Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 687: 3 fantasy god

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Houston, Texas.

Thousands of people gathered in Herman Park, located southwest of the city center, next to the Texas Medical Center. Most of them are students in Houston's local elementary, middle school and university. More than two-thirds of them are white, and there are very few black Asians.

Peter is among them...

On a rare weekend holiday, he had planned Gwen to go to the Houston Zoo together. But a phone call from Tony forced him to change his mind and ran to Herman Park to bask in the sun with heavy photographic equipment.

There is an event today!

Organized by the Houston PD House, the first "Duel City Houston" Challenge will be held at 9 o'clock this morning in Herman Park in the city center.

The reward for the event is not high, and the champion is only five thousand dollars.

The reason why everyone is so enthusiastic is mainly because of the gold-plated figure of the "Global Limited" edition [Blue Eye Ultimate Dragon]. Of course, the number of entries in the "PD Carnival Exhibition" is also the focus of everyone's competition.

Tony signed up for this event.

He is only 10 points short of being promoted to a [Master 1 star] duelist. According to the official announcement of the PD, duels with 1 star and above in the global master can receive a free admission ticket to the "Eighth Carnival" in the member center.

Car and horse charge back and forth, PD all inclusive!

Sounds very good welfare, but the threshold is too high.

It’s only a few months since the launch of the duelist level. 99.99% of the duels worldwide are still hovering in the pits of [Beginner 1-5 Stars] and [Intermediate 1-5 Stars]. Only a few people rely on powerful decks. , Promoted to [Advanced] Duelist.

As for [Master] duelist?

That's too little!

According to the documents issued by the World Dueling Alliance, after a duelist is upgraded to [Master 1 star], the rule of 100 points for one segment will no longer be used. It is based on the global ranking.

Globally ranked 10001-100000, masters 1-4 stars. 5001-10000, 1 star duel king! 2001-5000, 2 stars duel king. The first two thousand are 3-star duel kings, the first thousand are four stars, and the first 100 are the highest five-star duel kings!

It is said that the top 10 players will receive the [Game King·S1] honor certificate and trophy officially issued by PD after the end of this season.

One hundred thousand masters in the world, sounds like a lot?

However this is the new season!

Not to mention 100,000 masters, there are only more than 1,000 people in the current global ranking. As long as Tony becomes a master, according to the ranking mechanism, he will be upgraded to [3-star duel king] at once!

That's why he is so excited.

In order to record his "Miaosheng Duel King" moment, he specially called his good brother Peter, and recorded this great moment with a camera, so that he can show off to his grandchildren when he is old.

After all, he is a good brother, and Peter cannot refuse.

Even if it is a pigeon girl, she has to carry the camera to witness the happy moment of a good brother being promoted to the duel king.

"Tony is still strong!"

When it comes to Tony, Peter is full of admiration.

This good brother, although his academic performance is terrible. But in the area of ​​eating, drinking, playing and picking up girls, he is definitely a man of extraordinary talent!

He used to play yo-yo, he was a professional player. Playing PD League, he was the king from zero in half a month. Playing four-wheel drive, he was only one step short of qualifying for the World Championship. It is the turn of the game king card, he can also become the duel king...

This talent, no one!

This game is an official competition, and the bonus points for winning a round are very high. Tony's missing 10 points, as long as he wins one game, at most two games, he can make up.

For him, this is a trivial matter.

So far, there are more than 1,200 masters in the world. On average, this number is only one in Texas! As long as you don't meet the master, with Tony's carefully prepared deck, you can win two games easily.

His deck is a "protagonist" match.

Obsessed with animation, Tony gave himself a set of the same card set for the game. The core monsters are the Black Sorcerer series, Exzodia parts, chestnut ball, magnet warrior αβγ, dark knight Gaia and Chaos warrior.

In the animation, this set of cards can be said to be strong enough to explode, and the game kills all quarters.

But in reality, the effect of this deck is really unsatisfactory. Fortunately, Tony spent a lot of money to get a chaos warrior's vest card [Chaos warrior-the messenger of development], replaced a batch of mortal bone monsters with the chaos card, and this has a certain combat effectiveness.

I can only say that being rich is really good!

Chaos Development Messenger is a card with powerful effects and simple summoning, which is loved by many duelists. It is a pity that the packaging rate of this card is too low, and the probability of drawing is no less than that of a lottery.

Tony can't draw...

Therefore, he chose banknotes to open the way!

"Tony, I heard people say..."

While Tony sorted out his deck to prepare for the game, Peter hesitated and said: "The Dueling League is considering adding Chaos Development Messenger to the banned card list."

"Who dares to ban?"

Tony raised his eyebrows and said, "This is a card I got for ten thousand dollars. Why should I be prohibited from using it? If it is really banned, then I will sue them for compensation!"

"It's useless, right?"

Peter sighed: "Duel Alliance has banned so many cards, and it is not once or twice that they have been prosecuted. But you see, they haven't changed their minds!"

This is true!

Ever since Meng Lang came up with the "banned card list" and "restricted card list" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ European and American consumers who advocate freedom have always felt that the black pig infringed their "right to game freedom" and sued and applied for compensation.

Unfortunately, I have never won it once!

As we all know, PD's user license comes with relevant provisions, and the lawsuit against PD must be accepted by the Jiangchuan Court, that is, where the defendant is located. Once you go to Jiangchuan to sue, who can beat Jiangchuan Pizza Hut?

Young man, stay away!

Tony just said two angry words, and he also admitted that Peter's concerns were right. The Chaos Development Messenger may be banned next season. He must consider the future and find a suitable replacement.

The problem is, there is no suitable card!

The cards with powerful effects are basically included in the banned card list. Tony doesn’t like the remaining cards...

"Forget it, wait for the new card."

Tony mused: "According to Uncle Meng's urinary sex, Carnival should issue a new card, right? I don't know how effective the new card is, whether it can replace Chaos Warrior..."

"It should be...wait!"

Before Peter finished speaking, he suddenly remembered a rumor from faraway China.

What seems to be the three phantom gods !

Named as "phantom god", the effect must be abnormal, right? If this is the case, Tony doesn't have to worry about Chaos Warrior being banned.

So he told Tony the rumor.

"Three fantasy gods?"

Tony touched his chin and said, "It's interesting! It seems that I must bring more money when I go to Jiangchuan this time. Three phantom gods, I must get it!"

"good luck!"

Peter smiled stiffly, and couldn't help but silently mourn for Tony.

The three magical gods, who are very powerful just by hearing their names, must have an extremely touching encapsulation rate. Whether Tony draws card packs or trades with other people, the money spent is by no means a small amount.

after come back……

Uncle Howard is going to run away, right?

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