Female Match Online Digging

Chapter 229: Owed girl (13)

Because there is a real gap between Xiao Lolita's "idea" and Xu Haoyu's "idea," his idea of ​​cultivating a sweet wife was shattered.

Yin Ling and his wife took Yin Xi back to Jianghai, but Liang Yuhang's dumpling was the happiest one. In the past, he was afraid that Yin Xi would come to fight for favor. Now he is used to her company. Without her, the dumpling has only felt lonely as snow for the past two months.

In addition to exercising and sleeping, Yin Xi is lazy and has nothing to do with him. When the adults are at work, he will make up lessons for the small dumplings and arrange some memory tasks.

A famous teacher like her may not be able to get money if he is rich. A child like Lu Yuanchuan who has a high-level intellectual in the family has had her training and has been greatly improved, especially Liang Yuhang.

Time is quiet and good is another year.

During the year, she still chose non-key high schools in the area.

The characteristic of the school is that it is close to home, day-to-day, and classes can be adjusted actively. For example, she can not take some classes that she feels unnecessary. The school also allowed her to go to the second year of high school and supported her to take the college entrance examination in the second year of high school, provided that she had to participate in some competitions on behalf of the school.

Yin Xi once again brushed the BOSS all the way? He took part in the test again and again (including the test of the nature of the competition) to win prizes and get soft. In 2011, he took the Jianghai City College Entrance Examination.

At this time, the college entrance examination has not yet been reformed, and the liberal arts and sciences papers are still divided into subjects. Yin Xi is a student specially approved by the Municipal Bureau to take the college entrance examination. She has not yet finished the college entrance examination. Because in addition to the number of languages, the examinations for other subjects are placed in mid-June.

After finishing the college entrance examination, Yin Xi didn't take a few days off and immediately put into the examinations of various subjects. After the examinations were completed, he was ready to participate in IMO.

Yin Xi's name as a child prodigy is well-known in the education circles all over the country, so the domestic IMO organizing committee focused on her. Before Yin Xi's previous life, he had a good undergraduate level in a mathematics university, so he could have passed the college advanced mathematics because his deity was a liberal arts student.

However, she had contact with the alien world in her previous life. After two or three years of giving birth, she was injected with Evolution Liquid and was admitted to the university co-organized by the aliens to study science in a systematic manner. Those who came to the earth to teach? The aliens are all scientist-level? Science monsters.

Even if alien? Some future technologies have become pseudo-science in this time and space (for example, the text in the universe is actually very rare, and the text in the universe in time and space is not rare. It is pseudo-science, long-distance space jumps. The more technology is pseudo-science in this space and time, it is difficult for human beings to achieve), but at least it is coincident with the geosynchronous level of science. What she learned? Is this part of knowledge right in this era?

But without thesis or science, she has no interest in exploring academics for a lifetime. She wants to participate in the competition entirely because she agreed to the school's conditions, in order to finish the book quickly.

By mid-July, all her scores came out. The college entrance examination score was the "worst" score, but the highest score in the city, with full scores in language, mathematics, and foreign language, with a total score of 298.

Her "language, composition, quotations, classics, exquisite writing, and parallel repetitions frequently appear, and have been widely circulated on the Internet." Her "English composition" has also flowed out. The composition is all high-clause sentences, and there are many super-class vocabulary phrases, just like authentic "Western essays" chapters.

This has long aroused hot discussion on the Internet.

After that, they will have full scores in each subject, and the youngest IMO gold medalist. These achievements have smashed the country.

Yin Xi finally has a real vacation, and wants to "raise pigs" at home to play games, but Yin Ling is very excited. The top schools in the country are vying for her, and even famous schools abroad are also contacting Yin Ling, the guardian.

The relatives of the Chen family, Lu family, and Xu family also value her “problem for further education”. Before filling out their volunteers, relatives and friends gathered together to have a meal and discuss, and even Chen Kang took the time to come.

A few brothers goodbye to Yin Xi, the twelve-year-old? The young girl's young girl's grace, people can't help but like it, especially Xu Haoyu's mood is complicated.

If it's possible, he still wants to trick the little cousin into his hands. If the little cousin is poached by an outside beast, he really feels like he will never look down on it.

This year, Lu Yuanchuan also just passed the high school entrance examination and got a good result, ranking fifth in Beijing. He is only thirteen years old, and this achievement is quite impressive. But it didn't show up under Yin Xi's light.

Some adults say they want to go to the two most advanced universities in Beijing, some say they want to go to the University of Science and Technology of China, some say they want to go to the Ivy League abroad, and some say they go to Cambridge.

Although it is good to go directly to a foreign university, there is a problem. She is only twelve years old. It is very dangerous to go to a foreign country to live independently.

The dream school, niece is a genius, the elder brother, supporting her, and other reasons, gritted his teeth and said: "I resign and take Xiaoxi to MIT to accompany him to study."

This not only scared Liang Jichen and his son, but Yin Xi, who was in the Buddhist family eating vegetables, was scared, and said, “I’m not going to the United States. I can just go to the blue and white? I’m fine in Beijing? I often go to see godmothers. . I just said, there is nothing to discuss about this?."

Chen Feng sighed: "My boy, he wanted to go but didn't have to go. Xiaoxi was rushing to get it from the school, but he was too young to accompany him to study."

"Don't regret it, everyone. It's great to go to school in Beijing. Most of the time, I want to go again after I finish my undergraduate course. Let's eat."

Yin Ling said, "But how good is this? Opportunity, I will go to study with you for two years. After you get familiar with the environment, I will come back."

"What about Tuan Cha? What about Uncle?"

Yin Ling couldn't bear them, but she didn't want to delay her niece's career because of her selfishness.

She also understands very well that in a small family, she is required to pay? In a big family, she is rubbed? The son is still young, but there is a niece who stands in her?

Because of her niece’s excellent performance, her life at Liang’s house has been much easier, because the relationship between her niece and Chen’s family has been extraordinary, and her family business has gone smoothly. The Liang family is not hers? Rely on, the niece is. She should pay for her for two years now.

"Yuhang is already very sensible, your uncle will take care of him too?"

With Yin Xi, a super tutor, Liang Yuhang was ranked first in the whole year even if he had skipped two levels.

Liang Jichen glanced at Yin Ling, did not speak, Liang Yuhang suddenly aggrieved: "Mom and Big Bad Wolf don't go abroad..."

Yin Xi comforted him: "No, no, I will not go abroad. The food abroad is not good, and besides how expensive the cost of living is, I am going to college in China while earning some money, and I will consider it when I am old and rich. Go abroad to study for graduate school. Actually, having a bachelor’s degree is enough for me to get a job."

Chen Kang said: "You can apply for a scholarship. If you don't have enough money, our family will help."

"No need? Grandpa. I still like domestic ones, foreign ones are messy? Shooting/killing, homosexuality/love, species?/ethnicity/discrimination/discrimination, I will practice martial arts and marksmanship better, and be older Consider again."

Adults can't help but worry when they hear this. Foreign countries are really a combination of heaven and hell.

Liang Jichen finally opened his mouth: "Yin Ling, the domestic undergraduate has a good degree, let alone Beijing? Two colleges and universities. Even if you accompany Xiaoxi to go abroad, you are still unfamiliar with each other."

"That's right. I really? I don't want to study in the United States that much. I don't really want to be a scientist. Don't be so utilitarian in studying, just let the flow go..."

Listening to Yin Xi's words? Chen Sirui suddenly burst out laughing and said hurriedly: "Don't mind, I'm very serious? I don't usually laugh unless I can't help it."

Yin Xi raised her eyebrows: "What's so funny?"

Chen Sizhe stretched out his hands: "That's what you said? "Don't be so utilitarian in reading, let it be natural." Let it be natural... I think you keep skipping grades? You are not qualified to say these four words."

Yin Xi tilted his head: "These are two dimensions, okay? What I said? It is a meritocracy? Phenomenon. For example, some students love to set up some love/party/love/national scientific research when they are studying? flag In the end, it’s either going to Wall Street or making money at home or spending money abroad. I’m not like this. If I don’t set the flag, I will just let the flow go, and please accept my ordinary life. Life is like morning dew, the most important thing is happiness. ."

The adults couldn't help being amused, and Chen Sirui pulled her cousin Chen Sizhe: "Do you think you want to beat her?"

Chen Sizhe: "We don't need to use our hands. If she goes out, she will be beaten to death by a sack."

Liao Hongqiu took a sip: "Is it really unstoppable?!"

Chen Xiaoli finally said: "Whether you are studying in the capital, you can come home on weekends."

Yin Xi said that it was so decided, and toasted everyone with fruit juice instead of wine.

The next day after the dinner, the elder brothers and cousins ​​had not left Jiang Hai anyway, Yin Xi took Liang Yuhang with them to the amusement park for a whole day.


It's the weekend that day, and Liang Jichen's family has to visit Liang's home again. This year is also Liang Yumo's year of the college entrance examination. His success and performance are also good enough to be admitted to the TOP2 colleges and universities in China.

On this day, Liang Jixing and his wife also returned from where they performed their duties. They put the weekend and annual vacation together. It is rare for them to have such a reunion with their children.

The Liang family is preparing to present a wedding wine for Liang Yumo's college entrance examination results. They are about to draw up some guest lists and find a delicious hotel.

Yin Ling was okay, and joined them, suggesting: "The Four Seasons Hotel is good? My Xiaoxi will be booked at the Four Seasons Hotel, and there will be a banquet at noon next Sunday. Originally, I said that it would be fine for the two of us to have a meal together. , But Mayor Chen? And Mrs. Chen disagree. This college entrance examination is once in a lifetime. It is really better to run it formally. It is always necessary to invite relatives, friends and teachers to the scene?"

Mrs. Liang's? The soul is devastated, and that stinky girl is now famous all over the country.

Liang Jixing's wife, Liang Yufei's mother Shen Yi's face was slightly stiff, but she didn't ask Yin Ling about Yin Xi, because it would make her feel ashamed.

Liang Yufei, who was the same year as Yin Xi, had just finished elementary school. She also skipped one level to get to the sixth grade. Because of the level skipping, she passed a thousand exams in the junior high school exam. Granted, this is a good achievement, but there is no harm if there is no comparison.

Mrs. Liang glanced at Yin Ling: "What are you talking about? Do you feel very proud?"

Yin Ling blinked, and then she grinned after a pause: "I'm very happy? The children have all achieved good results. This time our Xiaohang took fourth place in the same area, which is not bad. But it’s incomparable with his cousin. What school did Yumo score in total?"


"Previously, the admission representatives of Harvard University, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Cambridge universities contacted me through the school, and they are willing to admit Xiaoxi to those schools on the terms of a full scholarship. But Xiaoxi She is too young to study abroad by herself."

In this time and space, Sino-U.S. relations have not yet opened up fierce conflicts. Therefore, students are still flocking to study in the United States, not to mention the best schools?

But these good schools recruit very few undergraduate students in China. At least Liang Yumo has not applied to a good foreign school. If it is a bad school, it is better to study undergraduate in China.

Mrs. Liang was irritated? said: "If you come to the house? It's to brag, don't come next time. Who wants to know what school that girl goes to?"

Yin Ling smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, sister-in-law, I'm really not bragging. It's been reported on the news. The school stabbed it out, not me."

Mrs. Liang waved her hand: "Come on."

Yin Ling was funny in her heart and asked again? Shen Yi: "Yu Fei graduated from elementary school? Which junior high school are you going to go to? We Xiaoxi's school? The alma mater is good, where? The teacher is very good?."

Shen Yiqiang chuckled before answering, Mrs. Liang said, "You just don't see others well, don't you? You want to send Yufei to the kind? School, do you want to ruin her?"

"How do you say this? Didn't Xiao Xi also read there? Didn't she? She was the top pick in the senior high school entrance examination last year."

Mrs. Liang's conclusion, but it can't be said that Yin Xi can get the top pick in the middle school entrance examination, but Liang Yufei can't?

Shen Yi frowned: "Well, Yu Fei won't bother her younger siblings. We are going to send her to an international school."

Yin Ling reminded: "Sister-in-law, it’s a bit risky for you to do this. Even if you go to an international school, you have to take the college entrance examination before you can go to a domestic college. The international school’s English is good, and the teaching quality of Chinese, politics/governance and history is not so suitable for the college entrance examination. , This will affect the college entrance examination results. If you do not go straight to a foreign prestigious school, it will affect your future? Or to get aerobics? Special talent? Special recruits into the blue and white, then we must prepare early."

Shen Yi coldly said: "Brother sister, we will consider Yu Fei? You should take care of Yuhang."

Yin Ling was funny in her heart, and the little taboo took revenge. Haven't experienced it? She has been rubbed and can't? Regretful? People don't persuade her to be generous, because if the Liang family even has a slight opportunity to attack her, she won't have any mercy.

Yin Ling spoke to Yin Xi in front of Mrs. Liang and Shen Yi, and Liang Yuhang also spoke to Big Bad Wolf in front of his cousin and cousin.

Mention of Big Bad Wolf’s score is a fairy score. The reason why Li Zong did not get a full score was because she missed a step that was “obvious” when she was doing the physics problem.

"The school really wants her to study for another year, so she can win more prizes. Now, if it weren't for the national competition, Big Bad Wolf refused to participate. She said it was a waste of her playing and sleeping? time."

Liang Yufei is not a vicious person, but Yin Xi's news is all over the world, she is really? Very annoying.

"Don't talk about you as soon as you come? Big bad wolf. I can hardly hear it."

Liang Yuhang was taken aback, lowered his head and said nothing, but Liang Yumo had complicated eyes and asked? "Which school did she choose?"

Liang Yuhang then mentioned that there are many prestigious schools rushing to ask for her, but she is too young to study abroad, so she has to go to domestic colleges and universities.

Liang Yumo hooked up the corner of his mouth and thought to himself: It seems that Yuanjia's road is narrow.

Of course Yin Xi didn't go to Liang Yumo's? Lively college entrance celebration banquet, Yin Xi's banquet came? There were many people.

Yin Ling's family and Chen Xiaoli's family will naturally be present, and the aunt and godmother will work together to host the banquet for Yin Xi.

Colleagues of Yin Ling and Liang Jichen, Chen Kang, Mrs. Chen, and grandparents of the Lu family will attend, and friends of the Chen family and Lu family will also come to congratulate.

Because Yin Ling and Liang Jichen went to Liang Yumo's banquet the day before yesterday, Liang Jixing and his wife had to come today, and Liang Yumo also came at the same time.

The Liang Jixing family came here not because of Yin Ling's face. They also wanted to socialize with the Chen family and Lu family. They are usually busy at work but do not have the opportunity to have more contacts with these people.

Liang Yufei refused to come, because she was afraid that it would be embarrassing to graduate from elementary school because she was the same age as her. Liang Yumo is eighteen years old, and his college entrance examination scores are relatively good compared to ordinary people, not so embarrassing.

Yin Ling took Yin Xi to the entrance of the banquet hall to greet her.

At this time, she was wearing the new flower fairy princess dress that Yin Ling bought for her. The hair was also made in the store, and she also put on a girl's light makeup.

After Yin Ling gave the introduction, Yin Xi also greeted politely: "Uncle Liang, Aunt Liang, hello!"

Shen Yi smiled and said, "This is Yin Xi, hey, this is not only smart, but also good-looking."

Liang Jixing and his wife are well-known for a long time, but the first time they see a real person, they are much more beautiful than the few unspecialized photos on the Internet.

Yin Ling said insincerely and modestly: "Where, over? Awarded."

At this time, Chen Xiaoli was greeting a guest she knew, who was a friend of the Chen family, and called Yin Xi to ask for a gift. Yin Xi escaped and ran away first.

Shen Yi raised his head and looked at those who were enthusiastic, and asked? Yin Ling: "That's the Chen family sister, right? It's really different."

Yin Ling knew, and said, "I don't want my sister-in-law? Come get to know. In fact, the two families lived next to each other, but? But? You work in a world where you have never met before."

When Chen Kang was transferred to Jiang Hai, Chen Xiaoli was already married. Even if she would come to visit her parents, Liang Jixing and his wife would perform their duties all year round, so there was no chance to meet her.

The main purpose of Liang Jixing's and his wife's coming here is to get to know more useful contacts, but it is not to praise Yin Ling, and Shen Yi of course will not refuse.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-01-2623:44:12~2021-01-2821:39:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 cotton;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Rosa trifolium; 10 bottles of cotton;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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