Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,196 Because it’s you!

Anne called the people she had been in contact with.

In order to prevent being noticed, she only asked briefly. After nothing was said, she didn't ask any more questions.

This made Xiao Chen quite satisfied. He would rather not ask questions for the time being than alert the enemy!

"Brother Chen, I didn't ask."

Annie looked at Xiao Chen and said apologetically.

"Haha, it's normal that I didn't ask, but it would be abnormal if I asked!"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"In this way, when I prepare some useful information for you and you hand it over to them, they will trust you more and reveal some things to you."

"Dry stuff? What is dry stuff?"

Annie asked curiously.

"Um...how should I explain it to you? Don't they want to know about the Xuanyuan Knife? Wait until I tell you something about the Xuanyuan Knife. You can tell them about it. This is useful information."

Xiao Chen was also very embarrassed, how to explain this word to a foreign girl.

"Oh, okay."

Anne nodded.

Xiao Chen stayed in the company for a while, suddenly remembered something, and drove to Tong Yan's villa.

On the way to the villa, he called Tong Yan.

"Hey, Brother Chen."

Tong Yan was very happy when she received Xiao Chen's call.

"Haha, Xiaoyan, how were you playing outside? Are you happy?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm very happy. I was even happier when I received your call."

Tong Yan said happily.

"Um, when did you learn how to flirt?"

Xiao Chen looked a little weird, he was obviously teasing himself!

"Where is my mother-in-law? How is she? Is she happy?"

"Of course she was happy too.


"Who is it? Is he my good son-in-law? Come, let me have a word with him."

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the virgin came from over there.

"Hey, what a good son-in-law."

"Haha, aunt, how was your time?"

Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"Okay, very good, good son-in-law. The landscape here is so beautiful! No wonder people say that Guicheng's landscape is the best in the world. It is truly well-deserved!"

The child mother said with praise.

"Haha, as long as you think it's beautiful."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Yeah, beautiful...it would be better if you came too."

The child mother also said with a smile.

"Wait for next time, I'll be with you next time."

"Okay, this is what you said."


After chatting for a while, the child mother brought up the business: "Good son-in-law, have you forgotten my chickens, ducks, geese, fish and so on? Have you starved to death?"

"Of course not. I'm on my way there now. There's no way I'm going to starve to death."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Okay, you are indeed my good son-in-law!"

The child mother was very happy.

"When they grow up, I will cook them for you to eat."

"Uh, okay."

Xiao Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

"Okay, let's not fight for the phone with Xiaoyan. I'll give the phone to Xiaoyan now, and you can talk to her! You two must have not seen each other for a day, as if it had been three autumns!"

Tong Mu said and returned the phone to Tong Yan.

"Hey, Brother Chen."

"Well, I'm on my way to feed the chickens."

"Gee, drive slower then."

Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Tong Yan said with a smile.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Brother Chen, the goddess's commercial will be filmed soon. I won't worry about leaving this matter to others. Please keep an eye on it, okay?"

Tong Yan thought of something and said.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on them when I ask them. Just feel free to play outside."

Xiao Chen agreed.


The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Xiao Chen threw his cell phone on the passenger seat, accelerated the car, and headed for the villa.

When he arrived at the villa, he took a closer look and made sure that not a single chicken, duck or goose had starved to death. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was a great responsibility!

"Come on, come and eat."

Xiao Chen took the feed, poured it into the basin, and shouted.

Chickens, ducks, geese, etc. all came over and started grabbing food.

After feeding them, Xiao Chen got some fish food and threw it into the swimming pool.

"What a wonderful swimming pool, it just turned into a fish pond... How many fish can be bought with a million-dollar circulation system."

Xiao Chen shook his head, a little helpless.

Before he finished feeding, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

He took it out and saw that it was from Xue Zhanhu, the leader of the Qing Gang.

"What's he calling for?"

Xiao Chen muttered and answered the phone.

"Hey, Boss Xue."

"Brother Xiao, what are you doing?"

Xue Zhanhu's voice came from the receiver.

"Me? I'm feeding the chickens."

Xiao Chen said casually.

"What? Feeding the chickens? Or a crisis?"

Xue Zhanhu thought he didn't hear clearly and asked again.

"Feed the chickens."

Xiao Chen repeated it.

"Um, what are you doing feeding the chickens?"

Xue Zhanhu asked, a little puzzled.

"Cultivation of sentiment."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.


Xue Zhanhu was speechless.

"Boss Xue, tell me straight, you called me, is there something wrong?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Don't tell me, it's true."

Xue Zhanhu stopped talking nonsense and started talking about the topic.

"Brother Xiao, I want to see Qinghong Ling again, is that okay?"

Hearing Xue Zhanhu's words, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment and looked at Qinghong Ling again?

"Brother Xiao, I have no other intention, I just want to see it again."

Xue Zhanhu said hurriedly.

"It depends on the Qinghong Order, of course there is no problem."

Xiao Chen smiled. If he saw Xuanyuan Dao, maybe he would consider it.

As for Qinghong Ling, there is no need to consider it at all.

"Brother Xiao, do you have time now? Shall we meet? You take Qinghong Ling with you."

Xue Zhanhu asked.


Xiao Chen thought for a while and nodded.


"Okay, how about we go to Longteng Club?"

Xue Zhanhu said.

Xiao Chen knew that Xue Zhanhu chose the location there to reassure him.

It doesn't matter to him, it doesn't matter where he puts it.

However, since Xue Zhanhu mentioned the Longteng Club, let’s let it be the Longteng Club.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chen walked around the villa again before driving away and heading to the Longteng Club.

When he arrived at Longteng Club, Xue Zhanhu had not arrived yet.

Seeing that Xue Zhanhu hadn't arrived yet, Xiao Chen went to visit Zhao Deyi first.

When Zhao Deyi heard that it was Xue Zhanhu who made an appointment with Xiao Chen, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

The two chatted for about ten minutes before Xue Zhanhu arrived.

He also came to visit Zhao Deyi first, and then under Zhao Deyi's arrangement, the two entered a private room.

"Here, Boss Xue."

Xiao Chen took out the Qinghong Ling and handed it to Xue Zhanhu.

"If you can't understand it here, you can take it home and read it slowly. When you've seen enough, you can return it to me."

Xue Zhanhu's eyelids jumped when he heard Xiao Chen's words.

This is the Qinghong Order, just leave it to him?

However, he still shook his head: "No, I just want to take a look."

"Well, then you can watch whatever you want."

Xiao Chen nodded, picked up the teacup, and took a sip of tea.

Xue Zhanhu, on the other hand, held the Qinghong Order and looked at it carefully.

After a long time, he put Qinghong Ling on the table.

"Brother Xiao, I don't think I need to say more about the significance of the Qinghong Order, right? Before this, neither I nor Luo Shijie thought that the Qinghong Order would one day reappear."

Xue Zhanhu looked at Xiao Chen and said.

Hearing Xue Zhanhu's words, Xiao Chen's heart moved. Could it be that Xue Zhanhu had other ideas?

"The previous leader once told me that one day when I see Qing Hong Ling, the Qing Gang must obey his orders!"

Xue Zhanhu looked at Xiao Chen and said in a deep voice.

"Although everything is changing, some things cannot be changed. These are the rules!"


Xiao Chen nodded, and a certain thought in his mind became stronger.

"Brother Xiao, from now on, the Qing Gang will look after you and the Qinghong Order!"

Xue Zhanhu's voice suddenly became very serious.

Hearing what Xue Zhanhu said, Xiao Chen was startled. What's the matter? Are you really following orders?

Although he had this idea just now, he still felt it was unrealistic.

Xue Zhanhu, in charge of the Qinggang, ranks among the top ten thousand people!

Why would he add another person to it?

Even if he didn't care about Qinghong Ling, Xiao Chen would not force them to respect him.


Xiao Chen looked at Xue Zhanhu and asked curiously.

"Because you, Xiao Chen, are in charge of the Qinghong Order."

Xue Zhanhu looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became a little deeper.

"I don't care what Hongmen does, at least the Qinggang, if I only want Brother Xiao from now on, then I will definitely do it!"

Xue Zhanhu said seriously.

Xiao Chen looked at Xue Zhanhu and didn't know how to answer it.

When he first learned about the Qinghong Order, he did have some thoughts.

But later I felt it was unrealistic, so I suppressed the idea.

Unexpectedly, Xue Zhanhu would take the initiative to find him and say that he respects his orders and follows his lead!

"If Luo Shijie does the same, then the Qinghong Gang of that year will reunite again! Plus Longmen, it should be almost the same as the Qinghong Gang in its heyday!"

Xue Zhanhu said in a deep voice.

"Let's do this, Boss Xue."

Xiao Chen looked at Xue Zhanhu, thought for a while, and said.


Xue Zhanhu was stunned.

"We will talk about this matter after a while."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xue Zhanhu was even more stunned. Let's talk again after a while?

He thought that Xiao Chen would be very happy to hear what he said.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen said that we would talk about it after a while.

However, when he thought about it again, he realized that he was probably waiting for Luo Shijie!

He is waiting for Luo Shijie to express his stance!

If Luo Shijie takes a stand, then the pattern of Longhai's underground world may really change!

"Okay, then wait for a while."

Xue Zhanhu looked at Xiao Chen, nodded and said.

However, he thought differently. Xiao Chen said he would talk after a while because he wanted to discuss it with Mother Li.

After all, Qinghong Ling was given to him by his mother Li.

In addition, he had another idea and wanted to ask Mother Li to see if she would agree.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen and Xue Zhanhu stopped talking about this and started talking about other things.

"Boss Xue, how is your Qing Gang's intelligence network?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"It's okay, what's wrong?"

Xue Zhanhu was stunned and asked.

"Help me check something out."



It’s been changed, it’s been updated, I’m so sleepy!

Go to bed!

We will apologize for the inconvenience caused to everyone, and we will update it tomorrow!

Good night.

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