Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,226 Continue to prepare

After the two chatted for a while, they started drinking. Tianshu Chinese website

Dennis already knew everything Xiao Chen wanted to know.

And Dennis also said what he wanted Xiao Chen to know.

"Come on, don't say much, let's do one first."

Xiao Chen picked up the wine glass and clinked the glasses with Dennis.

"Come on, do it."

Dennis nodded.

After a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere finally became less awkward than before.

After all, not everyone has Dennis as a man who can express his emotions and anger.

Among the four energy transformation masters, two of them were very unhappy with Xiao Chen.

If it weren't for the matter with the Holy See, they would have fallen out long ago.

After a while, the bar reached the climax of the night, and everyone was dancing wildly.

"I'm going to go for a walk and see if I have any targets."

Vulcan looked at the twisting girl below, couldn't help it, and stood up.

"Well, go ahead, be careful of getting sick."

Xiao Chen nodded and reminded him.

"How can it be."

Kagami shrugged and went down.

"Brother Chen, let's go down and take a look."

After a while, Big Fatty and the others couldn't stay any longer and said to Xiao Chen.

"Go ahead."

Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, man, he is really a thinking animal.

"Mr. Dennis, do you want to go down and have fun too? Or are you here drinking?"


Dennis thought for a while,


"Well, come, I'll drink with you."

Xiao Chen nodded and clinked glasses with them.

It has to be said that Vulcan's status as a foreigner and his handsome appearance make him very lethal.

Soon, I saw this guy holding a girl in his arms, waving to Xiao Chen and walking out.

Seeing that he was about to go out, Xiao Chen called a waiter and explained a few words.

I saw the waiter quickly going downstairs and catching up with Vulcan.

But after a few words, he came back again.

"How did he say?"

Xiao Chen looked at the waiter and asked curiously.

"The gentleman said, what's the point of playing in the room? He was going to the car..."

The waiter said with a strange expression.


Hearing this, Xiao Chen was speechless. Mahler Gobi really knows how to play!

Later, Big Fatty and the others also gained something, but they did not go to the car. Instead, Xiao Chen ordered the waiter to arrange a room for them.

Above the bar are the guest rooms.

After drinking for more than an hour, Dennis and the others were ready to leave.

Xiao Chen felt that he had said everything he needed to say, so he let them leave.

After they left, Xiao Chen lit a cigarette, returned to the booth on the second floor, sat down, poured wine, and drank slowly alone.

Before he finished the bottle of wine, he saw Vulcan coming back.

"Xiao, why are you the only one drinking? What about them? Aren't they all going to have sex?"

Kagami sat down, picked up a bottle of wine, and took a sip.

"Dennis and the others are gone."

Xiao Chen said, looking at Vulcan.

"Feeling good?"

"Well, I feel good. That girl is very sexy."

Kagami nodded.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen shook his head. There were so many beauties in this guy's large manor. As long as he said a word, they all had to behave obediently.

Now, he actually said that the girl outside is very attractive?

But think about it again, don’t men all have this virtue?

One after another, Big Fatty and the others also came back, all in high spirits.

"Brother Chen, did you come out early enough?"

Big Fatty looked at Xiao Chen and said.


Xiao Chen nodded, but immediately realized something was wrong.

"Hey, fat guy, I didn't go anywhere. I was just here drinking."

"Didn't go to the room?"

Big Fatty was stunned.

"Of course not. If I go, I guess you will have to wait here until tomorrow morning."

Xiao Chen curled his lips and said.


Big Fatty and others are speechless, this is so awesome.

After they drank for a while, they agreed on a time and place to meet tomorrow and then dispersed.

Xiao Chen returned to the villa, took a shower, and fell asleep quickly.

But just before dawn, he was awakened by a nightmare.

In the dream, Su Yunfei was covered in blood, as if he had come from hell.


In the darkness, Xiao Chen sat on the bed, took a few deep breaths, and his expression gradually became calmer.

"Old Su...are you blaming me for not avenging you yet?"

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and spoke slowly to himself.

"Hurry up. Once I finish what I'm doing, I'll go and avenge you."

The flickering cigarette butt flickered in the dark room.

Xiao Chen did not go back to sleep, but continued to smoke until dawn.

"Its daybreak."

Xiao Chen looked at the sky, smiled bitterly, and was too lazy to sleep anymore. He got up from the bed, washed up, and made breakfast.

After finishing breakfast and inking for a while, he drove out of the villa and came to the company.

After the company held a morning meeting and determined that there was no problem, Xiao Chen looked at the time and headed to Longshan again.

The camera has not been installed yet, they have to continue to install it.

Just when he took the things off the car, he saw Big Fatty and the others arriving.

"Brother Chen, are you not late?"

Big Fatty asked loudly.

"Haha, no."

Xiao Chen smiled, and after a few words of greeting, everyone began to work.

A few hours later, the entire Longshan Mountain was covered by cameras.

Xiao Chen turned on the LCD screen and switched the monitoring images on it, showing a satisfied look.

"Brother Chen, is it okay?"

Big Fatty asked.

"There are a few things that need to be modified."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"About half an hour, that should be enough."

"Well, then you say, let's modify it."

In about half an hour, all cameras met Xiao Chen's requirements.

After Xiao Chen pressed the switch, the LCD screen went dark and all the monitors were turned off.

After waiting for the lock to be closed, Xiao Chen walked around Longshan again.

Although he can still feel the presence of the camera, this feeling does not come from the present, but from the past.

If he didn't know, he would definitely not notice anything when he walked in.

This is enough.


Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction, hoping it would be useful by then!

Later, Xiao Chen hid some guns and the like in some secret places.

When the time comes, he will play at home and must control the entire field.

"Okay, let's go, I'll treat everyone to dinner."

Xiao Chen looked at the time, it was already noon.


Da Pang and others readily agreed.

After finishing their meal, Xiao Chen sent Big Fatty and the others away, while he returned to the office.

Now that everything is ready here, it's time to notify the Holy See of Light.

"Brother Chen, you are looking for me."

Annie came and said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded and pointed to the chair opposite.

"Sit down, let's sit down and talk."


Annie nodded and sat down.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

"The Holy See of Light, have you been contacted?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, I have been contacted, but I said I haven't found anything yet, so I'll deal with it."

Annie said to Xiao Chen.

"Ah, very good."

Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Annie, you are the big hero this time."

"What a great hero I am."

Anne shook her head.

"Brother Chen, when does it start?"

"Tell them that at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow, I will go to Longshan to hide the Xuanyuan knife."

Xiao Chen had already thought about it last night, so he had a specific plan.

"Is it nine o'clock the day after tomorrow? Okay, that's what I'll tell him."

Anne nodded.

"After you tell them, casually mention it and ask them to go there early. Just say that you noticed that others seemed to be staring at me."

Xiao Chen said to Annie again.

"Huh? Why is that?"

Annie was stunned.

"Haha, I made a big scene over there."

Xiao Chen smiled.


Annie nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"I'll hit him now."

"Now? Okay, let's fight."

Xiao Chen nodded and lit a cigarette.

And Annie also called Mr. Dodge.


Soon, the call will be answered over there.

"Mr. Dodge, I have found out the information."

Anne whispered.

"Xiao Chen's?"

asked Mr. Dodge, perked up.

"Yes, he will go to Longshan at nine o'clock the day after tomorrow and hide the Xuanyuan knife in Longshan."

Annie looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Nine o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow? Is this time accurate?"

Mr. Dodge asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, that's accurate. I heard him say it with my own ears."

Annie almost laughed when she said this.

Because she really wasn't talking nonsense, she did hear it with her own ears, or Xiao Chen told her specifically.

"Nine o'clock the day after tomorrow morning...Okay, I understand."

Mr. Dodge repeated.

"Mr. Dodge, then my barrier-breaking pill..."

Annie asked quickly.

"Don't worry, as long as we get the Xuanyuan Knife, we will definitely give you the Barrier Breaking Pill! Annie, you did a great job this time!"

After a few compliments, Mr. Dodge hung up the phone.

"nailed it."

Annie looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"What did he say?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"He didn't say how to get to Longshan or anything like that. After all, it had nothing to do with me, so I didn't ask any more questions."

Anne shook her head.

"Well, they will definitely go."

Xiao Chen nodded. Since the Guangming Holy See already knew the news, the news from him should also be released.

A few minutes later, he returned to his office and called Qin Jianwen.

The Holy See of Light is just hunting rabbits.

The highlight is the flying birds!

As long as the flying bird is trapped, the hole will not be dug in vain.

Xiao Chen felt happy at the thought of tricking Feiniao to death and making the Holy See of Light cry.

"Xiao Chen."

Qin Jianwen answered the phone.

"Well, the time is set, the day after tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning, Longshan."

Xiao Chen didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

"I know, I'll take them there."

Qin Jianwen agreed.

"Remember, all the masters who put flying birds in the dragon sea scream! Otherwise, it won't be cruel enough!"

Xiao Chen sneered and said.

"completely annihilated?"

Qin Jianwen asked.

"Yes, the whole army will be wiped out, don't leave anyone."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Okay, but after this incident, I have to break away from Asuka."

"Why, are you still addicted?"

"No... Okay, let's not talk anymore. I'll go and inform them."


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