitation of 85 billion cubic meters."

In the imperial palace of Kunlun City, Yunniang was calmly reading out a document, and standing beside him were Lord Bao, Hou Er, Bao Er, Xue Da, Lao Tang, Tan Ming, Xu Zhi and dozens of important officials of the empire.

"Good guy, the amount of water in a single rainfall is almost comparable to the storage capacity of two or three Three Gorges." Tan Ming exclaimed in a low voice. It was the first time he participated in the core government affairs of the empire.

"Is there a lot?" Old Tang looked at him, not looking at the size of the empire. In fact, this is still small. This year, the glacier pure land has a mission to expand into a super-large glacier pure land on the original basis, that is, to completely cover it. The north of the empire, in this way, is equivalent to covering a distance of more than 100,000 miles from east to west, and more than 20,000 miles from north to south. Such a vast area is completely covered by glaciers. How much fresh water is needed, so the precipitation is much less than in previous years half of.

At this time, Yunniang from above spoke again, "Xueda, you hold the Ice God Order and are responsible for supervising the empire's glaciers and snow mountains. Is there any omission in this round of rain?"

"Reporting to my sister, there are basically no omissions, but some areas still need to be fine-tuned. For example, in the east of the Tiger Islands, the huge swamp area surrounding the Eastern Pacific Ocean, the rainfall there needs to be adjusted. According to the king's order, there will be construction. A pure swamp."

Xueda answered nervously. She was also made a god by Li Siwen. She was the God of Ice, and she was in charge of rain, snow and frost. Well, there is no God of Rain, because the rainfall in this world is controlled by glaciers. Snow Mountain Pure Land holds the remaining third of the world's water resources.

"Very good, little star, follow up on the matter of the swamp pure land."


Empress. "The next young woman replied, she was a crow hag, but she regained her appearance after entering the legend, because she is also the guardian of the pure land of the forest, and she has the best grasp of many magical powers of the pure land of the forest, the most important thing is, She also completed the rank four mountain god profession, so she was named a mountain god by Li Siwen.

And the pure land of the swamp is a branch of the pure land of the forest, and it is most appropriate for her to be in charge.

"Leopard 2, you hold the Fengshen Order, how is your air reserve these days?" Yun Niang asked again.

Leopard II is the Fengshen conferred by Li Siwen, mainly in charge of supernatural powers such as Hurricane Bayonet, Sky Blade, and Eye of the Storm. Now that the Atmospheric Pure Land is established, air storage is the top priority, which is related to the safety of the world's air storage and critical moments Inspire the number of powerful supernatural powers such as Hurricane Bayonet and Sky Blade.

Pay attention to the official account: the base camp of book friends, pay attention to get cash and coins!

"Reporting to my sister, I don't dare to delay the matter of air storage. I extract high-quality air from the pure land of the forest and the pure ocean every day, inject it into the eye of the storm, and then connect it to various places. At present, the feedback from various regions is good. It is expected that by the end of this month, the atmosphere of the pure land The total amount of air stored will be three times the safe level, and by the end of the year, the total amount of air stored will be five times the safe level."

Yunniang nodded, the so-called safety line is the total amount of air that can be used by all creatures in the world for ten years, five times that is fifty years.

But she also knows that this is still far from enough, because with the increase in the number of living beings, the number of pure lands opened up increases, and the expansion of the pure land of the atmosphere, especially the upgrade of the pure land of the atmosphere to the pure land of the sky, requires ten times the safety line.

In addition, once the war breaks out, if the pioneering squadron of one's own side wants to start a side-to-side battle with the enemy, it needs to carry a large amount of air, which is also a huge consumption. The so-called self-bred dry food means this.

In one's own world, one has authority to protect one's body, and one can do whatever one wants, but in someone else's world, one's authority is controlled by others.

Thinking of this, Yun Niang sighed inwardly. The only thing she could do was to manage the logistics well. In fact, she also asked if she could not go to other people's land, but Li Siwen's answer was very helpless. Wars in the world will stick together. If you don't attack others, others will attack you in a steady stream.

You can defend once, twice, three times, four times, but the reserved resources simply cannot withstand such consumption, and only plundering is the only way out.

"Lord Leopard, you hold the Thunder God's Order. The king has told you everything you need to say. You are the king's confidant. The reason why I have kept you this time is to hope that you can carefully study the structure of thunder and lightning, and upgrade the rules of thunderstorms. In this way, we Only those who have technical advantages, the so-called those who don’t plan for the world, don’t plan for a moment, don’t plan for the overall situation, don’t plan for a region, the king’s good intentions, you must remember, remember.”

Master Leopard nodded. Apart from some unspeakable reasons, the reason why he was retained this time was to improve the structure of Thunder and Lightning. Li Siwen named him the God of Thunder, and even advanced him from rank four to Rank five, even the world authority was allocated to him one percent.

He is the third person to receive this honor. The first two are Miao Cuihua and Yunniang. Needless to say, Miao Cuihua is now the most powerful weaver of pure land printing in the empire. He prints snow mountain pure land in winter and high mountain in summer Pure land, never idle for a moment.

As for Yunniang, she is pregnant with the king's flesh and blood, so don't say anything else at this time, just because Yunniang is an orthodox human race is enough.

After all, life is alive, the word filial son.

So Lord Bao knew very well how big his responsibility was.

"Hou Er, has prisoner No. 50 changed recently?"

Yunniang asked Hou Er again at this time, Hou Er is also a major force, but because he has to guard the children, he must stay behind. After all, this guy can give the world 300 points of world rules every day, and there is no need to deduct various fees. 100 points, in the past eight months, he has contributed 24,000 points to Li Siwen's world rules, which allowed him to make more preparations. For example, this time the Glacier Pure Land will be upgraded to a super-large Glacier Pure Land, and it will cost 10,000 points before and after. According to the rules of the world, without money, it is absolutely impossible.

"Report to your mother, everything is normal." Hou Er said concisely, he would come to the palace to report every seven days, and by the way, he had to undergo various purification tests to ensure that he would not be polluted by the curse.

Yun Niang only asked one question, then stopped asking, and waved her hand to let a few important ministers with important tasks leave. Their time cannot be wasted here, and next, she has to deal with more tedious government affairs, calculated according to time, The war is coming, and she can only support silently in the rear in this way.

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