Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,143 Who is he? !

"Your mentor and classmates?"

Xiao Chen was a little surprised.

"Well, PhD supervisor, she has been conducting research on cancer, and I have been more or less influenced by her."

Hua Yixuan introduced it.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"As for several of my classmates, they are also in various hospitals in Longhai now, and their medical skills are very good."

Hua Yixuan continued to introduce.

"Well, there is strength in numbers, so has there been any progress?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"There has been some progress, but now we have encountered a bottleneck. If we cannot break this bottleneck, all our previous efforts will be in vain."

Hua Yixuan said in a deep voice.

"Oh? What bottleneck?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Will something happen to you later?"

Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"No, what's wrong?"

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"If nothing happens, just follow me to the laboratory and have a look! I'll tell you then, but I can't explain it now."

Hua Yixuan said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded.

If Hua Yixuan and the others could really develop a cure for cancer, it would benefit all mankind and relieve the suffering of too many people.

In this matter, Xiao Chen is still very supportive.

"Then let's leave now."

Hua Yixuan said, about to stand up.

"Hey, now?"

Xiao Chen was a little dumbfounded.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Aren't you drinking coffee?"


Hua Yixuan nodded, picked up the coffee, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Now that you've finished drinking, let's go."


Xiao Chen was speechless. Damn it, is this okay?

"Any more questions?"

Hua Yixuan frowned slightly when she saw Xiao Chen looking at her.

"No, it's no problem. Let's go."

Xiao Chen shook his head and drank the coffee in one gulp.


Hua Yixuan nodded, carrying her bag and walking out.

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yixuan's back and curled his lips, this little girl... He really didn't know what to say!

"Did you drive here?"

After leaving the cafe, Hua Yixuan asked.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Then I'll lead the way, you follow."

After Hua Yixuan finished speaking, she walked towards her car.

Soon, the two cars left the parking lot and headed for Longhai Medical College.

More than twenty minutes later, two cars drove into Longhai Medical College.

Xiao Chen slowed down the car and lowered the window.

"Hey, there are a lot of girls in this medical school... From now on, they will all be angels in white coats, holding syringes... Oh, don't think wrong, playing with woolen uniforms!"

Xiao Chen coughed a few times and tried not to let himself think nonsense.

After driving on campus for a few more minutes, Hua Yixuan's car stopped in front of a building.

Xiao Chen also parked the car next to him and got out of the car.

"Yixuan, did you graduate from medical school? Didn't I remember that you went to study abroad?"

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yixuan and asked.

"Well, I graduated here and also studied abroad."

Hua Yixuan nodded.

"Huh? You're not good enough for your age."

Xiao Chen looked at Hua Yixuan's beautiful face and wondered in his heart, doesn't Hua Yixuan look so young?

"How come it's not right? I studied in elementary school for two years and skipped grades in both junior high school and high school, so I went to college earlier than them."

Hua Yixuan explained.


Xiao Chen clicked his tongue when he heard this. This little girl, Gan Qing'er, is still a female top student!

Thinking about Hua Yixuan drinking the coffee in one gulp, he curled his lips and said, well, this is very similar to what a top female student can do!

"Let's go up."

Hua Yixuan walked towards the building in front.

"Why is the laboratory in a medical school?"

Xiao Chen followed behind and asked curiously.

"Well, when I was in college, I often did experiments here.

The most important thing is that there is a ready-made laboratory here, so there is no need to rebuild a laboratory outside!

It costs a lot of money to build a laboratory and all kinds of equipment, and it’s very troublesome!

Anyway, I told my supervisor that if the research is successful, it can be linked to the medical school, and they let me use it. "


Xiao Chen nodded, yes, why not use it if it is already available.

"In addition, I like the atmosphere of the school very much. It is full of vigor and there is not so much rush for quick success, which allows me to calm down and study hard."

Hua Yixuan glanced at Xiao Chen and said.

"If I didn't still need to observe more cancer patients in the clinic, I would quit my career as a doctor and go back to medical school to be a teacher. It would be more convenient for me to conduct experiments."

"Well, we still need to observe more."

Xiao Chen nodded, admiring this girl even more.

"Yeah, let's go, the laboratory is on the fifth floor."

Hua Yixuan said and walked towards the stairs.

"Ah? Take the stairs up? Isn't there an elevator?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No, the fifth floor is the top floor, and schools rarely have elevators."

Hua Yixuan shook her head.

"All right."

Xiao Chen nodded, a little helpless, "Okay, let's crawl."

What surprised him was that Hua Yixuan climbed up to the fifth floor without blushing or out of breath, which showed that she often came here to climb the stairs.

Afterwards, Hua Yixuan took Xiao Chen to the end of the corridor and knocked on the door.


The door opened and a middle-aged man came out.

"Yixuan, who is this?"

"He is Xiao Chen, my friend."

Hua Yixuan introduced it.

"Xiao Chen, this is my classmate, Chen Junliang."

"Oh, hello, Mr. Chen."

Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man and stretched out his right hand.

"Ah hello."

The middle-aged man nodded and shook hands with Xiao Chen.

At the same time, he was wondering, who is this?

Could it be Hua Yixuan's boyfriend?

As he thought about it one by one, he looked a little worried.

After a few words of greeting, the middle-aged man opened the door and let Hua Yixuan and Xiao Chen in.

Xiao Chen glanced around, and to his surprise, this laboratory was a bit big.

Although the decoration is simple, there are a lot of equipment and instruments, each of which costs tens or even hundreds of thousands or millions.

Based on her own words, she simply couldn't come up with that much money.

"Come on, everyone, stop for a moment. Yixuan is here with her friends."

Chen Junliang said loudly.

After hearing Chen Junliang's words, most people at the scene looked over.

When they saw Xiao Chen, they were also stunned. The friend Hua Yixuan brought?

You know, she has never brought friends here before, and even told them to keep everything confidential and not allowed to spread.

But now, she brought someone here by herself, and it seems like she won't be treated by anyone except her 'boyfriend', right?

"Yixuan, who is he?"

A young man in a white coat came over, looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"I'm Yixuan's friend, hello."

Without waiting for Hua Yixuan's introduction, Xiao Chen stretched out his right hand.

"Hmph, did I ask you?"

The young man snorted and said angrily.

As for Xiao Chen's extended right hand, he simply ignored it and pretended he hadn't seen it.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and slowly retracted his right hand.

"Yao Hai, what are you doing?!"

Hua Yixuan was a little angry when she saw that he didn't give Xiao Chen face.

Hearing Hua Yixuan speak for Xiao Chen, the young man became angry and stared at Xiao Chen with hatred.

"Yixuan, who is he? The laboratory is a very important place, outsiders are not allowed in!"

The young man said in a deep voice.

"He is Xiao Chen, not an outsider!"

Hua Yixuan's voice turned cold and she stared at the young man.

Hearing this, the young man became even more angry.

Not an outsider? What does it mean?

"Yixuan, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. He is not an outsider, and I brought him here to solve the problem!"

Hua Yixuan said coldly.

"Solving trouble?"

The young man was stunned.

"Xiaoxuan, what's wrong?"

A woman in her sixties came from inside.


Hua Yixuan saw this woman and greeted her respectfully.

"Well, who is this?"

The woman looked at Xiao Chen a little strangely.

Because she knew that she, her proud disciple, had nothing to do with him, so she would definitely not bring him here.

Even if it is her boyfriend, she will not bring him to the laboratory!

"Teacher, he is Xiao Chen, the one I told you about."

Hua Yixuan introduced.

"Xiao Chen, this is my mentor, Teacher Feng."

"Hello, Teacher Feng."

Xiao Chen looked at the woman, smiled and said.

"Oh? Are you Xiao Chen?"

The woman looked at Xiao Chen, slightly surprised, and then smiled.

"I've admired my name for a long time, but I just met you today! Hello, hello, I'm Feng Mei!"

She said, extending her right hand.

Xiao Chen shook hands with the woman and shook his head: "It's not a big name that I have admired for a long time."

"No, Xiaoxuan often talks about you to me. She also said that if the trouble we are encountering now would be left to you, it would definitely not be trouble."

The woman shook her head and said.

Hearing the woman's words, Xiao Chen glanced at Hua Yixuan, did she praise herself so much?

Hua Yixuan's pretty face was slightly red and she didn't dare to look at Xiao Chen.

"Teacher, who is he?!"

Seeing the woman praising Xiao Chen so much, the young man frowned and asked.

"Yao Hai, some of Xiaoxuan's previous statements and suggestions were told to her by Xiao Chen."

The woman said to the young man.


The young man's eyes widened.

"He said that? This is impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? Yao Hai, I brought Xiao Chen here today to solve the problem, not to get angry with you! Just go ahead and do whatever you need to do!"

Hua Yixuan said coldly.

"What troubles can he solve? Can he solve the troubles that teachers and so many of us can't solve?"

The young man didn't believe it at all.

"Why can't it be solved? If you stay here, shut up! Otherwise, leave!"

Hua Yixuan was really angry. She brought Xiao Chen here, but she was targeted by this guy!


The young man became even more angry when he saw Hua Yixuan protecting Xiao Chen like this.

However, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Xiao Chen, don't pay attention to him, let's do business."

Hua Yixuan looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen nodded. He looked at Hua Yixuan and then at the young man. He already understood what was going on.

This guy liked Hua Yixuan, and when he saw that she brought a man back, he became jealous and angry, so he got angry.

Thinking that this guy was jealous, Xiao Chen had no intention of getting to know him.

"Come on, let's go inside. I'll give you the data first."

Hua Yixuan finished speaking to Xiao Chen and walked inside.


Xiao Chen followed and walked inside.


There was something wrong with this chapter just now. I clicked on the wrong code word software and the software was locked for fifteen minutes... This content cannot be copied and updated, so I can only wait for fifteen minutes~

Therefore, I had no choice but to make a copy of the previous chapter, unlock it after fifteen minutes, and change it.

There will be no double charges, sorry!

In order to express my apology, I will update three times tomorrow~ Well, if I can, I will update as many as I can, and I will guarantee three updates!

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