Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,442: Someone from the Dark Holy See

The next day.

After breakfast, Xiao Chen and Su Qing left the villa and headed to the company.

Today, Amelia Su did not go to the resort again, because of today's nomination, as the current helmsman of the Su family, she also had to be present.

"Will there be any trouble today?"

On the way, Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.


Xiao Chen smiled.

"But don't worry, no matter what happens, no one can hurt you."

"I'm not afraid."

Su Qing felt warm in her heart and shook her head.

"I heard about what happened the night before yesterday."


"Duanmuci sent someone here, you give...you give the head back."

Su Qing paused and said.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Do you think my hands are covered in blood?"

"No, I'm not a little girl."

Su Qing shook her head.

"It's just that I still have some resistance to these things in my heart."

"Haha, it's normal to have resistance, because you are a normal person."

Xiao Chen smiled, he was very pleased that Su Qing could understand him.

"What about you? Abnormal?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Me? Haha, sometimes I'm normal, sometimes I'm not normal."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"Stop talking about this.

Duanmu Ci summoned the seven major families today. I should have guessed that you will also go, right? "

Su Qing asked softly.

"Definitely, I guess today's game was also set up for me."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"But don't worry, all conspiracy rules are just a joke in the face of absolute strength."


Seeing that Xiao Chen was so confident, Su Qing felt a little relieved.

While the two were talking, the phone rang.

Xiao Chen took it out and saw that it was from Long Zhan.

"Hey, Dragon War."

"Brother Chen, I'm ready to go. Please give me the mission."

Long Zhan's voice came from the receiver.

"Wait for my order to surround the Zhao family."

Xiao Chen chuckled and said lightly.


Long Zhan had a rough idea of ​​today's events and immediately responded.

"Don't act rashly until I give my order."


After Xiao Chen explained a few more words, he hung up the phone.

"You want to touch the Zhao family?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen, a little surprised.

"Yes, it's time to close the net."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Then...the Holy See of Light..."

Su Qing was a little excited. She knew about the Zhao family and the Holy See of Light.

Since Xiao Chen wants to attack the Zhao family, he should also attack the Holy See of Light.

"It's just a matter of a day or two."

Xiao Chen looked at Amelia Su and said.


Su Qing nodded. Through the Holy See of Light, she could find clues about her parents.

Even if this hope is slim, it is still a hope!

The two talked and came to the company.

Su Qing didn't come to the company for several days, so she returned to the office.

And Xiao Chen was also wondering whether he should bring it to the Holy See today.

However, he thought about it and suppressed the impulse for the time being.

not the right time yet.

He still needs a little time.

"The Dark Holy See...can use it."

Xiao Chen thought of the call he received last night, squinted his eyes, took out his phone and found yesterday's number.

"Mr. Xiao."

When the phone was answered, it was still the same young voice.

"Mr. Cerro, don't you want to meet and chat? If you have time, come to Qingcheng Company."

Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Qingcheng Company? Now?"

"That's right."

"Okay, I'll be there right away."


Xiao Chen hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, and thought about how to use the knife of the Dark Holy See.

About half an hour later, a car stopped at the door of Qingcheng Company.

The car door opened and two people got out of the car.

"That's it?"

The speaker was a young foreign man with fair skin, slender figure, very three-dimensional facial features, and very handsome.


The other one is a middle-aged bearded man who looks a bit rough.

"Then let's go in."

The young man nodded and walked towards the company door.

"Who are you?"

As soon as the two arrived at the door, they were stopped by security guards.

"Let's come find Xiao Chen."

The young man spoke.

"Looking for Brother Chen?"

The security guard looked at the young man. There were many people looking for Brother Chen these days, but this was the first time he saw a foreigner.

"Brother Ding, they are here to see Brother Chen."

A security guard entered the security room and shouted.


Ding Li came out of the security room and took a look.

"Are you looking for Brother Chen? Come in and have a chat."

The young man was startled, looked at each other with the bearded man behind him, and then followed him in.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Brother Chen's agent."

Ding Li looked at the two of them and said slowly.

"Brother Chen? Xiao Chen? Agent?"

The young man was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Ding Li said.

"Yes, I am Brother Chen's agent."

Ding Li nodded.


The young man frowned. Did Xiao Chen call them here just to talk to this agent?

And the bearded man also darkened his face. Xiao Chen didn't take them seriously, didn't he?

"If you want to challenge Brother Chen, you have to follow the rules. The challenge fee is 100 million."

After several exercises, Ding Li became more comfortable with his lines.

"100 million challenge fee?"

The young man was even more stunned. What is all this?

"You just said you wanted to challenge Xiao Chen?"

"Yes, challenge Brother Chen."

Ding Li nodded.

"No, no, I think you misunderstood. We are not here to challenge Xiao Chen, but... to discuss things with him."

The young man reacted, shook his head, and said.

"Talk to Brother Chen about something?"

Ding Li was stunned for a moment, a little suspicious.


"Yes, Mr. Xiao called me just now and asked me to come over."

The young man nodded.

"Brother Chen is asking you on a date? Wait a minute, I'll call and ask."

Ding Li took out his cell phone and called Xiao Chen.

When Xiao Chen received Ding Li's call, he was speechless. Why did he stop him?

"I invited them, let them come in."


Xiao Chen hung up the phone, put down the phone, and waited quietly.

In about three or four minutes, Ding Li personally led the two of them to the office.

"Brother Chen, people are here."

"Well, you go and do your work first."

Xiao Chen nodded, his eyes falling on the young man behind Ding Li and the middle-aged bearded man.

"Mr. Xiao."

After Ding Li went out, the young man took a few steps forward.

Hearing his voice, Xiao Chen nodded, he was Serro.

"Mr. Cerro, please sit down."

"Okay, thank you."

The young man nodded and sat across from him.

The middle-aged bearded man also sat on the sofa next to him.

Xiao Chen took a look and knew in his heart that this Serlo was the protagonist.

"Mr. Xiao, let me introduce myself again. I come from the Dark Holy See..."

The young man introduced himself and looked very gentlemanly.

This made Xiao Chen a little confused. Is there such a handsome and charming guy in the dark church?

Then, he shook his head, Mahler Gobi, what are you thinking about!

This idea is very dangerous. When did I have such thoughts about men?

"Mr. Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Xiao Chen shaking his head, the young man felt a little strange and asked.

"Huh? It's nothing. You continue."

Xiao Chen shook his head, took out his cigarettes and handed one over.


The young man took the cigarette and lit it.

"Mr. Xiao, I came to Longhai this time for two main things."

"Oh? Which two things?"

Xiao Chen's heart moved.

"First, retrieve the Black Blood Wand, the most valuable treasure of the Dark Holy See."

The young man looked at Xiao Chen and said seriously.

"Second, find out what happened in Longhai."

"Mr. Cerro, I don't understand what you are saying... What is this black blood wand? What happened in Longhai, and what does it mean? Does this have anything to do with me?"

Xiao Chen asked with confusion on his face.

"The Black Blood Wand is one of the most important treasures of our Dark Holy See. It is said that this treasure comes from..."

The young man introduced him to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen knew a lot about the Black Blood Wand, but now seeing the young man explaining it seriously, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

In fact, he had a guess when he received a call from Cerro last night.

After all, the Black Blood Wand is one of the most important treasures of the Dark Vatican. It was inexplicably lost in Longhai. How could the Dark Vatican not look for it!

It was even said that the Dark Holy See arrived later than he imagined.

"As for the second thing, as far as I know, our people from the Dark Holy See had cooperated with Mr. Xiao."

After the young man finished explaining the black blood wand, he looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"Have you ever cooperated with me? My memory has been declining recently. I'm really sorry."

Xiao Chen rubbed his temples and looked thoughtful.

"Yes, they came for the Holy See of Light and cooperated with Mr. Xiao."

The young man nodded.

"Ah, I remembered."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Yes, that's what happened."

"Then let me ask Mr. Xiao, what happened... at that time? The last time they sent back the news was before going to Longshan!"

the young man asked, sitting up straight.

"What happened at that time? Let me think about it carefully. My memory is getting worse and worse."

Xiao Chen lit the cigarette again and said.

"As far as we know, they were on Longshan Mountain and had a big battle with people from the Holy See of Light... However, there were not many bystanders, and Mr. Xiao was one of the participants!"

The young man said seriously.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that the Dark Holy See has done a lot of homework!

I'm afraid it's not that easy to cover them up!

If you can't hide it, you'll be in trouble.

If the people of the Dark Holy See knew that he had almost killed five Huajin masters, then the people of the Dark Holy See would have to fight him to the death!

Also, they can’t let them know that the black blood wand fell into their hands!

After passing through his thoughts one by one, Xiao Chen slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Mr. Cerro, you are right. At that time... I was a participant."

Xiao Chen looked at the young man and said slowly.

"Please tell me, Mr. Xiao, what happened at that time!"

The young man stared at Xiao Chen and said.

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