Don't be reasonable!

King Yuwen spoke of etiquette, and King Wang started his sword soldiers. ╔╗Xiao Yuxin was alert when she noticed that the four mercenaries were not looking right. Although her bow was still on her back and the battle axe was still in the storage bracelet, how could her fighting methods be more than that?

The two mercenaries were just ordinary people, the energy cone easily penetrated their chests, and the two dead bodies slammed to the ground.

"I don't like killing people."

Xiao Yuxin turned to look at the mercenary who was entangled like a dumpling: "What is your ability?"

"You·············"The maid. The soldier looked at her in horror, and then looked at the three bodies on the ground: "You can't kill me, our mercenary regiment is very large. If you kill me, my brothers will definitely avenge me!"

A funny expression on Xiao Yuxin's face: "Why didn't you say it earlier, if you say it earlier, I will definitely keep them alive, now... Normally in this case, what you do should be... killing people and killing them!" "

"You can't... uh. ╔╗"

The mercenary's eyes suddenly widened, and he opened his mouth to shout, but he didn't wait to call out. Xiao Yuxin cut off his neck with a knife. "You can do it, I can do it. Although I don't like killing people, it looks like A scum like you is no more valuable than those zombies."

Listening to the footsteps getting farther and farther, the mercenary felt that his life seemed to be passing by. He wanted to stand up and shout at the cruel woman: "Laozi also killed a lot of zombies. Laozi just did many men. Things to do!"

It's just that he was unfortunate...he met a lot of men who had never met, so he died.

"What other amazing mercenary regiment is just a broken car." Xiao Yuxin originally planned to take a four-property off-road vehicle for a while, but after being activated for a while, he was immediately defeated by the tank-like roar It’s better to take two more steps to suffer the noise, not to mention that she is not without transportation.

Judging roughly the direction, Xiao Yuxin took out a motorcycle and then drove along the road towards Taishan... Although she was not afraid of revenge by the mercenary group, she did not intend to touch the camp. ╔╗

Luo Siwei looked at the almost endless zombies in front of him, and there was a desperation in his heart. Although there are no high-level evolutionary zombies among these zombies, these numbers are enough to tear them into pieces.

It has been half a year since the catastrophe. Such large-scale zombies have been very rare, and they have chosen the road in the morning of the Qing Dynasty. Unexpectedly, they can also be blocked by these disgusting guys. He now only hopes I have the opportunity to resolve myself before being infected by the virus.

Luo Siwei is twenty-four years old this year. It is the golden age that has just graduated from the green and mature. He just joined the work two years ago. Last year, he became a company director.... Changed the trajectory of everyone's life, holding the pen in the hand holding the pen, he became an excellent mercenary, the gun was more sloppy than the pen used in his net, a bullet wiped out a zombie , A well-known sharpshooter among mercenaries.

Because he has always done things safely and decisively, he quickly became a middle-level cadre of the mercenary regiment. It is for this reason that the regimental leader gave him this important **** task this time. ╔╗He knows that the responsibility of this trip is heavy, so he has done a lot of preparations. Bringing more than 100 soldiers with combat experience mercenaries... This force is even rampant in outsiders. He can kill a few in the city, but he did not expect to encounter such a large group of zombies on the highway. This group of zombies has at least tens of thousands. This is a conservative estimate.

Fortunately, they responded in time, formed the fastest speed, arranged obstacles, and then calmly responded. Of course, the most important thing is that the mercenaries are very calm and the marksmanship is very good. In addition, there is no C level in the zombies. Zombie, this persists until now.

boom! boom! boom!

A grenade was thrown into the group of zombies. In the rumbling explosion, the zombies fell down again. Luo Siwei felt a little peace of mind and glanced at the senior manager who was said to be Longtie.

Longtie Company·He had never heard of this name before the disaster. If it were not for this mission, he would also be impossible to know, but when the delegation head explained the mission, he repeatedly emphasized that the person’s safety must be protected. , Even at the expense of everyone's life, she must be sent to the Tai'an camp. ╔╗

Yes, the protected person is a lady, she is very beautiful, a decent black suit is worn on her body, solemn but not slender, her face is quiet, she can't see any confusion, and she is still around her There are dozens of bodyguards in black, and behind her there are two female bodyguards, who look around nervously.

Luo Siwei is also an awakening warrior, his ability is in his eyes...precision. It is because of this energy that he can become an excellent sharpshooter. In order to show his ability not only in marksmanship, he can see that the black men gathered around the women are masters, and there are at least two awakening fighters, and the two female bodyguards are definitely not ordinary people. He For the first time there are people who can't see through.

"Boss, we were surrounded by zombies and a mercenary looked at him in a panic.

With a slight sigh, Luo Siwei pretended to be calm and said: "Of course I know, but it's just a little bit of life and death. I will wait until the bullets have run out."

Stroking the steel gun in his hand, his heart was really quiet: "From the day my family was in trouble, I said to myself, my life is rewarded by God, every time a zombie is destroyed, every mutant is destroyed. , Is the return to God, if one day God thinks that the interest is charged enough, I will send myself over, maybe today is the time.╔╗"

"Yes, kill one and count one, can be regarded as helping them get to the bliss early!" The mercenaries cried.

Will it be rescued?

Luo Siwei came to the front and took a few mercenaries to replace the already exhausted former group. "You go down to rest and wait for a while to replace us."

"Boss, you should also take a break." said a mercenary next to him.

"I am an awakening warrior. I'm much stronger than you. As long as I can pull the trigger, don't think of a zombie rushing up!" Luo Siwei confidently patted the steel gun in his hand.

"Boss, don't you find it strange? It has been a long time since the siege of zombies on the road has happened. Why did we encounter it?" a mercenary suddenly asked.

" fact, many camps have been attacked by mutants recently, which can only be said that we are out of luck." Luo Siwei hesitated and said, in fact, he was also puzzled. Attacking the camp is not new, but the camp’s large target is not a strange thing to be stared at by the mutants, but it is a bit strange that they are stared at by the zombies... he always has a feeling in his heart, these are The zombie is like someone is transferred, but he immediately denied his idea, even if the mutant creature was transferred, he believed that the zombie... that is absolutely impossible.


The mercenary still refused to give up his thoughts: "Boss, don't you think these zombies are weird? They even knew to retreat in our fierce blow and clearly consumed our ammunition intentionally."

"Consuming our ammunition?"

Luo Siwei said: "Tell the brothers, don't waste ammunition, especially grenades and grenades, don't send lightly, aim at the most dense place of zombies and throw!"

The mercenary's words made him suddenly open, and now everyone knows that zombies are constantly evolving, such as what kind of giant zombies, agile zombies... and even zombies that will attack with spells, if It is not a strange thing to evolve some intelligent zombies. Perhaps this just explains why there is no C-class zombies among so many zombies. This is not a normal situation. However, these words cannot be said, and speaking only affects morale.

He patted the mercenary's shoulder: "Anyway, we are incompatible with the zombies, kill one less one, if we are lucky to escape this time, let's chug again."

The woman glanced at Luo Siwei quite appreciatively. This mercenary leader has performed very well from the very beginning when he was besieged by zombies. If the command is certain, the casualties of the mercenaries have been zero so far. Human It's a pity that I don't know if I can get out of trouble this time. If I can, I might as well absorb this person into the company.


The zombies attacked again, screamed and rushed forward, the mercenaries suddenly changed their faces, the gunshots sounded again, rows of zombies fell under the muzzle, but immediately countless zombies stepped on them and rushed up.

These zombies rushed up one after another, some of them had rushed to the temporarily constructed bunker, and they frantically struck the already collapsed formation, reaching out the terrible claws, and screaming with stimulants in their mouths Sound, the smell of blood stained in the air was disgusting, but no one had taken care of it at this time. The mercenaries pulled the trigger like a machine and sent bullets into those ugly heads. .

The steel gun in Luo Siwei's hand protruded and was lowered on the head of a zombie. The zombie even knew that he would reach out and pull the muzzle out. Turning his hand and pointing the muzzle at a zombie next to it, he pulled the trigger.

More and more zombies rushed to the bunker, several of the mercenaries' guns were caught by them, and they had to pull out their thorns for melee combat... The battle became more and more tragic.


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