"What, even the people of

your family dare to move, rest assured that as former comrades-in-arms, even if we are strong people at the level of the god of war, we can still suppress them. "

The two God of War level powerhouses wearing high-level battle armor who were exploring this wasteland rushed towards Mu Bai's side at a speed of thousands of meters per second with the help of the aura behind them.

These two people, one is a junior god of war and the other is an intermediate god of war, even if they meet the so-called senior god of war, they have the strength to fight.

Some of the fierce beasts around them who didn't know whether they were alive or dead and wanted to stop them were easily strangled into powder by the aura emitted by these two gods of war.

"Someone is coming?" Mu

Bai looked up at the sky, two streamers of light, and they were rapidly approaching this side.

"I really don't know, why are the people here so brainless when they are obviously not strong?"

Jingliu said softly.

"I don't know.

Mu Bai had no choice but to spread his hands, maybe they had been sitting in the well and watching the sky, and they had never seen what a real strong person was.

Therefore, I think I am the predator standing at the top of the pyramid.

But I don't know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky.

"Is it the two of you who killed the young master of the Lloyd family?"

The two streamers quickly fell to the ground, and the two patrol teams that were constantly grabbing supplies were also attracted by this scene.

Following the instinct of the hunt, their mission is to destroy all the beasts of this wasteland.

"Senior sister, let's go.

Mu Bai ignored the two people standing in front of him, as if this was a god of war powerhouse that countless people feared in the outside world.

In his eyes, it was nothing more than a cloud of air.

"Ignore us?" The

two God of War powerhouses glanced at each other, and they both saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

Even if he is a powerhouse at the same God of War level, there is no way to ignore the other party like this.

The only possibility is that the strength of this white-clothed swordsman has completely surpassed the God of War.

There are only a dozen powerhouses that surpass the God of War, and there are only a dozen on the entire planet.

Mu Bai just stood here, and the inexplicable sword intent oppression emanating from his body made these two strong men with countless combat experience freeze in place.

"This kind of oppressive aura, even the strongest person in the world, has never had it. One

of the mid-level war gods took off his helmet with a helpless expression.

Both of them were amused, and they didn't do anything.

Compared with the so-called comrade-in-arms, of course, one's own life is more important.

"What should we do, are we going to let them go like this?" asked

a junior god of war with an ice hammer in his hand.

As the gods of war, they can basically face it alone, ten thousand fierce beasts.

But now, I don't even dare to let out a fart.

It's really just embarrassing to death.

"Then what do you want to do? Go up and provoke? Isn't this just pure looking for death? As far as the sword intent emanating from that swordsman's body, it is estimated that you will die directly before you get close.

"Take a closer look, are there still corpses around?" Ice

Hammer God of War, this is the reaction, the corpses of the young master of the Lloyd family are gone.

I could only faintly smell the blood in the air.

On the contrary, the young master's corpse was placed next to it, and it became two, which looked very pitiful.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, an alarm suddenly sounded in their minds.

"What?A-class beast tide?Jiangnan Base City is about to be attacked by A-class beast tide, are you kidding?"

"Within the scope of Jiangnan City, all the gods of war are heading towards the seaside border, this is the order issued by the God of War Palace. The

two gods of war looked confused.

Even since the establishment of the entire Great Xia Kingdom, it has only suffered from an A-level beast tide.

As a result, nearly half of the base cities of the Great Xia Kingdom were destroyed.

If it weren't for the number one powerhouse in this world, it is estimated that the entire Great Xia Kingdom would be reduced to history.

The A-level beast tide, led by the Beast Emperor, is already beyond the God of War level.

"Let's go, let's go to the seaside defense line of Jiangnan Base City. The

two gods of war looked at each other and shot off into the distance.

Mu Bai's eyes were indifferent, listening to the sound of a sonic boom whistling over his head, the speed of thousands of meters in this second, almost in the blink of an eye, disappeared into the sky.

[Black Tower: You guys go too, giggles, I feel the fluctuation of the power of the star god, and this beast tide is likely to have a star god intervening.

"Let's go, senior sister, it seems that because of our arrival, some things in this world have begun to be uncontrollable.

Mu Bai took Jingliu's little hand.

Is the Star God finally planning to make a move

?" "Black Tower, is there a way to investigate what Star God's power is?"

[Black Tower: It could be breeding or destruction, everything will have to wait until you go to find out. The

corners of Mu Bai's mouth floated slightly, and he took Jingliu's small hand, turning into a silver streamer, and shuttled towards the seaside defense line of Jiangnan Base City, like the speed of light.

"Boom!!" The

powerful qi wave made the two Great War God level powerhouses who were already on the same flight route fly out directly.

"What's the situation

?" ", this swooped, it flew past us, you must know that our speed is a full five thousand meters per second??"

The two gods of war were startled by Mu Bai's flying sword at the speed of light.

From the beginning to the end, they could feel a cloud of white light, as if someone was shooting them with a laser cannon.

"It shouldn't be an attack, it's probably the two people before, it seems that what happened on the beach also attracted their attention.

"Do you want to transmit the information here to the God of War Palace? There is such a powerful person on our planet, I really don't know if it's good or bad. "

Teleport, it's not just the Lloyd's family's grudge, this is not good, we as a whole human race must be cautious. The

two looked at each other and began to transmit information and information about the terrifying speed they had just had.

The so-called God of War Palace means that all the gods of war in this world can enter a spiritual world, which is specially controlled by an intelligent mechanical life.

It is the strongest person on this planet, founded and built.

Usually, it's here to trade information or various resources.

"You're not kidding, are you? The person who killed our son is actually such a strong man?"

In the Palace of the God of War, surrounded by a blue space like data, one of the people with a fierce face smashed the table in front of him with an angry face.

Such a strong person, then how can they take revenge?

?" "Otherwise, let's forget it, it's so powerful, if we can't get it right, our family will probably be buried in it." A

bewitching woman next to her reluctantly spoke.


the patriarch of the Lloyd family slapped the woman away.

"You, do you want to say that Lao Tzu's son died for no reason?"

The woman who was fanned away, her eyes flashed with cold light, what is your son, this is obviously just her son.

"You're not kidding, are you? Flying at a speed comparable to the speed of light?" The

second powerhouse looked at the more stable planet powerhouse with a shocked face.

The strength of these two people is about the same as that of a low-level envoy, and they can fight in the universe.

One person is comparable to a great power.

"Let's go over there. The

first strong man said with a solemn face.

He had long guessed that the universe was incomparably vast, and how could it be that there was only one planet of intelligent life.

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