Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,300: Don’t you cry when you don’t see the coffin?

Chapter 1300: Will you shed tears without seeing the coffin?

Chapter 1300: Will you shed tears without seeing the coffin?

Factory, deputy director's office.

A middle-aged man, sitting in an office chair, felt a little anxious.

There was such a loud noise in the factory, there was no way he couldn't miss it!

Although most people don't know what's going on, he feels like Ming Jing'er in his heart!

"Something is going to happen!"

The middle-aged man became more and more anxious as he thought about it. He couldn't sit still, so he stood up and walked back and forth in the office.

"Xiao Li and the others have been arrested. These guys will definitely tell me... No, I have to make a phone call quickly and talk about the situation here! They promised me at the beginning that if anything happens, they will give me I’ll give you some money, and then give me a job that’s no worse than what I have now…”

After a few minutes, the middle-aged man stopped and made a decision.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

Toot toot.

As the beep sounded, he also frowned.

"Why is no one answering? Answer the phone quickly! The investigation team is coming this afternoon. If things are like this now, then it's all in vain?"

But until the phone hung up automatically, no one answered.

"Damn it, we can't wait any longer, leave first, then call them and let them know!"

The middle-aged man put away his mobile phone, quickly returned to his desk, opened the drawer, and took out his handbag.

He opened his handbag, unzipped it, glanced at the bank card in the compartment, and breathed a sigh of relief.

There are two million in this bank card, which is his benefit this time!

He made sure that his bank card was behind him, grabbed the car keys, and walked out quickly without any further hesitation.


The office door opened, and before I could even walk out, I saw a few people standing outside.

"What, why are Deputy Director Zhu going?"

A faint and playful voice sounded at the same time.

The middle-aged man was startled. When he took a closer look at the person in front of him, his expression couldn't help but change, Xiao Chen? Director Qian? Why are they all here?

He panicked, had they already confessed themselves?

Isn't this too fast?

damn it!

"Haha, why does Deputy Director Zhu look so bad? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man with playful eyes and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Xiao...I, I'm a little uncomfortable. I just want to go to the hospital for a check-up...Mr. Xiao, Director Qian, do you have anything to do with me? If it's nothing important, I'll go to the hospital first and wait until I get back." How about looking for you? It’s really uncomfortable.”

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, the middle-aged man forced himself to calm down and said.

"Oh? Not feeling well? Haha, it's okay. I know a little bit about medical skills. Let me help Deputy Director Zhu take a look."

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

The middle-aged man's expression changed again and he forced a smile.

"Mr. Xiao, how dare I trouble you? I'd better go to the hospital for a checkup."

"Haha, you can go to the hospital if you want, but it won't be long now. Let's talk about things first! Why, Deputy Director Zhu doesn't invite us in to talk? Just talk at the door of the office?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and asked.

"No, no, of course... please come in."

Seeing that he couldn't hide away, the middle-aged man could only make way for the door and invite Xiao Chen and others to come in.

Director Qian remained silent. He was a little surprised. Why did Xiao Chen suddenly come to see Deputy Director Zhu?

This deputy director Zhu can be regarded as an old man in the factory, even older than him.

At the beginning, both of them were deputy factory directors. After the last product problem occurred and the person in charge was fired by Su Qing, he became the factory director.

After changing his thoughts one by one, Director Qian looked at Xiao Chen, what happened?

"Mr. Xiao, don't you know what's going on?"

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to ask Deputy Director Zhu about the person behind you.

Who is he? "

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and said lightly.

Upon hearing Xiao Chen's words, Deputy Director Zhu's expression changed and he even took a step back in shock.

Factory Director Qian and others were stunned. What did Mr. Xiao mean by this?

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao... I don't understand what you mean. Where is there... behind me?"

Deputy Director Zhu took a deep breath, calmed down, looked back and said.

Seeing that this guy was still pretending to look back, Xiao Chen grinned and smiled: "Well, maybe the person behind you is not a person, but... a ghost!"

"Xiao, Mr. Xiao, I'm timid, don't scare me."

Deputy Director Zhu trembled, and he didn't know whether he was pretending or if it was true.

"Are you timid? If you, Deputy Factory Director Zhu, were timid, I'm afraid you wouldn't have found so many people to put nr2 in new products?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Deputy Director Zhu's expression changed again.

Director Qian, who was sitting on the sofa, also stood up suddenly with his eyes widened.

He looked at Deputy Director Zhu with a look of disbelief. Did he send someone to release nr2?

"What, Deputy Director Zhu, don't you understand what I mean? How about I make it clearer?"

Xiao Chen put out the cigarette in his hand and asked.

"Mr. Xiao...I...I don't understand."

Deputy Director Zhu gritted his teeth. He felt that as long as he bit him to death, Xiao Chen would have no evidence to do anything to him.

Do you just listen to those people’s words?

This can't do anything to him!

"Haha, it seems you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin."

Xiao Chen smiled and stood up slowly.

"You, what are you going to do?"

Deputy Director Zhu was startled and took a few steps back.

"They have all admitted that you gave them money to put nr2 in new products. Don't you admit it?"

Xiao Chen looked at him and asked slowly.

"Them? Mr. Xiao, they wronged me!"

Deputy Director Zhu said loudly.

"I usually run the factory strictly, and many people are dissatisfied with me, so after they did something that harmed the company, they wanted to drag me along..."

"Really? Then why didn't they drag Director Qian? Why didn't they say that Director Qian gave them money to do that?"

Xiao Chen showed a bit of amusement.


Deputy Director Zhu looked at Director Qian and then at Xiao Chen.

"Anyway, I didn't do this, they wronged me! I hope Mr. Xiao can find out and clear my name!"

"What innocence do you want!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Amelia Su came in from outside.

"Mr. Su?"

Deputy Director Zhu looked at Amelia Su and his expression changed slightly.

Xiao Chen was also a little surprised. Why did Amelia Su come here?

"Deputy Director Zhu, you are also an old man in the company. I never thought that you would do such a thing!"

Su Qing stared at Deputy Director Zhu and said coldly.

After hearing Su Qing's words, Deputy Director Zhu's eyes flickered a few times, and a trace of anger flashed deep in his eyes.

However, he quickly suppressed his anger and made an unjust expression: "Mr. Su, you can't just believe their words and say that I did something that harmed the company! As you said, I am a member of the company. I’m an old man, how could I do something that harms the company!”

"You still don't admit it, do you?"

Xiao Chen looked at the time and became a little impatient.

"Mr. Su, please go out first and give me three minutes."

Su Qing glanced at Xiao Chen, and she also knew that time was running out.

"Okay, everyone get out!"


Director Qian and the others nodded, feeling a little strange, what is Xiao Chen going to do?

Still, they left the office.

"You...Mr. Su...what are you going to do?"

Deputy Director Zhu looked at Xiao Chen with a sneer on his face and couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

After all, Xiao Chen's reputation was well-known even in the factory, and no one dared to provoke him!

"What do I want to do? Oh, of course I want you to understand what I just said."

Xiao Chen sneered and walked towards Deputy Director Zhu.

"Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll call the police!"

Deputy Director Zhu screamed in fright.

"Call the police? Oh, don't worry. After today, you will have to deal with the police for a long time."

Xiao Chen's sneer became even thicker.

"Don't come over..."

Deputy Director Zhu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

However, how could Xiao Chen let him run away?

"Do you think you can run away?"

Xiao Chen said, stretched out his right leg and tripped Deputy Director Zhu to the ground.


Deputy Director Zhu fell to the ground and screamed in pain.

Xiao Chen bent down, pointed like a sword, and stabbed him several times quickly.

"You...ah, what did you do to me!"

Soon, Deputy Director Zhu screamed in pain.

After all, even those specially trained agents couldn't bear this kind of method, not to mention he was just an ordinary person.

Outside the office, Director Qian and others felt trembling in their hearts when they heard the screams coming from inside.

"Mr. Su, what's going on here?"

Director Qian couldn't help but ask.

"have no idea."

Su Qing shook her head.

"This...Deputy Director Zhu, no, will Zhu Damao be okay?"

Director Qian asked a little worriedly.

"No, Xiao Chen knows it."

Su Qing shook her head again.


As soon as Su Qing finished speaking, another shrill scream came out, making Factory Director Qian and others tremble. Is this a count?

What would it be like if I didn’t count them?

Not even a minute and a half, deputy director Zhu gave up.

"I...I arranged for them, I admit it, ah..."

"Are you admitting it? Ha, I thought you had to hold on for a few dozen more seconds."

Xiao Chen curled his lips, a little contemptuous.

However, since he admitted it, he did not embarrass Deputy Director Zhu anymore and released him from the ban.


Deputy Director Zhu collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

"You are not in good health, you are very weak... Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, let's talk about it, who asked you to do this?"

Xiao Chen said and opened the office door.

"Admit it?"

Su Qing came in first and asked.

"Yeah, admitted."

Xiao Chen nodded.

Su Qing glanced at Deputy Director Zhu who was lying limply on the ground, without any sympathy.

Director Qian and others also came in. Seeing his embarrassed appearance, they felt trembling in their hearts.

They looked at Xiao Chen with a bit of fear in their eyes.

They even secretly whispered in their hearts that they must not offend Mr. Xiao in the future!

If you offend Xiao Chen, you might as well stop staying in Qingcheng. You can just roll up your bedroll and get out, so you can avoid being mistreated! No pop-ups, timely updates!

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