Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,343 The Uncrowned King

After hearing what the two of them said, Xiao Chen showed a smile.

"Boss Xue, Uncle Luo, is this your final decision?"


Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie looked at each other again and nodded.

If it were another person, they would definitely not make such a choice!

Even as Mother Li and Zhao Deyi said, as soon as the Qinghong Order appears, Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie will use various means to get the Qinghong Order!

And those who hold the Qinghong Order may still be alive if they are obedient.

Otherwise, there is only one ending: death!

However, the person who holds the Qinghong Order now is Xiao Chen, a person who is enough to make Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie fearful!

Coupled with some reasons that even Xiao Chen didn't know, Xue Zhanhu made the decision first and respected his order.

Later, Luo Shijie also followed.

That’s why we have the situation in front of us!


Xiao Chen was excited in his heart, but he didn't show much on his face.

"Don't worry, both of you, the things I promised before will be honored."


Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie nodded, they still believed in Xiao Chen's character.

In fact, what they want is not much, just freedom!

Although he 'respects his orders', he is still relatively autonomous, which means Xiao Chen will not interfere with the affairs of the Qinggang and Hongmen!

On certain matters, Qinggang and Hongmen will cooperate with Xiao Chen, or Longmen!

In other words, this is not much different from the leader of the seven major families.

However, in the underground world, Xiao Chen's authority is greater.

"Boss Xue, Uncle Luo, there is something I need to discuss with you."

Xiao Chen looked at the two people,


"you say."

Luo Shijie nodded.

"The Qinggang, Hongmen, and Longmen will remain as they were before for the time being... As I just said, no matter whether the higher authorities can find anything, we still have to have the attitude we should have! Otherwise, we should put it on the bright side If the situation is over, then the higher-ups will definitely be wary of it. When the time comes... it will definitely be a disaster for the three gangs! Even if they are injured, the higher-ups will be ruthless!"

Xiao Chen said seriously.


Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie nodded. In fact, this is what they thought.

The Qinggang and Hongmen are already very fearful to the higher-ups. If they become Qinghong again, the higher-ups will never ignore them!

Back then, wasn't it because of unknown reasons that Qinghong split into Qinggang and Hongmen?

Although there are rumors on the road that Qinghong was split because of conflicts between the two major factions, the Qinggang and the Hongmen.

But what is actually going on? As the bosses of the Qinggang and Hongmen, they know better than anyone else!

Furthermore, even the seven major families are worried about this and want to make a move. If the Qinggang and Hongmen make a little move, it may lead to big moves from above.

They had to be careful.

"By the way, Boss Xue and Uncle Luo, have you absorbed the territory of the Black Tiger Gang?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"Well, that's almost it."

Xue Zhanhu nodded, the Black Tiger Gang had been divided among the three parties.

Although the Black Tiger Gang still exists today, it is actually dead in name only.

"Okay, let's arrange some small conflicts...Whether you believe it or not, we still have to perform the drama well."

Xiao Chen looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

"haha okay."

Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie smiled and nodded. They were both very familiar with this routine.

"Also, let's do something to divert attention from above... By the way, is there any news about the Bloody Hand Gang recently?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"There is no movement. The Black Tiger Gang is finished. The Bloody Hand Gang also knows the attitude of the Qing Gang and Hongmen... Although they want to take over Longhai, they do not have the strength to withstand the anger of the Qing Gang and Hongmen."

Xue Zhanhu shook his head and said.

"Hey, find a reason to play with them."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Idle time is idle. Anyway, you have to divert your attention from above. Don't just focus on the three gangs."

"I will discuss this matter with Lao Luo."

Xue Zhanhu nodded and looked at Luo Shijie.

"Okay, let's discuss it some time."

Luo Shijie also nodded.

After discussing the three gangs for a while, Xue Zhanhu mentioned the seven major families.

"Brother Xiao, why do you suddenly have such thoughts?"

"I went to visit Mr. Bai two days ago, and he mentioned some things to me... You also know that my relationship with the Su family is unusual! This time, the higher-ups want to disturb the Su family, and I will not just watch the Su family collapse. Already..."

Xiao Chen didn't hide anything and simply said it.

"Although black and white are relative, in the past few years, Lao Xue and I have also noticed that the higher-ups are preparing to take action on the seven major families... and even cultivated several super-first-class families to replace the seven major families. "

Luo Shijie looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"That's right, so Mr. Bai mentioned the 'alliance leader' and wanted me to try it."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Haha, Mr. Bai... I think back then, Mr. Bai was a legendary figure, but then he suddenly became low-key, even so low-key that people ignored him... I didn't expect that Tycoon Bai is still a treasure trove."

Xue Zhanhu also said with a smile.


Xiao Chen had also heard some of the legends about Mr. Bai back then.

"If you need anything from the seven major families, you can tell us."

Luo Shijie smoked a cigar and said.

"Yes, Lao Luo and I can still help."

Xue Zhanhu also nodded.

Both of them knew that if Xiao Chen really ascended to the position of 'alliance leader' of the seven major families, it would be equivalent to commanding the seven major families.

When the time comes, the seven major families will report to the group, and it will be difficult for the higher-ups to move the seven major families again!

Therefore, it is possible to move the target to the Qinggang and Hongmen first.

At this time, they have to stand over and nothing will happen!

This was also one of the reasons why the two of them made an appointment with Xiao Chen and told him that "order is the most important thing".

"Haha, okay, if there is need, I will definitely tell you."

Xiao Chen nodded and said.


After the three of them chatted for a while, they finished talking about all the serious things that should be discussed, and Xue Zhanhu arranged dinner.

"Come on, let's go have a drink. It's also... a change of scenery, Qinghong... no, it's not just Qinghong anymore, there's also a Dragon Gate!"

Xue Zhanhu looked at the two people and said with a smile.

"Qinghong is still Qinghong. Compared with Qinghong, Longmen is just the younger brother."

Xiao Chen smiled. He had never thought that one day, Longmen would become the number one force in the underground world of Longhai.

Because under today's circumstances, Longmen does not need to become very strong!

With a Qinghong Order, he commands the Qinghong Gang, and together with Longmen, he is already the uncrowned king of the Longhai underground world!

A few minutes later, the three people sat at the wine table.

"Come on, Boss Xue, Uncle Luo, without further ado, let's have a toast."

Xiao Chen picked up the wine glass, looked at the two of them, and said loudly.


Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie both nodded, clinked their glasses with Xiao Chen, and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

After putting down the wine glass, Xue Zhanhu thought of something and looked at Luo Shijie.

"Old Luo, I heard that you asked that kid from Changkong to preside over the elders' meeting?"

"You even know this?"

Luo Shijie was a little speechless.

"Xue Zhanhu, get all your people back to me quickly... Otherwise, let me find out, I will not be merciful, I will kill every one, and kill ten of the ten!"

"As for that? I just heard about it occasionally, and I didn't mean to check it out."

Xue Zhanhu shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'll try not to investigate Hongmen's affairs in the future, okay?"

"It's weird if I believe you."

Luo Shijie rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's not over, right? It's not like the Qing Gang didn't arrange it for you, right? Neither of us is a good guy, so don't laugh at the other, how about that?"

Xue Zhanhu curled his lips.

"By the way, you haven't answered my question yet. Do you plan to let that kid Changkong take over?"

"Well, I have this idea and let him take over as soon as possible. It makes me feel relaxed."

Luo Shijie nodded, glanced at Xue Zhanhu, and said deliberately.

"Anyway, that kid Changkong is pretty safe, and has reached an entry-level level in terms of tactics..."


Of course Xue Zhanhu knew that Luo Shijie said that on purpose, so he didn't bother to answer.

"What, Lao Xue, aren't you going to step back, take a break, and enjoy life?"

Luo Shijie looked at Xue Zhanhu and asked again.

"There's nothing I can do about it, that guy Xue Fei doesn't live up to expectations."

Xue Zhanhu shook his head and said with a headache.

"Haha, I think that kid Xiaofei is pretty good. Although he's a bit playful, he's much better than you were when you were young."

Luo Shijie said with a smile.


Xue Zhanhu was speechless, this guy said that on purpose!

"Old Xue, do you know why I let Changkong take over?"

Luo Shijie looked at Xue Zhanhu and his tone became serious.


Xue Zhanhu was a little curious.

"Because Xiao Chen... When I saw Xiao Chen, I felt that I was old. I felt that this world should be a world for young people."

Luo Shijie turned to look at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

"Haha, why did you drag me into this?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Uncle Luo, please don't praise me. I can't help but make myself proud."

"Young people are not afraid of being proud. They are afraid that no one will praise them."

Luo Shijie waved his hand.

"So, I want to try to leave Hongmen in Changkong's hands. Anyway, with me as my escort, even if something happens, I can push myself up."

Hearing Luo Shijie's words, Xue Zhanhu also looked at Xiao Chen and couldn't help but nod.

"Well, I feel the same way... If Xue Fei is half as good as Brother Xiao, I dare to let him go and hand over the Qing Gang to him."

"Hey, you two, that's enough. Do you want to praise me to make me proud, or do you want to make me hate you? If Brother Luo and Xiao Fei hear these words, then they must not cause trouble for me."

Xiao Chen deliberately curled his lips and said.

"Haha, we are telling the truth."

"That's right."

"I know I'm excellent, but...just think about it and don't say it out loud! Come on, let's drink!"

Xiao Chen picked up the cup and said loudly.

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