Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,416 It’s really here

After Xiao Chen and Han Yifei left the police station, they did not go back to the apartment directly. Instead, they found a place to have a late-night snack.

"Achen, who is Mangyao?"

When the food arrived, Han Yifei asked curiously what she thought of.

"Him? Haha, he is so powerful. He comes and goes without a trace."

Xiao Chen smiled and said.

"Come and leave without a trace? What do you mean?"

Han Yifei became even more curious.

"He is a master of disguise. If he didn't tell me, even I wouldn't be able to recognize him."

Xiao Chen thought of Mang Ya's disguise technique and said slowly.

"A master of disguise? Is this his true face today?"

Han Yifei was stunned and asked.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Is he also an ancient martial arts practitioner?"

"Yes, but he is not very strong. His cultivation talent is average, but his disguise skills are amazing..."

While the two were chatting about Mangya, the Zhao family was also in chaos.

Zhao Feixiong mysteriously disappeared in his own territory, which made the head of the Zhao family, Zhao Dechang, extremely angry.

Especially at this critical time, he had to think more!

"Lao Wu, have you found it?"

Zhao Dechang looked at Zhao Laowu and asked.

"No, I have asked everyone in the bathing center and found nothing... In addition, none of the surveillance cameras captured it."

Zhao Laowu shook his head.

"Fuck, three living people are just gone?"

Zhao Dechang was angry and cursed.

"Someone must have gone up to catch them... damn,

Check, keep checking, we must find out! "

"Well, I've sent people to check the surveillance cameras at major intersections around here, hoping to find something."

Zhao Laowu nodded, hesitated, and lowered his voice.

"Brother, do you think it could be..."

Hearing Zhao Laowu's words, Zhao Dechang looked at him and frowned.

In fact, he was also worried about this, but after thinking about it, he felt it was impossible.

"Lao Wu, I asked Feixiong to deal with those failed products. How did he deal with it?"

"This... he silenced all the people who deserved to be killed."

Zhao Laowu hesitated and said.

"Who should be killed? Who?"

Zhao Dechang frowned.

After he handed this matter over to his son, he let Zhao Laowu keep an eye on it, so he paid little attention to it.

"There are... people who help him sell those failed products, there are forensic doctors, and they even bombed the forensic identification center..."

Zhao Laowu twitched the corner of his mouth and whispered.


Zhao Dechang stood up suddenly and stared at Zhao Laowu.

"Who gave him the courage to kill the forensic doctor and blow up the identification center?"


Zhao Laowu said nothing.

"Zhao Laowu, he did this, what did you do? Why didn't you stop him!"

Zhao Dechang said angrily.

"Brother...by the time I tried to stop him, he had already finished."

Zhao Laowu smiled bitterly.

"Besides, even if you kill them all and blow them up...it's not that serious."

"Zhao Laowu, have you been living like a dog all these years? I thought you could make some progress over the years, but now it seems that you still haven't made any progress!"

Zhao Dechang pointed at Zhao Laowu, spittle spitting out.

"Brother, is it so serious?"

Zhao Laowu looked at Zhao Dechang, frowned and asked.

"It's not that serious? Do you know the nature of this matter? This is a blatant confrontation with the authorities, a slap in the face of the court and the face of the Longhai police!"

Zhao Dechang slapped the table hard, becoming more and more angry, and his heart sank at the same time.

If he had known earlier that his usually clever son could handle this matter like this, then he would not have ignored anything he said!

It's fine now, everything he should do has been done, and what he shouldn't have done has been done. He wants to do something, but he feels like he can't start!

When he thought about what would happen if Zhao Feixiong fell into the hands of the police, his heart trembled even more.

He knew very well what taboos the Zhao family had violated in what they did.

Once it breaks out, what awaits the Zhao family will be an irreversible disaster.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Zhao Laowu looked at the angry elder brother and was a little worried.

"Do you think Feixiong will really fall into the hands of the police? How about you call Zhang Jianming and ask?"

"No, you can't make this call."

Zhao Dechang took a deep breath, suppressed the anger and worry in his heart, sat down again, and began to think about it.

"Feixiong falling into the hands of the police is the worst possible outcome... If the police have evidence to prove that Feixiong is responsible for the recent troubles in Long Hai, there will be big trouble! When the time comes, he will bear the responsibility himself. Okay, if you can't bear it anymore, talk to the Zhao family..."

Hearing this, Zhao Laowu's expression also changed.

"I hope Tobio knows what to say and what not to say... We need to find him as soon as possible and find out where he went!"

Zhao Dechang lit a cigar.

"Lao Wu, continue to investigate... Also, help me make an appointment with Lin Nan tomorrow. I want to meet with him and find out what he says."

"Okay, brother."

Zhao Laowu nodded.

"Also, the Holy See of Light needs to be reassured. Zach is also missing. They will definitely take action."

Zhao Dechang thought for a while and said again.

"yes, Sir."

Zhao Laowu nodded.

"Lao Wu, before doing anything, think first, don't let me down again!"

Zhao Dechang stared at Zhao Laowu and said in a deep voice.

"I understand, brother."

Zhao Laowu scratched his head.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhao Dechang waved his hands, somewhat upset.


Zhao Laowu nodded, turned around and went out.

"Zhao Feixiong!"

After Zhao Laowu left, Zhao Dechang slapped the desk hard.

One night passed quickly.

After breakfast, Xiao Chen sent Han Yifei to the police station.

"If you have anything, call me anytime."

Xiao Chen looked at Han Yifei and said.

"Well, I understand."

Han Yifei nodded.

"Then I'll go in first, and I have to report to Director Zhang."

"Go ahead and be careful."

Xiao Chen nodded.

After Han Yifei entered, Xiao Chen looked in one direction.

"Xiao Chen."

Hao Jian, carrying a long bag, slowly walked over in Xiao Chen's sight.

Behind him, Mobei Feiying and Zhao Feiying followed.

"Well, how does it feel here?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.

"Nothing found."

Hao Jian shook his head.

"When will this mission end?"

"When...I don't know, when it's over, you can end it."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.


Hao Jian was speechless. There seemed to be no difference whether he said this or not.

"Old Zhao, I'm troubling you here."

Xiao Chen looked at Zhao Feiying again and said to him.


Zhao Feiying nodded.

"Hey, Lao Zhao, you have nothing to do with the Longhai Zhao family, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at Zhao Feiying and asked with a strange expression.

"no, what happened?"

Zhao Feiying was a little strange.

"Nothing, haha, there is an eldest son in the Zhao family, named Zhao Feixiong."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Oh, I don't know."

Zhao Feiying shook his head.

"Well...you guys just stay here and I'll get to work first."

Xiao Chen said after chatting with the two for a few more words.


Hao Jian and Zhao Feiying nodded, while Xiao Chen drove away.

"Actually, I would rather follow Xiao Chen."

Hao Jian looked at the car going away and said slowly.


Zhao Feiying asked strangely.

"I want to know who will come to Xiao Chen next."

Hao Jian shook his long bag and said.

"Huh? Haha, now that you say that, I'm quite curious."

Zhao Feiying was startled, then smiled.

"Tell me, will it be eleven?"

"have no idea."

Hao Jian shook his head.

"If it's the eleventh day, there will probably be a fight between dragons and tigers."

Zhao Feiying was also looking forward to it.

"It's a pity that we both have to be bodyguards here."


Hao Jian was also unhappy because after all, he was also a genius on the list of geniuses!

Even if he doesn’t rank that high, he is still a famous figure!

"I hope someone will come, my sword is stained with blood!"


Zhao Feiying nodded.

"We can no longer see the excitement over Xiao Chen's side."


Hao Jian said nothing, turned and walked towards the police station.

Zhao Feiying shrugged and followed.

Xiao Chen also drove back to the company in about half an hour.

"Brother Chen."

Ding Li was at the door, saw Xiao Chen and said hello.

"Well, is Mr. Su here today?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.


Ding Li shook his head.

"Okay, nothing happened, right?"

Xiao Chen asked again.


"Oh, I'll go up first."

After Xiao Chen chatted with Ding Li for a few words, he entered the company.

But before he could even sit on his butt, Ding Li called him.

"Brother Chen, someone is looking for you!"

Ding Li's voice was a little angry.

"Huh? Who's looking for me?"

Xiao Chen was stunned and asked.

"He said his name was the Red-Blooded Demon, and he wanted to challenge you... Xiao Zhou thought he had offended you, so he said a few words, but he kicked him to the ground. What else did he say... He was in a good mood today. , don’t want to kill anyone.”

Ding Li said angrily.

"Huh? What's his name?"

Xiao Chen frowned.

"It seems to be called the Red Blood Demon."

Ding Li repeated it again.

"Red Blood Demon?"

Xiao Chen squinted his eyes, opened the drawer, took out a photo and placed it on the table.

"Oh, it's really here!"

"Brother Chen, what happened?"

Ding Li was surprised.

"Nothing, I'll get down right away."

Xiao Chen shook his head and hung up the phone.

"Red-Blooded Demon? Hehe, if you don't take the road to heaven, there is no door to hell. Even if the Dragon Emperor doesn't let me kill you, I won't let you live anymore because of your numerous crimes!"

Xiao Chen sneered, and after looking at the photo and the information on it a few more times, he rolled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

In his opinion, garbage should stay in the trash can!

Then, he stood up and left the office.

"Brother Chen?"

Before he got on the elevator, he met Tong Yan.

"Well, Xiaoyan, what are you doing?"

Xiao Chen looked at Tong Yan and smiled.

"Getting ready to go back to the office, how about you?"

Tong Yan asked.

"I'm going down, someone is looking for me."

"Oh, then go ahead and do your work."

Tong Yan looked at Xiao Chen, opened her mouth, and hesitated to speak.

However, because Xiao Chen was thinking about how to deal with the red-blooded demon, he did not notice anything unusual about Tong Yan.

"Okay, I'll go down first."

"Well, go ahead."

After Xiao Chen entered the elevator, Tong Yan frowned, showing a bit of worry.

"I hope...she's okay."

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