Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,450 The bayonet is red

In the conference room, there is a large conference table.

Everyone who came to attend the meeting also sat down.

The rectangular conference table with two chairs on top represents the imperial court and the Duanmu family!

In previous years, this was the same seating arrangement.

However, this year is different.

This year, there is one more Xiao Chen!

So, when Mr. Bai glanced at the two chairs, he narrowed his eyes slightly. Was this intentional?

Mr. Bai could think of this, and others could naturally think of this, but they didn't speak.

"Hey, Lao Luo, there will definitely be fun to watch soon."

Under the conference table, there are two chairs, which are the seats of Xue Zhanhu and Luo Shijie.

Regarding this nomination meeting, the two of them were just soy sauce, so they just listened and basically did not participate in any opinions.

Behind them were Xue Fei and Luo Changkong's chairs.


Luo Shijie nodded, his expression as usual.

"Old Xue, have you seen Duanmu Ci?"


Xue Zhanhu shook his head.

"Why, have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen him either, but... through some of the things he did in Longhai, I have a preliminary evaluation of him."

"Oh? Lao Luo, tell me, what kind of drama will be played today? Is it a fight between two tigers? Or what?"

Xue Zhanhu asked with interest.

"Hard to say."

Luo Shijie shook his head.

"However, I am optimistic about Xiao Chen."


I have never seen that kid suffer a loss. If this Duanmu gift can make that kid suffer a loss, I would be a little impressed. "

Xue Zhanhu smiled.


Luo Shijie said nothing, and he was also looking forward to the next drama.

"Old man Bai, what do you think?"

Mr. Xu came to Mr. Bai's side and pursed his lips towards the two chairs above.

"How should I see? Haha, see with my eyes."

Mr. Bai smiled.

"I don't know what these two guys are doing and why they haven't come over yet."

Bai Wei, who was next to him, also frowned slightly.

In his opinion, if Xiao Chen came first, he would just sit down.

You can't say that someone is trying to get him up, right?

It's better now, there are only two chairs, one is Lin Nan's, and the other... is it Xiao Chen's, or was it given by Duanmu? !

"Hold on."

Mr. Bai shook his head.

"Don't worry about them, just do our thing."

"Yes, father."

Bai Wei nodded.

"Haha, all old friends, are you here?"

Jiang Tiansheng appeared with a smile on his face, followed by Jiang Yunhui, the current head of the Jiang family, and Jiang Yu.

The three of them attended the meeting today on behalf of the Jiang family.

"Mr. Jiang."

When Bai Wei and others saw Jiang Tiansheng coming, they all stood up and greeted him.

Although everyone is in two camps, you have to say hello when you should say hello. The status is there.

Jiang Yunhui and Jiang Yu also greeted Mr. Bai and others.

"Haha, Jiang Yu, right? That's great. Your grandfather called you back this time, which shows that he has great expectations for you."

Mr. Bai looked at Jiang Yu and said with a smile.

"I won't let him down."

Jiang Yu nodded and said respectfully.

"Well, okay, good."

Mr. Bai nodded, a glint flashed in his eyes, hehe, it's interesting, Xiao Chen's opponent is not only Duanmu Ci, but also this kid from the Jiang family!

After waiting for greetings, Jiang Tiansheng sat in the first position on the left side.

Next to them were Jiang Yunhui and Jiang Yu.

Opposite are Mr. Bai, Bai Wei and Bai Ye, who haven't come in yet.

Further down, there are the Tang family, Xu family, Ouyang family, Qin family and Su family, with the seven major families sitting on both sides.

In addition to the seven major families, there are a few first-class forces, such as the Zhao family supported by the imperial court, the Chu family, the Zhuge family, and the other two families supported by the Duanmu family.

Of course, the seat where the Zhao family is sitting is empty now.

While they were chatting, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Lin Nan came in from the outside with an assistant.

Seeing Lin Nan come in, the scene became quiet.

"Mr. Lin."

Mr. Bai and others had a high status. Although they did not stand up, they smiled and said hello to Lin Nan.

"Haha, Mr. Bai, Mr. Jiang..."

Lin Nan smiled and said hello in turn.

After saying hello, when he looked at the two chairs above, his eyes flashed and he walked over.

Then, I saw him walking over and slowly sitting down.

After he sat down, almost everyone glanced at the remaining chair.

Just when they were each thinking, the door of the conference room opened again, and Duanmu Ci came in from the outside.

"Is he Duanmu Ci?"

Xue Zhanhu looked at Duanmu Ci.

"Not as good as Xiao Chen.

"Huh? Lao Xue, can you tell at this glance?"

Luo Shijie next to him was a little surprised.

"Yes, he is not as handsome as Xiao Chen, can't you tell?"

Xue Zhanhu nodded and asked.


Luo Shijie was speechless. This guy was not as good as Xiao Chen. Is this what he was talking about? !

"This kid... isn't simple either."

Mr. Bai looked at Duanmu Ci and murmured softly.

"Where is that kid Xiao Chen? If he had come in first, this game could have been broken..."

Mr. Xu frowned slightly.

"Xiao Qing, go and see Xiao Chen. Why is he gone?"

Mr. Su also frowned and whispered to Su Qing, who was sitting next to him.

"Grandpa, no need."

Su Qing shook her head.

"It'll be okay."

"Hmph, you should have noticed that they did this on purpose... Two chairs, three people, this game is not easy to break!"

Mr. Su narrowed his eyes and said.

"I believe Xiao Chen."

Su Qing said lightly.

After hearing his granddaughter's words, Mr. Su looked at her and suddenly smiled.

"Well, since you said you believe him, then I believe him too."


Su Qing also showed a smile, but deep in her eyes, there was still a flash of worry.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you. This is Duanmu Ci, the most outstanding young man of the Duanmu family! This time, he is also representing the Duanmu family to participate in the five-year competition."

Jiang Tiansheng stood up and introduced loudly.

"Hello everyone, I am Duanmu Ci, please give me your advice."

Duanmuci nodded and said lightly.

Seeing Duanmu Ci's appearance, Mr. Bai and others frowned slightly.

Is this junior too arrogant?

"Huh, a bunch of old guys, you didn't give me face before, now you want me to give you face? I'm dreaming!"

Duanmu Ci sneered in his heart and slowly walked up to the remaining chair.

The middle-aged man behind him followed closely and walked over.

Under the eyes of everyone, Duanmu Ci slowly sat down.


Mr. Bai watched Duanmuci sit down and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you Mr. Lin? Hello, I am Duanmu Ci."

Duanmuci turned his head, looked at Lin Nan and said.

"Hello, Mr. Duanmu."

Lin Nan nodded, his expression indifferent.

Nowadays, the conflict of interests between the imperial court and the Duanmu family has become obvious, so he is too lazy to talk to Duanmu Ci.

The most important thing is that the Duanmu Family has touched the country's bottom line.

In fact, it can no longer be called a 'conflict of interest', but the Duanmu family is too ambitious and wants to destabilize China!

Therefore, he didn't think there was anything to talk about with people from the Duanmu family.

If that person hadn't said it, everything about Long Hai would have been decided by Xiao Chen.

Then it is estimated that he will directly mobilize the people in the Longhai Security Area to arrest the genius of the Duanmu Family first!

After a brief greeting, Duanmu Ci slowly stood up again.

"Everyone here, this year, on behalf of the Duanmu Family, I will host Long Hai's five-year competition. This time..."

Just as Duanmu Ci was speaking, the door of the conference room was pushed open again.

Immediately afterwards, two figures came in from outside.

Looking at these two figures, many people became energetic and came!

"Well, Brother Chen, are we late?"

After Bai Ye came in, he glanced around and whispered.


Xiao Chen shook his head and then smiled.

"Haha, sorry everyone, I'm late."

"who are you!"

Before Xiao Chen could say anything else, suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

"Today is the nomination meeting. How come cats and dogs can come in?"


Hearing this, everyone present felt their hearts skip a beat. Is this tit for tat?

Especially Mr. Bai and others, they all shook their heads secretly. Young people nowadays are really direct.

In the past, they had to have a few words and then target each other, right?

Now, as soon as you come up, draw your bayonet and prepare to see the red.

"Haha, who are you?"

Xiao Chen turned his head, the smile on his face did not diminish at all, looked at Duanmu Ci and asked.

"Duanmu Family, Duanmu Gift!"

Duanmu Ci stared at Xiao Chen and said coldly.

"Duanmu Family? Duanmu Ci? Oh, in this Longhai world, I have heard of the Bai family, Su family, Tang family, Xu family, Qin family, Jiang family, Ouyang family... What is this Duanmu family? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Xiao Chen sneered.


Duanmu Ci was furious and slapped the conference table with his hand, making a loud noise.

Mr. Bai and others also twitched their lips. Xiao Chen's mouth was really powerful.

Let's not talk about anything else. When it comes to bickering, it is estimated that ten Duanmuci tied together will not be Xiao Chen's opponent!

"What am I?"

Xiao Chen looked at Duanmu Ci without any fear.

He even decided that if his grandson dared to challenge him today, he would kill her directly!

What a genius from the Duanmu family, bullshit!

"Ahem, little friend Duanmu, you need to calm down first. Let me introduce you. This is little friend Xiao Chenxiao."

Jiang Tiansheng coughed dryly and stood up to smooth things over.

"Hello, Xiaoyou, I am Jiang Tiansheng."

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Xiao Chen retracted his gaze from Duanmu Ci and nodded to Jiang Tiansheng.

"Xiao Chen? Ha, it turns out you are Xiao Chen!"

Duanmuci took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, pretended to recognize Xiao Chen, and sneered.

"If I remember correctly, you don't seem to be qualified to participate in today's meeting, right?"

"I'm not qualified?"

Xiao Chen looked at Duanmu Ci again with a playful smile.

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