Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,381 A strange state


Before Xiao Chen entered the detention room, he heard painful sounds coming from inside.

This made him frown and quicken his pace.

"Boss, he's addicted to drugs."

Several policemen were holding down a young man, and the young man was struggling with pain on his face.

"Let me go...ah...let me go..."

The young man roared like a crazy beast, his eyes were red.

Han Yifei stepped forward quickly, looked at the young man, and frowned.

Xiao Chen stood nearby, also observing the young man's reaction.


I don't know where the young man got his strength, he jumped up suddenly, threw off a policeman who was holding him down, and started to rush out with a roar.

"not good!"

Several other police officers were startled and tried to catch the young man, but it was already too late.

Seeing that the young man was about to get rid of several police officers, Xiao Chen took action.

His right hand reached out like lightning and clasped the young man's wrist. With a little force, the young man's body trembled and he fell limply to the ground as if all his strength had been drained away.


However, the young man's reaction was still very intense and he roared loudly.

Xiao Chen didn't let go of the young man's wrist, found the pulse, and began to diagnose.

Soon, he frowned and his pulse was disordered... Then, he turned his mind, and a trace of inner energy poured into the young man's body, and he continued to explore.

"Lock everyone else to other rooms!"

Han Yifei saw that Xiao Chen had restrained the young man, and when he saw everyone else showing a bit of pain and fear, he frowned and ordered his men.

"Yes, boss."

The men nodded and took the others away.

Just as Xiao Chen was carefully checking his pulse,

When he wanted to discover something, the young man who was in extreme pain suddenly became quiet.

Even his expression, which was ferocious just now, became extremely peaceful.

This sudden change made Xiao Chen stunned. It was so weird, it was like two people!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was the same person before and after!

Not only Xiao Chen was stunned, but also Han Yifei.

The young man who had calmed down leaned on the table and was still mumbling something.

But this scene, in Xiao Chen's eyes, made him feel bad.

He thought of the video Han Yifei showed him. The deceased was also like this before he died...abnormal!

"not good!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's expression changed, and his inner energy poured into the young man's body crazily, wanting to explore something.

But to his disappointment, he found nothing at all!

Just when Xiao Chen was wondering if the method was wrong, the originally quiet young man trembled, and his eyes that had just returned to normal suddenly turned red.

Then, pain and ferocity showed on his face, he trembled and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Chen's heart skipped a beat. What he worried about had indeed happened!

In just half a minute, the young man made no movement.

"Xiao Chen, he..."

Han Yifei's eyes widened.


Xiao Chen let go of the young man's hand and said slowly.


Han Yifei was shocked, so fast?

"Well, dead."

Xiao Chen's voice was very calm, but his eyes were cold.


Han Yifei looked at the young man's body and opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

With her profession, she was used to seeing life and death, and quite a few people even died at her hands.

But the scene in front of her still made her very uneasy.

Xiao Chen pulled up the chair next to him, sat down, took out the cigarette, threw it into his mouth, lit it, and took a long drag.

He looked at the young man's body and felt no sympathy in his heart, but there was a murderous intention that he was trying to suppress.

"Xiao Chen, have you discovered anything?"

After a long time, Han Yifei recovered, turned to look at Xiao Chen, and asked.

"No, apart from his nerve damage, no abnormalities were noticed...but he still died."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"The blood you sent for testing has no results yet?"


Han Yifei slowly sat next to her. At this time, she had realized that this case was more difficult than she imagined!


Next to him, a policeman looked at the young man's body, hesitated, and then spoke.

"What's wrong?"

Han Yifei turned her head and looked at him.

"Boss, if he dies here, will there be a lot of trouble?"

the policeman asked quietly.

Hearing what his men said, Han Yifei frowned slightly and looked at the young man's body.

"You have to think about this. People were captured alive, and now they are dead, there will definitely be trouble..."

Before Han Yifei could speak, Xiao Chen answered.

"Yep, it is."

When the policeman saw Xiao Chen saying the same thing, he couldn't help but nod.

"I think what we are arresting are not drug addicts, but... time bombs one by one!"

"I think so too. If anyone among those people dies, then... we'll really be in big trouble."

Another policeman said.

Listening to their words, Han Yifei felt confused. Of course she was aware of the situation in front of her.

But what can she do?

Let him go again?

This is the easiest, no responsibility required.

But if she let it go, the damned person would still die, and she also wanted to find out why the dead person died!

Although she already knew that it was related to drugs, she was not satisfied with the answer.

Not only her, but also Xiao Chen was dissatisfied.

"Go to their family members and explain the situation to them. Those who are willing to let them stay will stay. Those who are unwilling to stay will be let go!"

Xiao Chen knew that Han Yifei was in trouble and spoke slowly.

Han Yifei looked at Xiao Chen and nodded. This is all she can do now.

Otherwise, if more than a dozen people died in their police station, even she would be devastated!

Soon, the young man's body was carried away.

About half an hour later, the blood test report came out, and some unknown substances were found in some of them.

What made Xiao Chen pay attention was that the dead young man had this unknown substance in his body!

This made him squint his eyes. Are these unknown substances causing death?

When he told Han Yifei his guess, the latter also frowned.

"There are four people."

Han Yifei looked at the test report and said to Xiao Chen.

"Well, let's focus on communicating more with their families."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I'll meet the four of them alone and see if I can find out anything."


But what disappointed Xiao Chen was that he didn't find any abnormalities in these four people.

"Yifei, where are the drugs? Give me some."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said to Han Yifei.

"Huh? What to do?"

Han Yifei was curious.

"I'll ask Amelia Su to help me analyze it and see if I can find anything."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and said slowly.


Han Yifei nodded and asked someone to get a small bag of powdery substance.

"Do you still need me here? If not, I will leave first."

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei and said.

"Well, go ahead and do your work. If anything happens, I'll call you."

Han Yifei nodded.


After Xiao Chen said a few more words to Han Yifei, he left the police station.

He thought for a while, and without further ado, went straight to the resort where Su Qing's laboratory was located.

When he got there, he called the landline number Su Qing told him.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, what's wrong?"

Su Qing answered the phone.

"Huh? How did you know it was me?"

Xiao Chen was surprised.

"Only you know this number...and it's also displayed."

Su Qing said slowly.

"All right."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I'm at the resort and I have something to ask you about."

"Huh? Okay, I'll pick you up."

After Su Qing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Soon, Amelia Su appeared.

"What's wrong?"

"Let's talk after we go in."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.


A few minutes later, the two returned to the laboratory. Xiao Chen took out the bag of powder and handed it to Su Qing.

"What's this?"

Su Qing took it, looked at it, and smelled it. It was colorless and odorless.

"This is the drug I was talking about."

Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and briefly explained what happened just now.

After listening to Xiao Chen's words, Su Qing frowned.

"Some unknown substance?"

"Yes, they found some unknown substance in their blood. As for the test results of these drugs, the results are not yet available."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"You want me to analyze these drugs?"

Su Qing asked.

"Well, I want to know its composition, and how it can make people calm down instantly in such a painful state... No, it's not accurate to say quiet, it should be said to be peaceful! That state is like... …I can’t tell, anyway, the scene is very weird.”

Xiao Chen frowned and said.


Su Qing was also stunned.

"Would it have a calming effect, that's why..."

"No, the sedative effect only makes people quiet, it has nothing to do with this."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Well, let me analyze it."

Su Qing nodded and put the things in her hands on the test stand.

"how long will it takes?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Three to five days."

Su Qing thought for a while and said.


Xiao Chen nodded, he also knew that this thing was not that simple.

If it were that simple, the Longhai police would have figured it out a long time ago, and they wouldn't have been talking about it for several days without having a clue.

While Xiao Chen was chatting with Amelia Su, Han Yifei also reported the latest situation to Zhang Jianming.

After Zhang Jianming heard this, he realized the seriousness of the problem and reported it to the Ministry of Public Security without delay.

In just one hour, a certain deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security issued an order to investigate and find the source in the shortest possible time!

The deputy minister even said that if necessary, someone from above would be sent to investigate.

Han Yifei was also in Zhang Jianming's office at that time, and she also heard what the deputy minister said.

After she finished listening, she objected directly without waiting for Zhang Jianming to speak.

The deputy minister was quite angry at first. Who could talk to him like this?

But when he found out it was Han Yifei, he immediately lost his temper. He couldn't afford to offend the eldest lady of the Han family!

At Han Yifei's request, she took full responsibility for this case!

Zhang Jianming also gave great authority. In some cases, Han Yifei had the power to control all the police forces in Long Hai!

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