Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 906: Catch week

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Gaia is an innovation!

Anyone can see that Tsuburaya is ambitious and has high hopes for Gaia's work, hoping to take the Ultraman series to a whole new level.

Of course, they also succeeded!

Gaia, as the finale of the "Three Masters of Heisei", has lived up to expectations and achieved unimaginable success, whether it is ratings or derivatives.

The discussion about the planning of this work actually started very early.

As early as the beginning of the year, shortly after Dina started broadcasting, Meng Lang held a planning seminar to determine several basic settings:

Two Ultraman rivals!

Enemy throughout the show!

Abundant deformation machinery and equipment!

The Alter team should expand the formation of different forms of sea, land and air!

Inherit and carry forward the concept of "Human Ultraman" and insist on people-oriented, not "giant-oriented"...

These architectural concepts are not so much a basic setting as a general direction of the work.

More detailed content has to be filled slowly.

This brainstorming is based on the basic framework prepared at the beginning of the year and "filling in content" into it.

As a newcomer scriptwriter and producer, much loved by President Meng, Lin Jin, who has raised his salary three times in half a year, also participated in this project discussion.

Young people have so many ideas!

When everyone was thinking hard and couldn't think of anything new, Lin Jin gave a new idea of ​​"different from the past".

A more "younger" protagonist!

Unprecedented monster form!

A more free, real and diversified human team system!

Ultraman's consciousness is the consciousness of the protagonist!

The base may be able to go out of the endless cycle of ocean and land, and exist in the sky...

"How can the base be built in the air?"

Someone raised doubts and said: "If the authenticity is emphasized, wouldn't it be more appropriate to build a base in the sea or on land?"

"This is a parallel world!"

Lin Jin emphasized: "Because of the existence of the alchemy star, the level of technology in this world is far beyond reality. We can use anti-gravity devices to achieve a base in the sky!"

"This...what do you think of President Meng?"

"Sit and watch!"

Meng Lang smiled and said to everyone: "I agree with Lin Jin's opinion, so write the case as he said!"

"Of course, I object to one thing."

Knock on the table, Meng Lang dissatisfied: "According to you, Aguru will be absorbed by Gaia in the middle of the story and will never appear again, right?"


Lin Jin nodded and said: "Gaia absorbs the light of the ocean to evolve and upgrade to a more powerful form."

"I don't agree with this!"

Meng Lang retorted: "Have you ever thought about a problem? Aguru's character is destined to be a pleasing existence. If he disappears in the middle of the story, what will the audience think?"

very angry? dissatisfied?

This is human nature!

The original version of Gaia plans to absorb Aguru in the second season, and since then there will be no more forced kings.

However, in the first season, Wang has countless fans, and fans have formed a "match" situation with Gaia.

Coupled with the joint pressure from Bandai and the sponsor, Tsuburaya eventually retained the role of Fujinomiya and arranged for Aguru to resurrect afterwards.

To be honest, Tsuburaya was very depressed.

In their plan, Aguru is a tool man who can lose surplus value by squeezing dry.

But who could have thought that Aguru's popularity is so high?


With such a popular character, the script of the next season won a lunch box! If you were the head of Tsuburaya, what would you do?

Of course it is to change!

In the face of the audience and the sponsor's father, he quickly arranged a stopwatch to force Aguru to continue his life.

Meng Lang is also planning ahead.

After all, Tsuburaya’s lessons for the past are in front of you, dare you to do something to Aguru? Believe it or not, thousands of fans forced you to death?

Besides, this is not necessary.

Gaia's evolution and upgrade are of course very important. But now that the "dual protagonist" route is set, don't change it lightly.

Who said that when Gaia upgrades, he must sacrifice Aguru?

Just borrow power!

According to this logic, every time Uub borrows power, is it about killing an Ultraman? The Debt King smiled contemptuously, and when he took off his mask, it turned out to be "Safolin"?

It's incredible when you think about it!

Aguru cannot receive lunch, and there is no need to receive lunch. The value of his existence is far greater than the value of sacrifice!

"Okay, got it."

Lin Jin also agreed with the reasons why President Meng opposed. This point is indeed improperly considered by him.

The brainstorming is over!

Everyone goes back to each house and finds each mother.

Some are busy perfecting the script, some are busy preparing props and models, some are rushing to the field overnight, and some are busy going home to watch their son catch Zhou...

That's right, it's Tao Mi!

At the time of the premiere of "The Mystery of the Musical Notes of the Little Demon Fairy", she was not staring at the TV station, but hurried home, just to watch her son.

It's not doing business properly!

Meng Lang took a sip, never thought he was such a person.

Xiaotao finished today, just one year old! The long-prepared "Catch the Week Ceremony" also started at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Many people came to congratulate.

Wang Kui, Ma Teng, and Chen Huan are all here, and the last person of PD Trident, Du Fang, President of Lebao, is not here, but the gift has been delivered.

This makes Meng Lang very pleased!

You see, it is a woman who is careful.

Although Du Fang was absent, the gift was delivered. What is this called? This is called mind!

Look at Ma Teng and Wang Kui. Not only did they come empty-handed, they also brought their wives and belts, for fear that there will be no shortage of people, and Mr. Meng will not be poor, which is really annoying.

Director Tao is here too!

He prepared a piece of zodiac jade pendant for Xiao Tao, and Meng Lang took a closer look. It should be worth some money, so he warmly welcomed Director Tao's family.

Tao Mi doesn't have many relatives and friends, and most of them live in his hometown, it is not easy to visit Jiangchuan. Everyone didn't come at all, and established a family group to send a red envelope to Xiaotao to talk about his feelings.

of course!

The red envelope was accepted by Meng Lang!

Although the red envelope belongs to "Xiaotao" in name, Xiaotao can't get it without a mobile phone or bank card.

How about it?

Only Meng Lang, who is the father, can "custoise" for him.

"My son!"

Meng Lang rubbed his son's fat face and said cheerfully: "The father will keep the money for you first, and will pay you back after you get married in the future!"

"Go aside!"

Tao Mi sniffed and said, "How about interest? I'm afraid that by then, even the principal will be gone!"

The joke is a joke.

After lunch, everyone worked together to put the table together, covered with a red cloth, filled with all kinds of gadgets.

Xiao Tao was carried to the table, staring blankly at all this.

At this time, no one teased him.

Everyone is looking forward to it, in the absence of interference, which one will Xiao Tao choose on the table?

Climb and climb...

Xiaotao climbed past the brush stamp and went straight to the [Spark Prism] in the distance. This made Meng Lang very proud, and raised his eyebrows at Tao Mi.

Tao Mi hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Tao stopped again and stared at the "signature football" next to him.

Good guys!

Meng Lang almost couldn't hold back, trying to climb onto the table and kick the football away. Fortunately, Lao Meng's eyes and hands were quick, and he covered his son's mouth.


Ma Teng Wang Kui also walked over, and under Comrade Lao Meng's eyes, he set up a leg to control the emotionally excited President Meng.

Meng Lang was taken away!

Without this guy making trouble, Xiao Tao can naturally choose what he likes.

and so……

He chose football and spark prism!

According to the order, the football should be selected first, and then fiddled with it for a while and picked up the spark prism.

The catch week is over!

The crowd sat in a circle, staring at the football and sparkle prism on the table, trying to analyze the mystery of the two objects.


Meng Lang first expressed his doubts. How could he be selected because of his tricks on the signature football?

"What the hell?"

Lao Meng heard the veins violently violently, and wanted to hammer Meng Lang to death. Such a despicable man, he actually used the props he prepared?

"Dad, don't be angry!"

Tao Mi smiled and said: "Xiao Tao likes playing with cats and dogs the most. It is for your own good to give football the smell of cats and dogs!"

"That's it!"

It suddenly dawned on everyone that Xiaotao was not interested in football at first. When I climbed to the side of football, I suddenly fell in love with football.

Lao Meng was stunned, letting go of Meng Lang and asked, "Is that really the case? Did I blame you?"


What the hell?

Is Mimi confused?

Didn't she say that Xiaotao hates cats and dogs most? How did it become that Xiaotao likes cats and dogs best?

Could it be...

Well, Meng Lang wants to understand.

He is not stupid. Judging from this result, he must have been deceived by Tao Mi. Xiao Tao doesn't hate cats and dogs, and even likes to interact with them.

As for why Tao Mi lied to him?

The answer is clear...

If he often plays with his children and often stays at home to take care of the children, would he not know that Tao Mi is lying to him?

Certainly not!

He believed Tao Mi's rhetoric and was deceived.

This can only prove that he knows nothing about the children's preferences and does not often accompany them. From the results, he is not a competent father!

Seeing everyone happily discussing, Xiaotao will definitely be a great "club chairman" when he grows up, leading Bolton to the Champions League...

Meng Lang suddenly felt very ashamed.

All the time, because of work, he seems to have ignored his family too much. He said "balance career and family", but he never did it once.

He may be a qualified boss, qualified director, qualified film and television producer...

But he is definitely not a qualified husband, a qualified son, a qualified father!

Maybe Tao Mi wants to take this opportunity to express his dissatisfaction to him, right? For the whole family, what he did was really not good enough.


As night fell, after sending away the visiting guests, Meng Lang hugged Tao Mi from behind and apologized to her.

Tao Mi shook his head.

"You don't have to say sorry. From the first day of associating with you, I know who you are."

"Career is all you have!"

"If you let go of your dedication to your career because of this incident, then I will be disappointed."

"Why... why?"

Meng Lang was surprised: "Don't you want me to return to the family and accompany you and Xiaotao more?"

Tao Mi still shook his head.

"You who let go of your career are not what I like."

"I just want you to remember that you are not alone now, you still have me, and you still have Xiaotao! So, do you understand?"

"Probably understand..."

Meng Lang smiled and said: "Because of this, you will come back to the mystery of what notes to shoot, right?"

"Yes indeed!"

Tao Mi patted his forehead and exclaimed: "If you don't say I have forgotten, has the premiere of the Mystery of Musical Notes started?"

Meng Lang raised his wrist, glanced at the time and said, "Well...The first episode has already been broadcast. Do you still want to watch the second episode?"

"That must be seen!"

"Let go, don't hinder me from watching TV..."

When Meng Lang and Tao Mi returned to the living room from outside, the advertising time on Bird TV ended and the second episode of Mystery of Music was broadcast.

Director Tao stayed.

He just answered the phone and saw the two people entering the house. He couldn't help but jokingly said, "Huh? The young man has enough? Is it cold to hug outside at night?"

"Clay pot!"

"The Rain Girl has no melons!"

Meng Lang sat down on the sofa and hummed, "What do you say? How was the ratings of the first episode?"

"Just a call from the station..."

Director Tao explained: "To be honest, it was a bit unexpected. The first episode's real-time ratings have exceeded 10%!"

So exaggerated?

Meng Lang was surprised at first, suspecting that Director Tao made a mistake. Such a high first-broadcast ratings, even Ultraman, Kamen Rider is not common!

But thinking about it carefully, it's quite normal.

It doesn't need to say how hot the little demon fairy was.

Anyway, this drama not only became popular, but also entered the neon market. At that time, it set off a wave of "magic girls".

After many years, Xiao Moxian finally released an orthodox sequel. The director is still the "Majesty Moxian" of the year. It is normal for so many people to join the premiere.

The question is now!

After the baptism of the first episode, how many people will be left to follow the show?

"It should be 80%!"

"Be optimistic, 90% of UU reading www.uukanshu.com!"

Director Tao and Tao Mi guessed two numbers in succession, and they were confident about the "retention rate" of the mystery of musical notes.

Meng Lang is not so optimistic.

After learning the ratings of the first episode, he quickly logged onto Weibo with his mobile phone and glanced at the real-time feedback from the first batch of viewers.

"It's a pity that I didn't see the original crew!"

"This is not the amusement baby I want, what about my manager Meng? How did you change? [@孟仔不无钱]"

"The queen is getting old! With such a thick foundation, it still can't hide the crow's feet..."

The comments were mixed.

Everyone has their own opinions on these new actors. Some people recognize their acting skills, while others think that the "original team" is better.

From the current point of view, the number of viewers who miss the "original class" is still relatively large.

This is also the biggest hidden danger!

These people are not only the loyal fans of the Little Demon Fairy series, but also the number one black fan of the mystery of musical notes!

Whether you can keep them depends on the performance of the second episode.

If the second episode can retain the audience and allow them to accept these new actors, then "The Mystery of Musical Notes" will be considered.

If not...

Still think about how to deal with these black fans!

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