Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 26: Director Tao is still a good brother

   There is a good foundation laid by "Firepower Boys". Several TV stations that I have worked with before are all very interested in the first-round broadcasting rights of "Ballala Little Demon".

   But when they learned that the show was not free and had no exclusive broadcasting rights, they were immediately embarrassed.

If    is free, the impact of non-exclusive broadcasting is not significant. After all, it’s a free lunch, even if you don’t prepare chopsticks for you.

   But since the money was spent, it would be a bit unreasonable to not give a pair of chopsticks.

   Based on this, the negotiation is facing great challenges.

   Fortunately, Meng Lang has made enough mental preparations, and he didn't even think about making mistakes, so he sincerely set the price at 50,000 for a single episode.

   The TV station is very satisfied with the price, especially after learning that "Ballala Little Demon" has been confirmed to be premiered on CCTV Children's Channel...

   Yang Mom is optimistic, it must be a boutique!

   But going around is still the problem!

   There is no exclusive broadcasting rights, and it can’t be broadcast earlier than CCTV children, so it’s very uncomfortable.

   TV stations are full of hesitation, especially when "Ballala Little Demon Fairy" is not sure whether it can set off a frenzy of ratings like the Firepower Boy King, they dare not bet.

   At this moment, Director Tao, who had cheated Meng Lang before, sent a wave of perfect assists.

  Jiangchuan Children's Channel agreed to purchase the right to broadcast the first round of "Ba La La Little Demon Fairy", and it can also accept the terms that must be broadcast later than CCTV Children's.

   50,000 in a single episode? No problem!

   2.6 million to buy the first-round broadcast rights, even if it is not exclusive, it makes sense.

   After all, this little money is not worth mentioning relative to the advertising revenue of hundreds of millions a year.

   Director Tao I misunderstood you!

   Meng Lang was touched, he said that we can see the truth in adversity. Although Director Tao is cheating, he is definitely a good person. Otherwise, how could he send him a wave of assists at this time?

   You know, even if the Jiangchuan Children's Channel is interested in buying "Ba La La Little Demon Fairy", there is no need to stand up now.

   They can wait until Meng Lang has negotiated with other TV stations before they come to talk about it.

   But they happened to stand up when Meng Lang's negotiations with other TV stations were blocked. What kind of spirit is this?

   40m hatchet returned, canceled WeChat black...

   Director Tao is still a good brother!


  Jiangchuan Children's Channel was used as a breakthrough, and soon other TV stations gradually accepted the conditions proposed by Meng Lang.

   After all, the price of a single episode of 50,000 is not very high, and it is even slightly cheaper than other major productions.

   There are 52 episodes of "Ba La La Little Demon Fairy". Even with this calculation, the purchase of the first-round broadcast rights is only 2.6 million.

   2.6 million may be a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but for these wealthy state-run TV stations, it is really nothing.

   In this way, after Meng Lang's unremitting efforts, Balala Xiaomoxian successfully landed on 15 TV stations.

   CCTV children did not suffer, even if they offered a high price, at least they got the "starter." Before they broadcast, other TV stations cannot broadcast "Ba La La Little Demon Fairy" in advance.

   In a sense, only the CCTV Children's Channel can be regarded as the real premiere!

   But this restriction is only a few days.

   After the CCTV Children’s Channel starts broadcasting, other TV stations can follow.

  Meng Lang did not suffer.

The production cost of    is about 13.2 million, which is almost 20 million after the announcement. Just selling the first round of broadcasting rights has already earned it back, and even a small profit.

   The bulk of profitability lies in derivatives.

   The toy is ready, even if a single episode sells 1 million, it can’t match.

   In addition to toys, it can also launch a lot of products such as stickers, stationery boxes, posters, card issuance, and figurines. The wealth is not an adjective, but a real existence.

   In the development of derivatives, Meng Lang mainly focuses on toys. After all, the family business is a toy factory.

   But this does not mean that he has given up other products. It is just that when he is unable to make all of them, he should give a portion of the cake to others. This is the best solution.

   Firepower Junior King’s derivatives, except for the toys produced by Pengda Toy Factory, the other parts are basically handed over to the manufacturers who come to ask for authorization.

   This part of the income excluding toys alone, the monthly share of revenue reaches millions.

   This is amazing!

   You need to know that the firepower boy is a toy like yo-yo, but the characters in the play are not very popular.

   But the little magic fairy is different!

   As long as the show can catch on, it will not only be a toy fire, but also derivative products of the character image will catch fire. At that time, this part of the income is likely to be equal to the toy income.

An ordinary stationery box, you and you use the same material and craftsmanship, the retail price is a few more expensive than you, because it is printed with the character of the little magic fairy, it sells more than you, you can be indifferent ?

   Not only stationery boxes, but the entire stationery market, I believe it will soon be shrouded in the shadow of "Little Demon Fairy"...

  Just thinking about it, Meng Lang seemed to smell the rich ink scent from stacks of banknotes.

   This is the smell of money!

   is also the taste of happiness!

   Before he continued to fantasize, Comrade Lao Meng's words instantly pulled him back to reality.

   "What happened to the Firepower Boy?"

"What happened?"

   Comrade Lao Meng looked at Meng Lang in surprise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked with a puzzled look: "You, a director, don't even pay attention to your own work?"

   "I've been vomiting on the plane these days, how can I care about those? What happened?" Meng Lang asked.

   "Look at it for yourself."

   Lao Meng threw the phone to Meng Lang, got up and poured himself a glass of water.

   Meng Lang took the old man’s cell phone, and first noticed a sorrow message from an old aunt named "Xiaofang" in the notification bar, and then he saw the web page opened by the old man.

   budding score?

   After watching for a while, Meng Lang understood.

   It turned out that it was because of the polarizing rating of "Boyboy", and a struggle between adults and children was launched on the bud.

   Adults believe that Germination is the sacred "pure land" of the film and television industry, and a bad film cannot get a high score.

   The children’s thinking is very simple. It is my right to score. Why do you interfere with my choice?

   Both sides insist on their own words, and neither is convinced.

   The intensity of the struggle continued to rise, and both sides shook their hands to call for support. Germination experienced server downtime due to too many visitors.

   The budding company is not an Internet giant, and the server is naturally cheaper, and it is reasonable for something to happen.

   After such an accident, the budding officials could not sit still, calling for the two sides to calm down, and at the same time temporarily closed the rating and message area of ​​"Boyman Firepower" on the grounds of "harmonious discussion"...

   After understanding the whole story, Meng Lang's mood was as complicated as beeping a dog.

  What's the trouble?

   The director doesn’t care about the score, but a group of outsiders care more than him...


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