"Meng Sang! He deceived so much!"

As soon as Ishikawa saw Meng Lang, he couldn't help but point to Murakami with tears and complain about his atrocities.

Murakami didn't persuade him at all, and sneered at each other: "Did I say something wrong? If you can't do it, you can't do it, don't talk about those who have nothing!

"you you you……"

Ishikawa was too excited, and seeing that he was about to do something again, Meng Lang quickly grabbed him and motioned with his eyes to Ma Teng to lead Murakami away. Only after Ma Teng left with Murakami, did he speak to appease Ishikawa.

"Meng Sang, you are right! Is there any plan for Ultraman's sequel? If so, is the neon exclusive broadcast rights ours or ANB's?"

Ultraman? ANB?

Oh! Interesting!

As soon as Meng Lang heard this, he immediately figured out the reason for the conflict between the two people. ANB must have had a bad mind. Kamen Rider is not enough. He also wants to further engage in the Ultraman series that TBS values ​​extremely.

This is a corner pry!

It's strange that Ishikawa is not angry in front of other people's TBS. Vixen can be a small third in the street, and Ishikawa can justify Murakami's heavy blow.

He guessed right.

It's just that there are some deviations in the details. Ishikawa is a very well-mannered person. Generally, he will not do anything with others unless the other party deceives too much.

Through Ishikawa's explanation, Meng Lang got a general idea of ​​what happened.

On the neon side, along with the continued hit of "Kamen Rider", TBS’s spring main drama encountered a turmoil. The president thought of Pengda, a good brother, and also thought of the “Ao Terman sequel" project.

So Ishikawa came to Jiangchuan.

But he didn't expect that the shrewd ANB had already focused on this project. Almost at the same time that TBS sent people to Jiangchuan, ANB also sent a capable officer, Mr. Murakami.

The two arrived in Jiangchuan on the same day and came to Pengda Film and Television within less than five minutes.

When I saw Murakami, he realized that his whereabouts might have been leaked. After talking to the president, he learned that ANB's inner ghost had appeared inside.

Murakami is also a wonderful person.

This guy frankly admitted that he was "following" Ishikawa, and his purpose was the same as that of the Ultraman sequel that Pengda hadn't produced yet.

"You have a Kamen Rider! Why do you want to grab Ultraman from me? Do you still have a conscience when you do this?"

"What is conscience? Is it delicious!"

Anyway, there was a quarrel!

It’s incomparable with Fuji TV, it just happens to be stuck on the pass line of the neon first-class TV station, and the competition is extremely fierce.

Altman is regarded as a "godson" by TBS. Now that the old king next door, ANB, is coming to recognize his relatives, how could they agree.

Ishikawa is really anxious!

Although Murakami's trash talk is awful, one thing is true. Kamen Rider, as a weekly drama, continues to be popular in ANB's Mu Yao Theater, and has attracted many young audiences for them.

If you add Ultraman...

Although TBS will not fail, it will definitely lose a lot of children's audience. This is undoubtedly a blow to TBS.

TV stations rely on advertising to make money, and a large part of the fund owners are manufacturers that produce toys, children's clothing, snacks and other groups for children. If too many viewers are lost, then advertisers must also lose.

The ANB is more suitable for our products than you. Even if the advertising price is lower, the fund owner will not consider TBS.

Meng Lang could perceive Ishikawa's urgent mood. But he can't give Ishikawa too much guarantee, after all, Pengda Film and Television's focus is on the Ultraman movie project.

But some details can be revealed.

"The new Ultraman work has been planned. This will be a different Ultraman from the original one! His name is Saiwen!"


Meng Lang nodded and explained: "This name is derived from humans, which means the seventh soldier of the Ultra Guard! You can understand the Ultra Guard as the Kurt..."

"It's cool!"

Ishikawa followed Meng Lang into the president's office, and in the file folder, he saw the hand-painted black and white version of the manuscript.

He put down the manuscript and bowed solemnly to Meng Lang: "Please Meng Sang! Please let Saiwen appear as soon as possible! The earth needs this hero, and TBS needs him too!"

Meng Lang did not answer him, but instead asked a question he was more concerned about: "Your spring main drama is really cut in half?"

"Thank you!"

After thanking Zhang Xue who poured the tea, Ishikawa said bitterly: "Hey! Since the fourth episode, the ratings were so bad that I had to cut him down."

TBS is very heartbroken!

This is the spring main drama they invested in, so I won't talk about losing money. The audience lost because the main drama is too ugly is even more heartbreaking.

Meng Lang raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that TBS, who was still very energetic last year, would fall into such a situation after the beginning of spring this year. It is really surprising.

"Are you sure Seven can do it?"

"Absolutely useful!"

Ishikawa took out a copy of the investigation result from his briefcase and handed it to Meng Lang. Meng Lang took a look and found that this was data obtained by TBS after sampling a random audience survey.

The question is: "If the "Ultraman" sequel starts, will you watch it?"

a. Not interested. (16.4%)

b. I might watch it. (43.2%)

, Will definitely watch! (35.2%)

d. Go away, don't bother me! (5.2%)

Note: For male audiences aged 6-16, the proportion of option a is less than 1%.

"Will so many people watch it?"

Meng Lang was surprised. He didn't expect an overseas drama to gain so many audience recognition in Neon, which seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

"Meng Sang, please rest assured, this data is a report that we sent people to investigate nearly 10,000 viewers across the country in Neon. It is absolutely true and reliable!"

Ishikawa once again prayed: "Please! Please start the production of the text as soon as possible! We can provide personnel and financial assistance, and the schedule is absolutely high-quality."

Meng Lang remained indifferent.

He started and said: "Mr. Ishikawa, you know, we are making Ultraman's big movie, and we can’t spare any manpower to make the game. Moreover, the production of the game also takes time. No matter how fast the schedule is, it will be the end of the year. It's even next spring."

"No! You can shoot and broadcast!"

Ishikawa said with bright eyes: "As long as we can shoot one story a week, we can broadcast the text! If there is not enough manpower, we can take on part of the work!"

He is indeed a good brother of Meng Tsai!

But Meng Lang has never tried this mode of filming and broadcasting. He is very worried about it. One episode a week sounds like nothing, but weather needs to be considered, personnel scheduling needs to be considered, model production and post-production need to be considered.

Time may not be enough!

Especially since he still needs to supervise the post-production of big movies, it feels too busy.

Just when he wanted to refuse, Ishikawa saw a flash of hesitation on his face and whispered a word to him secretly.

"No problem! You can shoot!"

Meng Lang patted his chest and promised: "I like Meng Lang to help others the most, not to mention that it is my brother who helps, Ishikawa, don't worry, this is my responsibility!"

"Then please!"

Ishikawa smiled and nodded.

Just as the two stood up to shake hands, a voice shouted: "I have an opinion! I want to see your president!"

Murakami pushed open the door, and Ma Teng behind him said with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, Mr. Meng, I really can't stop Mr. Murakami!"


In a good mood, Meng Lang asked Zhang Xue to pour tea for Murakami and Ma Teng, and said politely: "Mr. Murakami, long time no see!"

"Meng Sang!!"

Mr. Murakami said dissatisfiedly: "I don't think TBS is worthy of Ultraman's work. Their children's theater sucks..."

"Then what price can you offer for Ultraman?" Meng Lang said with a smile: "In business, as long as you give better terms, then I will definitely choose you."

Is this a PY consensus?

Murakami glanced at Ishikawa who was smirking constantly, asked Zhang Xue for a pen and paper, wrote a string of text and handed it to Meng Lang.

Why is it so troublesome?

Of course I don't want Ishikawa to know.

Meng Lang understood Murakami's approach very well. He opened the note and glanced at it. The corner of his mouth made a beautiful arc, and he beckoned Ma Teng to come over.

After Ma Teng saw it, his eyes lit up, but he was stopped by Mr. Meng's eyes when he just wanted to speak. Meng Lang picked up the pen and wrote the conditions given by TBS on the note.

The note returned to Murakami.

Murakami glanced at the note and sighed slightly.

"That's it. TBS will give the exclusive broadcasting rights of neon for the sequel! Don't sigh, Mr. Murakami. I have another plan here. Would you like to think about it?"

While talking, Meng Lang rummaged through the piles of files on the desk to find a plan document that was devastating and handed it to Mr. Murakami.

The title of the document has four words.

"Alienation Girl"!

Murakami flipped through the documents, but Meng Lang didn't urge him, and went to the sofa with Ishikawa to discuss the production details of the game.

"There is a basis for making Ultraman, and the schedule of one episode a week can be fully caught up. It's just that there may be fewer urban battles. Four or five episodes of field battles are combined with one episode of urban battles."

There is no alternative.

If there are too many battles in the city, the production of the model will overwhelm the crew, and it will be difficult to catch up with the weekly schedule. If it takes only a month to shoot one episode of urban warfare, the pressure will not be so great.

Regarding this point, Ishikawa expressed understanding ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is not a problem. As long as giants and monsters can appear on TV, no one cares if the battle takes place in the wild or in the city. "

Coincidentally, Meng Lang thought so too.

They are all here to see Ultraman fight the little monsters. As for where to fight, is this important?

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ishikawa left Pengda Film and Television with satisfaction. Before leaving, he reiterated that TBS will always be Pengda's good brother!

Correct! Brothers!

Thanks to this good brother for supporting Meng Zi’s special photo dream, Meng Zi likes you very much, remember to come often in the future!

Murakami also said goodbye.

Regarding the Alienated Girl project, he said that he needed to report to the senior management before he could give Meng Lang a definite answer.

"No problem! Good brother, go slowly!"

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