Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 90: Cross the river by touching the round valley

   Pengda Film and Television, daily meetings.

  The topic of the meeting is-a huge hero!

   "Should you give the project a name?"

  Wang Kui felt very awkward, always calling "Huge Hero" sounds strange.

   "What do you think is better called?"


   According to Mr. Meng, this protagonist should be a giant from the universe, with a huge body and extraordinary power...

   "Well, it's called Giant Mountain Superpower!" Wang Kui said excitedly.

   Ma Teng shook his head: "Sounds stupid, so I might as well be called Superman..."

   Wang Kui was dumb for a moment and looked at President Meng.

   Meng Lang replied with "opposing" eyes, and then said: "As for the protagonist's name, we can be called Ultraman!"


   Everyone began to ponder the meaning of this word, and Ma Teng, who was flexibly thinking, asked: "This pronunciation sounds a bit like a transliterated word?"

   "Hmm! UItraman!"

   Meng Lang explained: "A variant of Superman, you can also understand it as Superman!"

   Although there is no "Superman" in this time and space, Suppeman was squashed. This is something that surprised Meng Lang very much.

   But it doesn't matter, Supoman is gone, and no one in Ulu Dragaman will rob him.

   "Superman? This name is fine."

   After listening to Meng Lang's explanation of the origin of the naming, no one had any objections, so the four words "huge hero" written on the small blackboard were erased and replaced with Ultraman.

   "We want to try some new things in this drama, including the initial use of leather cases and models, unit dramas, unified worldview..."

   Before Meng Lang finished speaking, Wang Kui raised his hand and said, "Meng, I can understand the first two elements you mentioned. What does a unified worldview mean?"

   Unit dramas can be understood, why can’t we understand the unified world view?

   Meng Lang picked up the small blackboard and drew a circle on it: "This is this show!"

   drew another circle: "This is a sequel to an independent plot!"

   drew another big circle and wrapped the two small circles before: "This is the world view!"

   Wang Kui understands roughly.

   is the same as the unit drama, the plot of each episode is independent, but the protagonist group does not change, and the main line does not change. To apply it, it means that the world view does not change. The sequel to the independent plot seems to have nothing to do with the predecessor, but the core world view is the same.

   "In the setting, Ultraman comes from the M78 Nebula, belonging to the Ultra Guard in the Kingdom of Light, and is a hero who guards the peace of the universe!"

Meng Lang pressed the remote control to show the PPT to the part of the Kingdom of Light: “Don’t worry about the part of the Kingdom of Light for the time being. Let’s talk about the Ultra Security Team! They are composed of the most outstanding fighters of the Kingdom of Light. Yes……"

   Through Meng Lang's narration, everyone in the conference room roughly understood this worldview.

   Ultraman comes from the Ultra Guard in the Kingdom of Light. If other works are released in the future, the protagonist will also come from the same place.

   There are two advantages to doing this, it saves time and effort, understandable. After all, it would be too troublesome to make a worldview setting for an Ultraman, and it is also prone to BUG.

   The second advantage is that the world view and background of the series of works are the same. In the future, a "assembly" theater version will be released, and the effect will definitely burst.

   Just like the reunion, the home video of each hero is first released. The world view and background setting are the same. S.H.I.E.L.D. will gather these scattered heroes, and the Avengers Alliance is born!

   This is the benefit of a unified world view!

   In fact, the world view and background setting are unified, and there is another hidden benefit, that is, the successful template can be used to manufacture new products in batches.

   Throughout the Ultraman series, although every TV game has such changes, the core has never changed.

   Monsters raged, humans ran away, Earth defense organizations attacked, returned without success, the human body transformed, beat monsters, and flew away in the sound of "washing socks".

This set of templates has been used for decades. Although Tsuburaya often revises and modifies this set of templates, and even makes Altman with Gauss’s magical modified templates, no matter whether it is a regular change or a magical change, it has not jumped out of this set of frameworks. .

   It’s not Tsuburaya, I don’t want to jump out of the frame...

   but they dare not jump! Ultraman's image and template have been finalized, and the rash changes may not be praised, but overwhelming.

   If Tsuburaya is compared to a toy factory, the Ultraman series is equivalent to an assembly line product made of old molds and new materials.

   Can't reopen the mold to make a new product?

   can be done, but it costs money to open the mold!

   And the mold is made, if the new product is not seen by the market, it will be over?

   It's not just Ultraman, the successful special photo series basically have this phenomenon.

   That is the template I used for success. Although it may not be a big fire, at least it will not fail. To re-create a template, let’s not talk about the market feedback, maybe the old customers will run out first...

   can lie down and make money, why should I get up?

  Meng Lang does not denounce this approach. In fact, if he takes over, he will still use the old framework. This is why he proposed a unified world view and setting.

   This is called...

   Cross the river by touching Tsuburaya!


   The meeting started all afternoon.

   In addition to discussing the shooting plan, part of the content is to analyze the market prospects.

   "Ultraman" officially launched!

   Boot after the Spring Festival! Director Meng Lang~www.wuxiaspot.com~The producer is still Wang Kui!

   The casting work starts immediately. It is best to confirm the actors in the twelfth lunar month, so that the work can be started immediately after the festival.

   Then is the Pengda Carnival that just opened!

   On the first day of the carnival, there were many visitors. Although the ticket revenue was still zero, it played an excellent role in the sales of derivatives.

   On the surface, this is a carnival...

   Actually, this is a toy conference!

   As early as the opening day of the carnival, the Pengda Carnival commemorative toy set has been sold nationwide, and overseas will be delayed for two days.

   Commemorative Yo-Yo is the hottest seller!

  Probably, it is also related to the recent popularity of "Boyboy 2"!

   Followed by Alien Girls' figure sales!

   The child is not very keen on the "limited" and "commemorative edition". But fat boys are different! They have no resistance to these two words.

what? Carnival Commemorative Edition?

  Buy, buy, buy!

   Not to mention, although the ratings of Alien Girls have dropped and the sales of derivatives are not good, but in the fat boy group, they really have a wave of favorability.

   "Pengda conscience! New styles are released every week!"

   "Meng is a good guy! Last time I complained about the lack of swimsuit Sakura's figure and pillow, but it came out in the second week..."

   Although his figure is a bit expensive...

   But Pengda is sensible!

   New items are released every week! Willing to follow suggestions.

   Consumers can sell what they need. Buyers can also increase PD membership points. Member points can be exchanged for prizes and membership levels can be upgraded.

   It is rumored that the membership level is high enough to even receive a letter of thanks from President Meng.

  Are you all learning a little bit?

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