Female Match Online Digging

Chapter 186: Apology storm (17)

The progressive alien has an advantage in physical strength, and if she beats the alien prince, it may trigger a diplomatic incident. Yin Xi worked hard to earn, but couldn't get rid of his wrist.

"You? Don't? Believe me? Do you? I? Seriously..." Prince Yassen thought she meant rejection, because very few grown-up Wakeland women knew how to "welcome if you want to refuse."

Yin Xi didn't mean to "welcome if you want to refuse". He only felt that it was too embarrassing now. The gaze of the people around was too terrifying, and she wanted to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Me? Let's go back and talk about it, okay?"

The envious girl standing aside can't help but show disdain in her eyes.

"What else are you pretending to now?"

"If you like it, accept it, what else?"

"He has said such things. Since he is reluctant? I have to slap him, just like it!"

"Some women are just standing and standing."

"Yes, when you are a saint?"

"If she were a saint, would a handsome guy just say that she wants to'mate/mate'?"

"Beasts are only'mating/mating', hehe!"

"It's a pity that this handsome guy is dressed like an alien prince..."

"Actors don't have such a good temperament."

"He is so strong in his service, I haven't seen the flaws, it's the prince's deity. The Chinese people's disguise has improved too much!"

The people underneath talked a lot, Prince Yassen’s ears were pointed, and when he heard these words when he grasped Yin Xi’s wrist, he finally realized what was wrong?

Prince Yasen looked innocent and blank, and Yin Xi said: "Let's go."

Prince Yasen nodded obediently, let go of her hand, Yin Xi turned around and squeezed out the crowd, Prince Yasen followed behind listlessly.

At this time, Kaiya had the consciousness of the prince's guard, leaving the little earthly beauty dancer to help him, and Luna, who did not find the one she liked, also came to help.

Only Princess Guilan and her depressed school grass were in a state of reluctance. Princess Guilan left his phone number and said that she would contact him, and she had to leave for important matters.

Liu Song, the organizer of the dance party, has been following them all the time, seeing them leaving the venue with them, and hurriedly chasing them up.

When he stopped Yin Xi in front of them, his face was flushed, and his palms were sweaty.

"You? Guys... are you leaving?"

Yin Xi suppressed the embarrassment and said, "It's getting late, we still have business."

Liu Song squeezed his hand, his eyes gleamed with strange light, and said, "Are you...you are not a student? Are you...really...aliens."


"I? No bad intentions! I? I'm an astronomy fan, I really like to study these... I just want to take a photo with you, OK?"

Prince Yassen nodded: "Yes."

Liu Songxin was ecstatic, and quickly caught a classmate not far away and asked him to take a group photo of them.

Now that Prince Yasen agreed, Guilan, Luna, Kaia, and Yin Xi could only cooperate. Liu Song squeezed towards Luna and took a picture. Prince Yasen asked him to stand in the C position and put it on his shoulder to take another picture.

"Thank you for your hospitality. If you have the opportunity, you can go to our planet to play." Princess Guilan said to him, "I? I think it's better to keep quiet now."

Liu Song received the handshake of the princess and the prince, and the whole figure seemed to be soaked in boiling water, dementia, eyes blurred, and he could not recover his sanity for a while.

When they returned to the hotel, Princess Guilan saw Yin Xi's brother on the way, and his brother was very disappointed. So she caught Yin Xi before entering the room and asked her, that people on their planet deal with this kind of thing more directly.

Yin Xi was embarrassed: "I? Don't? I know how to say it."

Princess Guilan wondered: "How can a person fail? Do you know who you like or not?"

Yin Xi was silent for a while, and then said, "Earth people are not like this. If you are interested in earth people in the future, won't you? You will be beaten when you confess to them like that..."

"What are you talking about?"



"I'm going to rest first." Yin Xi fled into the wild, and went into his room, unable to tell what it was like.

The participation of Prince Yassen and Princess Guilan in the dance was still suspected by many people present at the time. The campus forum posted some photos and videos of the dance at that time.

School associations organizing these activities can apply for a little funding support from the school. In order to attract new members, the organizer will naturally promote it, and there are also members of the campus reporter group present.

When the photos and videos came out, the students looked at the forum and said: This is the prince and princess themselves.

Some people deliberately took out the video comparison of the prince and princess when they appeared in the official media. There is no difference between them, even the side faces.

For example, Prince Yassen once gave a speech at a college in the capital, and the TV filmed Yin Xi and Princess Guilan sitting together, which was compared by someone with a heart.

But? Is it controversial or the scene of Prince Yasen hugging Yin Xi dozens of times on the dance floor and kissing her, followed by a fierce confession.

Someone has argued on the Internet. One party insists that those people are really aliens. Is that sturdy man who confessed that he is handsome? The blond man like a human is Prince Yassen, and the other says that Prince Yassen can be so vulgar and rude. And the rascal, would say that word to the lady in public.

Because the alien incident was very popular, it was very easy to get attention. This message was quickly transferred to a national forum, and the debate and curiosity also came to the eyes of netizens all over the country.

This is still the era of the Internet, and computers have just begun to become popular. It is usually college students and young people who visit forums. This matter is very influential among young people.

Officials in China know that they are true when they look at the photos and videos, but they are also a little bit strange in their confession of aliens.

The optimists wondered if Yin Xi was going to marry an alien. There are also people who are thoughtful and considerate about the marriage system of the alien royal family. Don’t you know if they are like the royal families of some countries in the Middle East, men can marry many wives.

Duke Vail already knew about this. He is a person who knows the earth and China better, so he explained the language and culture differences between the two countries with Prince Yassen.

"No wonder she is hiding from me?" Prince Yassen was greatly regretted, why didn't he first consult Vere before confessing. However, as an adult man, it is a shame to pursue women and ask for help from others.

"Isn’t this the prince’s personal business, this is a foreign/acquaintance/event. We must also maintain the image of our Wickland Empire in the eyes of the earth’s people. If the earth people think our empire is rude and rude, At the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations, this was not conducive to exchanges between the two countries."

Prince Yassen sighed: "I? Understood, then I? Apologize on the embassy website."

Duke Vail smiled: "Come on! Prince! Chinese people are very concerned about face, especially the two parties before marriage, the man wants to give the daughter a face. You? Can you apologize, I? I think your love will go smoothly. "


"There is a saying in China that there are women in a family, and every family asks for it. Isn't it a culture for women to accept a man's courtship for the first time? In Chinese culture, if a woman is easily pursued, she will'drop in price'. Women at your fingertips in Chinese culture? They are like prostitutes/prostitutes. Well, we don’t have this profession anymore in Wickland."

The Wakeland Empire can produce simulation/robots, so no one has this profession. Moreover, most of the Vikran people do not get married and are very open in this regard. It is not difficult for a healthy Vikland to find a temporary partner.

Prince Yassen prepared an apology to Duke Vail, and Duke Vail posted an article explaining cultural differences on the website of the "Wickland Empire in China Embassy on Earth".

This incident has set off an "alien fever", and it has become more lively in major forums.

[My God, isn't this? Is it that the prince himself admits that the people who participated in the student ball of the Earth College are really them? 】

[Alien prince and princess visit privately? 】

[Wickland Empire culture is too aggressive, right? Are they popular in confession to say such a buzzword? 】

[Are aliens very enthusiastic and open? 】

[As long as such a handsome alien shows up, I don't mind being confessed like this. 】

[Who is the earth girl who was confessed? Why did she get the blue eyes of Prince Yasen? 】

[Me? Can I say that to the alien princess to make sure that I am? No? I will be beaten as a pig, and it will not cause diplomatic disputes. 】

[It is better to buy insurance before confession. 】


At this time, the global media are pouring into China to report on the establishment of diplomatic relations with aliens. Major media want to get first-hand information about aliens, and if they get it, they will also dig from all dimensions.

Prince Yassen took his sister and entourage to participate in the Chinese college student ball, and the bold confession to Chinese girls from the earth also spread abroad.

Foreign public opinion has also set off a climax, and mainstream foreign media have focused reports and comments on this.

The mainstream reports and comments of Damei Yingjiang are distorted like this: [China, a poor, authoritarian country, is using beauties to buy out aliens, and wants to use the power of aliens to contaminate global hegemony. If China becomes the hegemon of the earth, it will be a regression of democracy and the universal value of the world, and the people will usher in a dark age shrouded by terrifying power. I hope the princes and people of the Wakeland Empire can see clearly that China cannot represent the earth. Our beautiful country is the most technologically advanced and democratic country on the earth. 】

European mainstream media reports said: [Prince Yassen of the Wickland Empire and the Chinese girl danced the waltz, and Europe is the birthplace of the waltz. It is a pity that this European tradition and culture was indirectly spread from China to the solar system. Europe welcomes political, economic, and cultural exchanges with civilizations outside the solar system. 】

The mainstream British media said: [The names of "Prince Yason" and "Princess Guilan" are only available in Chinese, and even Western reports can only quote pinyin. The British Empire cannot tolerate the shaking of the status of English as the universal language of the earth. The name ‘Yarsen-Royenkram-Phail-Hart’ is obviously more similar to the tradition of the British Empire, which is a constitutional monarchy and is more similar to the polity of the Wickland Empire. Compared with a G/C/D country, the British Empire is obviously closer to the Wickland Empire, and the British Empire is willing to be the most loyal friend of the Wickland Empire on earth! 】

A media report on Wandao said: [Da/Lu can't even eat tea eggs, and the cowhide is blowing loudly. Now even aliens like Da/Lu/Girls are used to brag. I want to praise me? We are the people of Bay Island, we are really brave, no matter how intimidated they are in Country Z, even if they use aliens to scare people, we will not be afraid! 】

A Korean TV station reported: [Prince Yasen’s letter of apology mentioned that the earth girl he admired was "Miss Yin", and "Yin" is the Korean surname. According to reliable sources, "Miss Yin" is a Korean living in China. The first prince of the Wakeland Empire will become the son-in-law of Korea! 】

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