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Chapter 669: The invincible alienation girl, it's cold again!

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The story follows the previous work.

With the help of Sakura's alienated body, the Shadow Emperor gained unimaginable power and tried to sacrifice the Neon Continent to become a "surpassing god".

Finally defeated by the Xiongbing Company!

Sakura sacrificed herself to save the entire world.

In the egg session at the end of the movie, a mass of minced meat was detected as a vital reaction, and gradually condensed into the shape of a heart. Experts have cracked the mystery of "alienated cells", which turned out to be a "resource collector" made by an alien civilization.

This Easter egg is also regarded by the audience as a preview of "Sakura's Resurrection".

After all, Uncle Black Pig said that as long as the "Withering Flower" figure sells well, Sakura will definitely and definitely resurrect!

Uncle Meng never lied.

What he promised will be done no matter what. Withered flower figures sold so hot, Sakura's resurrection in "Xiongbing Company II", this is no suspense.

In this work, after cracking the alienated cells in Sakura's body, experts use the "petri dish" to artificially breed a Sakura.

The plan went well!

After putting in various metals, ores, and radioactive materials, that group of "heart-shaped minced meat" will soon reproduce into meat balls, and Sakura's revival is expected!

But at this time, a piece of news from Tianyan in Qianzhou shocked the whole world.

A mysterious starship is approaching the solar system at an extremely fast speed!

Experts in the study of alienated cells were urgently transferred to other projects. Sakura's research institute became deserted and there was no one.

At this time, the meatball broke open!

A small white hand stretched out, and the silver-haired Sakura without strands crawled out of the flesh, and stared at everything in front of her through a layer of glass.

She tapped and the glass burst.

Sakura is gone!

No one knows where she has been and what she is now. The high level of the earth who was caught in the crisis of "alien invasion" couldn't care about Sakura's escape.

The Xiongbing Company assembled again.

In order to deal with the "very possible" alien invasion, the high level of the earth not only recalled the original fighters, but also recruited the "Kamen Rider" from the neon.

They are No. 1, No. 2, V3, Strongman and Amazon. Don't ask why X didn't come, this guy Shen Jingjie can't be scheduled!

In addition to the Kamen Rider, the newly added fighters this time also have a five-member group of magic girls who have obtained the "Secret Treasure of the Dharma Realm", which can purify people's hearts with magic.

A total of 10 fighters have been added!

Add the previous Four Spirit Warriors, Armor Warriors, Little Demon Fairy and Super Team. The audience ridiculed "the upgrade of the Xiong Bing Company to the Xiong Barracks" finally became a reality.

The next work is probably the Xiong Corps!

The alien warship approached the earth, and everyone was nervous. The social order collapsed for a while, and riots of "beating, smashing, looting, and burning" took place in various countries, just like a scene of "doomsday".

Sakura, who walked aimlessly on the street, became a coveted target of the hooligans.

"Do you know me?"

"Yes! Of course you do! Little sister, come to my house, I will show you a big baby..."

Sakura, like a piece of white paper, was caught in the trap of the hooligan. However, the hooligans obviously did not expect that this girl's slap could actually slap a person to death.


"Help, Uncle Police, help me..."

After easily slaughtering the three celebrities, Sakura walked out of the room and looked up at the sky. It happened that the Emperor Xia led the Five Elements Armor and flew hurriedly on a horse of light and shadow.

"that person……"

"No! Sakura!"

Seeing the emperor, Sakura had a scene of a war in her mind. She was holding her head in pain, at a loss.

The alien battleship is coming!

After entering the Earth-Moon orbit, the human consortium issued an ultimatum to this warship.

"Please stop now!"

"If you keep going, it will cause an endless war between the two civilizations."

However, the other party never responded.

The human government has characterized it as an "invasion" behavior. Ling Xiong Bing Company attacked immediately and must not allow alien warships to approach the earth, threatening the safety of mankind.

Everyone felt that this was an epic battle. The company may win or lose. The destiny of mankind does not know where to go...

totally unexpected!

This battleship turned out to be fake!

To be precise, this warship is just a projection like a "mirage", not an entity. The invasion that mankind imagined did not happen.

Just as everyone was relieved and planned to go back to each house, the battleship approaching the atmosphere suddenly flickered and turned into a thin "membrane" that enveloped the earth.

That film is like a screen.

Above is another world!

That world is almost the same as the earth, but the only difference is that the world is still in an ancient period with unknown age.

Lin Duo fought with the Gurangi clan, one side was murderous, and the other guarded the peace. Through this film, the two worlds looked at each other, and the Gurangi family took the lead to cross the boundary and entered the modern earth chaos.

Later, Linduo soldiers came to help.

His name is Rick, a dead sister who has a deep love for her sister. At the same time, he is also a warrior with a benevolent heart. After defeating the enemy, it will only be sealed, not completely killed.

This concept has caused conflicts.

Gurangi rioted and killed innocent people. The soldiers of the Xiongbing Company wanted to destroy the enemy as soon as possible, not to adopt a benevolent seal.

Rick's approach is unpopular.

But his strength is very strong, defeating the enemy is as easy as eating and drinking. In order to solve the threat posed by the Gurangi clan, the Xiongbing Company still needs his power.

This is not a long-term solution!

The high-level mankind held a meeting to set the tone of "non-self races must have different hearts", and they were wary of the Lindu warrior Rick. It is believed that sooner or later there is a battle between humans and Lindu.

Rick is so strong, and the Lindu family don’t know how many Rick there are! If there is a conflict between the two sides~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how should human beings protect themselves?

Must think of a way!

Human beings' fear of Rick and Lindo gradually transformed into a desire for combat power. They thought of Sakura, the perverted girl who can swallow a whole continent and strengthen herself when it bursts!

If she is there, you should be able to win, right?

Sakura was fooled and joined the male company in a daze, becoming a warrior protecting the earth. At this time, the shrewd and capable Gurangi clan also focused on her...

Gulangji wanted to use Sakura to provoke Lindu's partnership with humans.

Humans want to use Sakura to check and balance the uncontrolled Linda and Rick. Sakura, who has lost her memory, just wants to know, who is her friend?

The ending is naturally miserable!

The Gurangi clan succeeded in instigating, Rick beat Sakura, and after getting angry and leaving, the king of Gurangi was unstoppable.

Although Sakura was strong, she lost her memory, and she didn't even have a fighting instinct, and was soon captured.

In order to rescue Sakura, all members of the Xiongbing Company turned on the Gourd Baby Rescue Mode and entered the pit one by one.

Fortunately, Sakura's memory was restored.

Sakura, who restores her memory, forcibly alienates to Cuba in order to save everyone. As you can imagine, Sakura, who had just recovered, did not have this digestive ability and died on the spot.

Thanks to Rick's timely rescue, the Xiongbing Company and the Linduo reinforcements joined together, and while Dakubo was entangled with Sakura, they sealed it in a rune sarcophagus, which completely resolved the crisis.

When Rick brought the sarcophagus back to Linduo, the sky shattered like a mirror, the film disappeared, and the two worlds were now disconnected...

Poor Sakura!

Not long after the resurrection, he was sent to sacrifice by his teammates and became the only victim of the film.

Meng Lang wanted to know.

Knowing that Sakura is resurrected, will the Alien Fans who happily buy tickets to enter the venue feel heartbroken after watching it?

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