Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1336: Rescue and reaction

Li Sheng saw Lu's mother trying to rush in, and with quick eyes and quick hands, he caught her.

"what are you doing!"

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with her...she seems to be in pain!"

Mother Lu shouted tremblingly.

"Calm down, brother Xiao just said, no matter what sound we hear, don't go in!"

Li Sheng stopped Lu Mu and said.

"Yeah, don't go in."

Father Lu also stopped her, holding back his heartache and gritting his teeth.

"We have to trust Expert Xiao, he will definitely cure Xiaoyu."

"Xiao Yu...heal Xiao Yu..."

Mother Lu trembled, nodded, and did not rush inside again.

"What's wrong?"

Hua Yixuan also came over. Listening to the screams in the ward, she asked strangely.

"Brother Xiao is treating Lu Yu inside."

Li Sheng saw Hua Yixuan coming and nodded towards her.


Hua Yixuan frowned slightly. This painful cry must have been too loud.

"Xiao Chen said, can't we go in?"

"Well, you can't go in and disturb me."

Li Sheng nodded and winked at Hua Yixuan.

Hua Yixuan looked at Mother Lu and stepped forward to comfort her.

When Hua Yixuan pulled Lu Mu to sit next to her, Li Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Women still have an innate advantage in comforting people.

"Dean Li, is everything really okay inside?"

Father Lu asked, his voice trembling as he listened to his daughter's screams.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Li Sheng shook his head and said.


Father Lu clenched his fists and looked at the door of the ward without making a sound.

In the ward, Xiao Chen was still giving Lu Yu acupuncture.

The silver needles turned into streaks of cold light and landed on Lu Yu's acupuncture points.

Xiao Chen's expression was serious, and he hardly paused as the silver needles fell one after another.

Lu Yu was shaking in pain, but she still had some sense and tried not to move too much, so as not to affect Xiao Chen's treatment.

Soon, all the silver needles in Xiao Chen's hand fell on Lu Yu.

“Be patient.


Xiao Chen looked at Lu Yu and said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, it's okay, I can bear it..."

Lu Yu gritted his teeth and was sweating profusely in pain.

Xiao Chen nodded and said nothing. Instead, he clasped two Nine Flames Mysterious Needles with both hands and started to move his mind. A trace of internal energy spread out from the Dantian, using the Nine Flames Mysterious Needles as a carrier, and swam into Lu Yu's body. Inside.


As Xiao Chen's internal energy poured in, Lu Yu seemed to be experiencing greater pain and screamed louder.

Xiao Chen ignored Lu Yu's cries of pain as much as possible and concentrated on treating her.

As time went by, Xiao Chen's face became a little pale.

However, his expression became more relaxed than before, and he could clearly feel that it was working!

After about ten minutes, Xiao Chen replaced two more Nine Flame Mysterious Needles and continued to pour in internal energy.

In this way, bit by bit, his internal energy continued to enter Lu Yu's body through the nine Nine Flame Mysterious Needles.

But Lu Yu's screams of pain never stopped.

However, later on, she could no longer shout and her voice became hoarse.

But no matter how painful it was, she still tried hard to control her body and not affect Xiao Chen.

"I will remove the acupuncture for you now. You lie down and apply the acupuncture from behind."

Xiao Chen said to Lu Yu.


Lu Yu opened his eyes and nodded.

Her eyes swept across Xiao Chen's pale face, and she was startled, but then she realized what was happening.

Is this because of yourself?

As she thought, she felt a little moved in her heart.

Soon, Xiao Chen pulled out all the silver needles from Lu Yu's body and motioned her to lie down with her back facing up.

When Lu Yu dragged his extremely tired body and lay on the bed, Xiao Chen continued to apply acupuncture.

The screams of pain were heard in the ward again.

Outside, Mother Lu kept lingering at the door of the ward, with tears on her face and looking inside from time to time.

With Hua Yixuan by her side, she wanted to go in and have a look, but she still held back.

"It's been dozens of minutes..."

Father Lu kept looking at the time and muttering something from time to time.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely still undergoing treatment... Late-stage cancer can't be easily treated. Even if it's surgery, it will take several hours."

Li Sheng said to Father Lu and Mother Lu.


Father Lu nodded.


Mother Lu looked at the door of the ward, couldn't bear it anymore, and knelt on the ground.

She clasped her hands together in front of her, closed her eyes, and kept praying.

Hua Yixuan was stunned and wanted to help Mother Lu, but Li Sheng shook her head and stopped her.

Li Sheng looked at Lu's mother and sighed in his heart. Although such prayers have no effect, it is a kind of maternal love!

This is also a kind of psychological comfort for Mother Lu.

Otherwise, she might collapse!

"Xiao Chen said, how long will it take?"

Hua Yixuan looked at Li Sheng and asked in a low voice.

"No, but he said before that it was quite troublesome."

Li Sheng shook his head.

"It's troublesome? Then we can only wait."

Hua Yixuan nodded.

"Well, just wait."

Li Sheng nodded, looking forward to it.

"Maybe he will bring us another miracle!"

"A miracle... it will happen."

Hua Yixuan repeated it and nodded.

In the ward, Xiao Chen's treatment has reached a critical moment.

He felt that he couldn't hold it any longer.

Nothing else, but some exhaustion.

Even though he can now practice ancient martial arts and is already a master of late Anjin, his internal strength still cannot support him to complete the treatment.

This made him couldn't help but smile bitterly. Was he going to fail?

If he failed, how would he tell Lu Yu? How should I tell Lu Yu’s parents?

Just now, I gave them hope of life, now am I going to make them despair again?

No, no!

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, clasped the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle with trembling hands, and continued to pump internal energy into it.

He was half leaning on the bed, his legs trembling.

He felt that if he didn't lean on the bed, he might not be able to stand.

"Chen...Brother, how about...you take a rest."

Lu Yu endured the pain, looked at Xiao Chen's trembling body, and said.

"Huh? No, I'm fine."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"It's almost done, it's going to be over soon, it won't fail!"


Lu Yu lay on the bed, tilting his head. Although he couldn't see Xiao Chen's expression clearly, his trembling legs showed that his condition at this time was not good.

"Stop talking, we will definitely succeed. Believe in Brother Chen and believe in yourself."

Xiao Chen shook his head, Gu Wu's mind was running wildly, and his eyes became red.

He regretted a little, he had brought a bottle of red potion here if he had known earlier!

If there is a red potion, it can definitely alleviate the current situation, at least... the treatment can be continued.

Lu Yu said nothing, but felt extremely moved in her heart.

In her opinion, she and Xiao Chen were neither relatives nor friends, and this was just...the second meeting.

But now, Xiao Chen is saving her like this!

She looked at Xiao Chen and secretly decided in her heart that if she could continue to live, she must repay Xiao Chen!

Even if you are a cow or a horse!

Xiao Chen didn't know what Lu Yu was thinking, and he was not in the mood to think about what Lu Yu was thinking at this time.

He really couldn't hold on any longer. Waves of exhaustion came over him, making him wish he could fall to the ground and take a nap.

In addition, he continuously channeled the inner energy of the Dantian, causing the Dantian to tremble and cause tearing pain.

Because this is not an ordinary internal force, but the original internal force of Dantian, ancient warriors cannot easily use it, and it is easy to hurt themselves!

But after hesitating, Xiao Chen decided to save Lu Yu, even if he might be injured in the Dantian!

He felt that he should be able to complete the treatment.

But now it seems that there is still a lot to be desired.

However, he doesn't want to give up!

He knew that once he gave up, Lu Yu would give up too!

It’s not easy to gather this kind of hope!

Just as Xiao Chen was working hard and forcing his mental skills to absorb the inner energy of his dantian, a warm energy suddenly poured into his body.

This shocked him, what's going on?

Immediately afterwards, he realized that it was the Star Stone!

This energy was emitted by the Star Stone, and then absorbed by him, and then used his Dantian as a transformer to turn into the original internal force, and then poured into Lu Yu's body.

"Star Stone..."

Xiao Chen became excited, but then he felt something was wrong. How could Xingchen Stone react?

After he felt it carefully, he was shocked again. It was a bone ring!

In addition to the energy of the star stone, there was also a warm feeling on his chest. Although it was invisible to the naked eye, he could still feel that the bone ring was reacting!

However, at this time, he was not in the mood to think too much. With these two energies, he quickly treated Lu Yu.

At the same time, with the crazy operation of his ancient martial arts, his cultivation level, which had not seen any movement recently, was slowly moving and rising.

Of course, he hadn't taken this into consideration yet. He was focused on Lu Yu's treatment.

After about five or six minutes, Xiao Chen let go of the Nine Flames Mysterious Needle, and finally placed the palm of his left hand on the back of Lu Yu's heart.

Then, as he released his inner energy, black liquid appeared on each silver needle.


At the same time, Lu Yu let out a cry of pain, and she felt as if her body was being torn apart.


But Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief, it was finally done!

Although blessed by two energies, Xiao Chen was still very tired.

He swayed and sat down on the chair next to him.

Now, he doesn't even have the strength to pull out the needle.

After resting for a few minutes, Xiao Chen felt better. After feeling it carefully, the star stone and the bone ring were unresponsive.

"What's going on? Forget it, let's study it when we get back."

Xiao Chen muttered and started to pull out the needle.

The silver needles he pulled out from Lu Yu's body were thrown directly into the iron plate, then he poured alcohol on them, lit them, and burned them.

The black liquid on it made a squeaking sound and disappeared quickly.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen used alcohol cotton to wipe the place where the needle was applied to Lu Yu, then picked up the thin quilt and covered her with it.

After finishing this, he sat back down again.

"Brother Chen, how are you?"

Lu Yu turned around, looked at Xiao Chen, and asked with concern.

"Haha, I'm fine. Feel it for yourself. How do you feel?"

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

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