Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 139 Martial arts genius!

Tulips, villas.

Su Xiaomeng was nestled on the sofa watching TV, but her attention was obviously not on the TV, and she looked out from time to time.

She was a little worried, why did my sister go out with Xiao Chen?

It's almost ten o'clock!

These two won't open a room, will they?

Thinking of this, Su Xiaomeng couldn't sit still, jumped up from the sofa, picked up the phone on the coffee table, and wanted to call her sister!

She didn't understand what happened last night. If she went to open a room again, would my sister really plan to hang herself on this crooked neck tree?

Before she dialed the number, the sound of a car came, and then the lights entered the yard.

"came back?!"

Su Xiaomeng was shocked, put down the phone quickly, and sat back on the sofa.

The far door opened, Maserati drove in, Xiao Chen and Su Qing got out of the car.

"Xiaomeng, why haven't you slept yet?"

Su Qing entered the living room, looked at the little girl on the sofa and asked.

"Sister, why did you go?"

Su Xiaomeng jumped off the sofa and asked.

"Didn't I tell you on the phone that I have an appointment?"

"Have an appointment? With whom? Xiao Chen? Just the two of you? What is the appointment?"

Su Xiaomeng asked anxiously.


Su Qing looked at the little girl with speechless eyes, what kind of nonsense is this girl talking about?

"Xiao Chen, why did you go with my sister?"

Seeing that her sister didn't speak, Su Xiaomeng looked at Xiao Chen again and asked loudly.

Xiao Chen was also taken aback, why is this girl acting weird tonight? Didn't she call herself 'Brother Chen' these days? Why are you naming names again?

"I went with her to meet an annoying guy, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's not you two?"

Su Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it's not a lonely man and a widow!

"Xiaomeng, are you okay?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"Ah? It's all right."

"Xiaomeng, what are your plans for tomorrow? At home? Or what?"

"I want to go shopping."

"Well, then let Xiao Chen accompany you."

"how about you?"

"With Dahan here, I don't have to worry about my safety."

Su Xiaomeng glanced at Xiao Chen, and after thinking of something, she nodded, "OK."

"It's getting late, go to bed earlier."

"By the way, Brother Chen, you said you want to teach me how to practice martial arts. When will you start?"

What did Su Xiaomeng think of and asked.

"You can practice anytime you want, as long as you can endure hardship."

Xiao Chen smiled,

The current situation is unclear, but if Xiaomeng can be made stronger, it can be regarded as having a certain ability to protect himself.

"I have practiced taekwondo for so many years, and I can bear a little bit of hardship."

"Okay, then get up at 4:30 tomorrow morning."

"What?! Four thirty?!"

Su Xiaomeng's eyes widened. After finally taking a weekend off, she had to get up at 4:30?


Might as well kill her!

"Yeah, half past four, can't you get up?"

"Can you get up at eight o'clock? How about we practice for two hours and then go out for dinner around noon?"

"No, if you want to practice, you have to do it early! Didn't you just say you can endure hardship?"

"Okay, half past four is half past four!"

Su Xiaomeng gritted her teeth and said.

"Hehe, then go to bed early."

Su Qing smiled, and she was happy to see the younger sister become stronger.

"OK, good night."

After Su Xiaomeng finished speaking, she ran back to her room. She had to go to bed quickly, or she wouldn't be able to wake up!

"good night."

Su Qing also said something to Xiao Chen.

"OK, good night."

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, he likes the current life a little bit, here let him experience the warmth and peace of home, and even a little bit of happiness!

Back in her room, she took a quick shower, Xiao Chen lay on the bed, thinking of going shopping tomorrow, opened the bedside table, and took out a string of bracelets from it.

This string of bracelets was given to him by the little girl Yoyo!

Han Yifei's performance made him think more about this bracelet, and he could also vaguely see that this thing should be of great value!

So, he decided to look for a place tomorrow, and if it was really worth the money, then find a chance to return it to Yoyo!

For some reason, he had a faint feeling that he seemed to have fallen into the pit dug by that little girl!

Nothing to say all night, and dawn in a blink of an eye.

At half past four, Xiao Chen was soundly asleep, only to hear the knock on the door.

"Damn it, who is it?"

Xiao Chen woke up in a daze, is this going to tear down the door?

"Brother Chen, get up and practice martial arts!"

Su Xiaomeng's voice sounded from outside.


Xiao Chen rolled his eyes, how could he forget this!

Didn't this girl look miserable last night because she got up early?

Why are you so active this morning?

He shook his head to wake himself up, then got out of bed and opened the door: "Xiaomeng, good morning, wait for me for a few minutes, I'll wash up."

"Lazy pig, I promised to get up at 4:30, but I can't get up, hurry up! In order to get up, I set ten alarm clocks, which go off every minute!" Su Xiaomeng said with a curled lip.


Xiao Chen was speechless, ten alarm clocks? This chick is really hardworking!

After a simple wash, Xiao Chen came to the living room, looked at Su Xiaomeng who was stretching his legs, and a look of relief flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he thought Su Xiaomeng couldn't get up, but he didn't expect to be so active!

Su Xiaomeng, who is dressed in practice clothes, has a different kind of beauty, revealing a bit of heroism!

"Brother Chen, give me a trick!"

Seeing Xiao Chen coming out, Su Xiaomeng jumped up and kicked her with her right leg.


Xiao Chen fudged with his arm, turned and walked outside: "Come out, let's play with you!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

The two came to the yard, you come and go, and started a 'battle of life and death'.

On the second floor, Su Qing heard the movement below, got up, stood at the window, and looked down.

She looked at the two figures below and smiled.

"Stop, stop fighting!"

Su Xiaomeng was out of breath and shouted to stop, no matter how she attacked, Xiao Chen took it lightly.

"The strength I mentioned to you last time, you can notice that it is already good."

Xiao Chen shook his arm that was kicked by Su Xiaomeng no less than twenty feet, and said with a smile.

"Then what are we going to learn today?"

Su Xiaomeng could also feel her progress, and asked with some expectation.

"Squat for half an hour in the horse stance first."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Ah? Squat?"

Su Xiaomeng was confused, isn't this practiced by beginners? She's already very strong, isn't she?

"Yes, although Taekwondo claims to have sharp kicks, it is still far inferior to the real kicks in Chinese martial arts, even just superficial... Your footwork is still a little unstable, and you don't feel anything at ordinary times. It's easy to expose your flaws... From today on, you will stick to the horse stance for half an hour every day!"

Xiao Chen said in a deep voice.

"Oh fine."

Su Xiaomeng nodded, imagining what she looked like on TV before, and started squatting.

"Stand up, squat down, and separate your feet!"

Xiao Chen corrected Su Xiaomeng's movements.

A few minutes later, Su Xiaomeng's legs trembled slightly, and even sweat appeared on her forehead.

What made her grit her teeth even more was that Xiao Chen actually moved out a reclining chair and placed it not far in front of her, lying on it comfortably, smoking a cigarette and humming a tune, not to mention how comfortable it was.

After more than ten minutes passed, Su Xiaomeng couldn't hold on any longer, her body was shaking.

However, she still gritted her teeth and persisted. There was a sense of tenacity and ruthlessness in her beautiful eyes.

Xiao Chen was secretly relieved that although this little girl was usually perverse and willful, her tenacity in her bones was very similar to her elder brother Su Yunfei!

Half an hour, no matter how long it is, usually sitting in front of the computer and playing games, it will pass in the blink of an eye!

But for Su Xiaomeng at this time, it was extremely slow, she felt that she would not be able to hold on anymore, even if she gritted her teeth, her body was out of control!

Half an hour finally passed.

"Time is up!"

Xiao Chen sat up from the recliner and said to Su Xiaomeng who had reached his limit.

Hearing this, Su Xiaomeng sat down on the ground, panting heavily, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Sweat had already soaked her practice clothes!

"Just finished squatting, don't sit on the ground, stand up, and then press your legs."

At this time, Xiao Chen no longer had the hippie smile of the past, but was more like a strict instructor.

Su Xiaomeng glanced at Xiao Chen, saw his serious expression, gritted her teeth, got up from the ground, trembling and began to press her legs.

After another half hour passed, Su Xiaomeng felt a lot more comfortable.

"Today, I'll teach you a few moves first, you can integrate them into Taekwondo, look forward to it."

Just now, Xiao Chen didn't just lie on the recliner comfortably, he went through it over and over again in his mind, and made a systematic plan for Su Xiaomeng's strengthening!

Xiao Chen demonstrated the movements, and Su Xiaomeng memorized them carefully.

To Xiao Chen's surprise, this little girl has amazing savvy, and she quickly learned a few movements, which were naturally integrated into Taekwondo.

"Martial arts genius!"

Suddenly, such a thought popped up in Xiao Chen's mind, and he was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Xiaomeng, come here."

Xiao Chen looked at Su Xiaomeng, hesitated, and said in a deep voice.


"Give me your hand."

"What are you doing?"

Su Xiaomeng looked at Xiao Chen vigilantly, is this guy going to take advantage of her again?

"hurry up!"


Xiao Chen put his fingers on Su Xiaomeng's pulse and beat carefully.

Su Xiaomeng showed doubts on her face, she practiced well, why did she still have a pulse? Is it possible that I am sick?

At this time, she didn't know that Xiao Chen's heart had turned into a huge wave!

"The meridians are wide, without shackles!"

Xiao Chen's heart was shaken. If he wants to practice ancient martial arts, the first condition is to break the shackles of the dantian, and then let the dantian absorb energy and gather strength!

The so-called dantian by ordinary people is just a vague concept!

The ancient warriors can clearly feel the existence of the dantian because they broke the shackles of the dantian!

Only by breaking the shackles of the dantian can one feel the existence of the dantian, and then carry out a weekly cycle to let the dantian gather energy!

If you don't break the shackles of Dantian, you can't practice ancient martial arts!

Of course, there are many ways to break the shackles of the dantian, some ancient martial arts, breaking through one's own limits, medicine pills, etc., can break the shackles of the dantian!

There are even a very small number of people who are born without shackles and can feel the existence of Dantian!

These people are called - geniuses!

But now, Xiao Chen discovered that Su Xiaomeng is a real martial arts genius!

No, no, she is more perverted than a genius, she should be called a martial arts genius!

It's alright that she doesn't have shackles innately, and her meridians are extremely wide. Once she steps into the threshold of ancient martial arts, she will not encounter bottlenecks, and her cultivation base and strength will advance by leaps and bounds!


Today's first chapter, I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival...


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