Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,458 Xiao Chen is here

In the hospital corridor, Jiang Laosan and others were still scolding Xiao Chen.

"I went in to see my brother just now. His face was pale and he didn't look too haggard."

"Yes, I miss our eldest brother. He was one of the two prides back then... It makes me feel bad to see him so haggard!"

"It's all damned Xiao Chen's fault. If it weren't for him, would eldest brother be like this?"

"That's right, don't let me meet Xiao Chen. If I meet Xiao Chen, I will definitely vent my anger on my eldest brother."

Just as they were scolding Xiao Chen, someone in a black suit hurriedly came in from outside.

"What's the rush?"

Jiang Laosan looked at the black suit and asked with a frown.

"Third Young Master, two people came outside and want to see the eldest young master."

Seeing Jiang Laosan asking him, the man in black suit hurriedly said.

"Two people came?"

Hearing this, Jiang Laosan frowned.


"Xiao Chen and Bai Ye."

The black suit replied.

"What? Xiao Chen is here?!"

When Jiang Laosan heard this, he exclaimed.

His voice was loud and spread throughout the corridor.

The next second, the originally messy corridor suddenly became audible.

Even some people's disdainful and cursing expressions were still concentrated on their faces, but their mouths were open, but they could not speak.

"Ah, yes, they said their names are Xiao Chen and Bai Ye, and they just need to inform them."

The man in the black suit nodded, wondering why these young masters and ladies reacted like this.


Jiang Laosan's expression changed. What was Xiao Chen doing?


Why is Xiao Chen here? ! "

Finally, someone reacted and screamed.

With this sound, the quiet corridor became noisy again.

"What? Xiao Chen is here? Is he here to take advantage of the situation?"

"I don't know, our eldest brother is like this, why won't he let us go?"

"This Xiao Chen really deserves..."

Someone yelled, but thinking that Xiao Chen was already here, they didn't dare to say the word "death" again, for fear that Xiao Chen would hear it.

"Xiao Chen is here?"

A middle-aged man appeared and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Fourth Uncle, Xiao Chen is here."

Jiang Laosan nodded.

"Huh, why aren't you talking? Didn't everyone scold them quite happily just now?"

The middle-aged man glanced at everyone and snorted coldly.


Many people lowered their heads, a little embarrassed and did not dare to say anything.

"Jiang Yuan, did you just say that you wanted to kill Xiao Chen and avenge Jiang Yu? He is here now, why are you silent?"

The middle-aged man's eyes fell on one place and asked.


The young man shrugged his head and turned red.

"And you, Jiang Hui, didn't you say you wanted to vent your anger on your elder brother? Now, you can go beat Xiao Chen and vent your anger on your elder brother!"

The middle-aged man looked at the other young man and said coldly.


This young man also had a face full of embarrassment, how could he dare to go out and beat Xiao Chen.

"It's all rubbish!"

The middle-aged man cursed and strode out.


Jiang Laosan and others looked at the middle-aged man's back, feeling very embarrassed.

"Ahem, third brother, why is Xiao Chen here?"

Someone coughed dryly, breaking the awkward atmosphere and asked.

"how could I know!"

Jiang Laosan shook his head and said angrily.

"You think he's not here to demonstrate, right?"

Suddenly, someone said.


Jiang Laosan looked at this man.

"Well, my eldest brother got alcohol poisoned because of a drinking contest with him... As the winner, he comes here now. Apart from demonstrations, I can't think of anything else..."

The man nodded.

"That's not necessarily the case. He might just be here to watch the fun and take pleasure in others' misfortune."

Someone spoke again.

Listening to their words, Jiang Laosan looked a little ugly.

"Hmph, did Xiao Chen really bully me? There is no one left in the Jiang family?"

"That's right, let's go in together later. If he dares to bully eldest brother, we won't let him go!"


While they were shouting, the middle-aged man also saw Xiao Chen and Bai Ye outside the corridor.

"He is the fourth son of the Jiang family, his name is Jiang You."

When Bai Ye saw the middle-aged man, he handed it to Xiao Chen and introduced him.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao."

When a middle-aged man came in front of Xiao Chen, even if he was unhappy with Xiao Chen, he had to call out "Mr. Xiao".

After all, Xiao Chen's current status in Long Hai is definitely above him!

Even...the current head of the Jiang family is far behind.

In the entire Jiang family, only the old man is at the same level.

Thinking of this, he felt quite complicated.

How old is this Xiao Chen? He actually has such a status. He can shake Long Hai by just stamping his feet!

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I wonder if Mr. Xiao is here for something?"

The middle-aged man was not in much mood to chat with Xiao Chen. After greeting him, he asked directly.

"Oh, I heard that Mr. Jiang has a health problem, so I came here to see him."

Xiao Chen said, showing some apology.

"Speaking of which, this matter also has something to do with me. If I hadn't had a drinking contest with Young Master Jiang, he wouldn't have suffered from alcohol poisoning."


Listening to Xiao Chen's words, the middle-aged man's face darkened, but there was nothing wrong with his words.

Then, he looked at Bai Ye.

"Mr. Bai, why are you here?"

"Me? Haha, Mr. Jiang drank too much at the Baidi Hotel yesterday. Speaking of which, I also have a certain responsibility... I was just watching the fun at the time. If I had stopped Mr. Jiang, he would not have been poisoned by alcohol. ”

Bai Ye smiled.

"So, after I got the news today, I feel deeply sorry and Brother Chen and I came over to visit Young Master Jiang."


The middle-aged man's face trembled a few times. What other nonsense excuse could you come up with?

"Mr. Jiang, I wonder how Mr. Jiang is doing now? We want to see him and greet him in person."

Bai Yecai didn't bother to care what the middle-aged man thought and said.

"Jiang Yu hasn't woken up yet, so it's not convenient to meet you two... I have also received your thoughts. I will definitely tell him when he wakes up."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said.

"Not awake? No way? How did I hear that he woke up?"

Bai Ye frowned slightly.

"No, I fell asleep again."

The middle-aged man said slowly.

"Oh, that's okay, we can wait for him to wake up."

Bai Ye said, pointing to the thing under his feet.

"Look, we bought supplements and wanted to have a few words with him in person to show our concern."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, the middle-aged man noticed the gifts on the ground.

When he glanced at the ground, he almost chased people out.

Six walnuts?

Isn’t this too shabby?

How many dozens of dollars per box?

Nowadays, even if ordinary people go to visit someone, they won’t just carry a box of six walnuts, right?

Also, what does it mean to buy six walnuts?

This is a mockery of Jiang Yu. It’s time for him to make up his mind?

"No, you can take the gift back and drink it yourself."

The middle-aged man had a stern look on his face and shook his head.

Next to him, Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man's face and shook his head secretly.

He had just told Bai Ye that the Jiang family would probably fall out when they saw these six walnuts.

Look, I'm not happy about it.

"No, our brains are enough, we don't need to make up for it."

Bai Ye shook his head.


Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face turned darker. What's the matter? Did he really let Jiang Yu fill his brain?

"No, he doesn't want to see you either."

"Oh? Is this what he said? Oh, does he not want to see us, or is he too embarrassed to see us?"

Bai Ye showed a bit of mockery.

"What did you say?!"

The middle-aged man frowned and asked angrily.

"I said, does he not want to see us, or is he too embarrassed to see us?"

Bai Ye is not afraid of middle-aged people at all, even if he is from the same era as his father Bai Wei.

"Bai Ye, don't be too presumptuous!"

The middle-aged man is even angrier.

"Am I being presumptuous? Ha, I hope you'd better ask Jiang Yu if he wants to see us...instead of you being here to help him make the decision."

Bai Ye sneered, no longer bothering to pretend to care about the visit.

"Bai Ye, you are too presumptuous!"

The middle-aged man stared at Bai Ye.

"Jiang You, I'm so arrogant today, what's wrong!"

Bai Ye also glared.


The middle-aged man clenched his fists.

"Mr. Jiang, I think you should ask Jiang Yu. If he says no, then we will leave immediately...otherwise, he will definitely blame you when he finds out."

Xiao Chen looked at the middle-aged man and said lightly.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, the middle-aged man frowned.

After about five or six seconds, he nodded slowly and loosened his clenched fists.

"Okay, I'll ask him."


Xiao Chen nodded and smiled.

"I think he will meet us."

The middle-aged man looked deeply at Xiao Chen, then glared at Bai Ye, then turned and left.

"Damn it, he stared at me..."

Bai Ye stared back fiercely, then looked down at the six walnuts under his feet, and smiled again.

"Brother Chen, will Jiang Yu really meet us?"

"If he doesn't see me, I'll be disappointed..."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said slowly.

"That's right. It's impossible for Mr. Jiang to not even have this bit of courage."

Bai Ye thought for a while and nodded.

After about three or four minutes, the middle-aged man reappeared.

"Mr. Xiao, please!"


Xiao Chen smiled, Jiang Yu would indeed meet them.

"Let's go and see Young Master Jiang."

Bai Ye also picked up six walnuts and grinned.


The middle-aged man glared at Bai Ye, didn't bother to look at him, turned around and walked inside.

After entering the corridor, Xiao Chen saw Jiang Laosan and others from a distance.

"These are almost all the new generation of the Jiang family... Hehe, Jiang Yu is indeed the leader of the new generation of the Jiang family. They are all here."

Bai Ye sneered and whispered.

"Well, this also shows that his methods are very clever."

Xiao Chen nodded.

As they approached, Jiang Laosan and others glared at Xiao Chen and Bai Ye, but no one dared to speak.

"What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome guy?"

When Bai Ye saw them staring at him, he stared back.


Jiang Laosan and others were furious, how could they say anything?

"Hey, beauty, my name is Bai Ye, do you want to meet me?"

When he passed by a girl, Bai Ye paused and said deliberately.


The girl said nothing, but gave Bai Ye a fierce look.

"Haha, I'll go see Jiang Yu first and make an appointment later."

Bai Ye didn't care, smiled, and continued walking forward.

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