Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,503 Something is going to happen

After finishing the phone call with Qin Lan, Xiao Chen stayed in the office for a while and sorted out today's events.

The sudden establishment of the Xiao family took everyone beyond their expectations, including himself.

It even affected some of his future plans.

But in general, the establishment of the Xiao family still has great benefits.

What he has to do now is to build the framework of the Xiao family. He can't really be just a polished commander!

"The Xiao family... who said that family power must be maintained by blood? The Xiao family can be more free and open..."

Xiao Chen muttered, having an idea in his mind.

He prefers to form a force, just call this force the 'Xiao Family'.

As for whether it was the real Xiao family, he didn't care at all.

In this way, he can fill this power in the fastest time!

For example, Xiaodao and others can definitely be allowed to join!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen smiled and waited to discuss it with Qin Lan.

Then, he looked at the time and went to say hello to Amelia Su.

"Are you going back tonight?"

Su Qing looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"Well... I made an appointment with Lao Guan. I don't know what he wants from me. I may not be able to go back."

Xiao Chen thought about agreeing to Qin Lan and looked for a reason.

"Well, I understand."

Su Qing nodded.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Xiao Chen drove away from the company.

On the way, he received a call from Xue Zhanhu.

"Brother Xiao, congratulations."

"Haha, Brother Xue, have you got the news too?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Yes, of course I got such big news as soon as possible...but you still can't get through on the phone. It's different now that you are the head of the Xiao family."

Xue Zhanhu smiled.

"No, Brother Xue, please don't be sarcastic."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"I just rushed it to the shelves. I never thought of it before."

"No matter what, it's a good thing! Brother Xiao, in this Longhai now, you really are like 'no one in the world doesn't recognize you'!"

"No way."

After the two chatted for a while, Xue Zhanhu mentioned the Bloody Hand Gang.

"I was drinking tea with Lao Luo today. The Bloody Hand Gang is still making small moves. It has contacted some small forces in Long Hai and proposed many benefits. It has even begun to penetrate into the areas around Long Hai..."

"Oh? Is the Bloody Hand Gang going to encircle the city from the countryside?"

Xiao Chen was startled, then smiled.

"No matter what path he takes, Lao Luo and I are ready to teach the Bloody Hand Gang a lesson."

Xue Zhanhu's voice was a bit colder.

"How to teach a lesson? Throw all the people from the Blood Hand Gang into the sea to feed the fish?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"No... Lao Luo and I plan to go to the Bloody Hand Gang's territory to play."

Xue Zhanhu sneered.

"Going to Guangming City? Haha, are you and Uncle Luo like a dragon crossing the river?"

Xiao Chen was happy when he heard it.

"Well, what's the point of the Bloody Hand Gang's constant little tricks... Lao Luo and I have been too lazy to do anything in the past two years, but that doesn't mean we can be bullied to the point of being bullied!"

"Okay, I support you and Uncle Luo."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"Let's see, Brother Xue, I not only support mentally, but also support in practice. After all, the Qinggang, Hongmen and Longmen are all on the same side now. The Bloody Hand Gang came to Longhai to cause trouble, and Longmen can't stay out of it, right? ? How many people do you send, and how many people do I send? This is the first collective action of our three parties."

"Haha, then things might get serious."

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Xue Zhanhu smiled.

"When it's big, it's big. What's the point of making small fuss, right?"

"Okay, he is indeed Boss Xue, who is known as 'Domineering as a tiger'!"

Xiao Chen flattered him.

"Brother Xue, let's make an appointment sometime. Let's call Uncle Luo, and nephews Changkong and Xiaofei... Not to mention, I haven't seen my nephew for a long time, and I miss him a little. "


Xue Zhanhu was speechless. This guy would feel uncomfortable if he didn't take advantage of his son, right?

"Okay, let's make an appointment sometime. But as the master of the house, you must be very busy in the past few days, right?"

"No matter how busy you are, you still have to have time... Brother Xue and Uncle Luo are both giants. Others should step aside."

Xiao Chen smiled.

Hearing this, Xue Zhanhu rolled his eyes even more, why didn't you say that when you surrounded the headquarters of the Green Gang? Now you are talking about this useless thing, who are you trying to coax? !

After the two chatted for a few more words, they hung up the phone.

"The Bloody Hands Gang...hehe, the Qinggang, Hongmen, and Longmen are dispatched together. I hope the Bloody Hands can withstand it."

Xiao Chen grinned, showing a bit of a bad smile.

Immediately, he accelerated his speed and headed to the place he had agreed with Guanduanshan.

Ten minutes later, he saw Guanduan Mountain.

"Boy, now that you are the head of the family, your aura is completely different."

Guan Duanshan was drinking tea, looked at Xiao Chen, and said with a smile.

"What's different?"

Xiao Chen curled his lips and sat next to him.

"Laoguan, now that we are face to face, you have to explain everything clearly to me, otherwise my heart will always be hanging on."

"What's there to hang about? Just eat the meat that's brought to your mouth."

Guan Duanshan smiled.

"I'm afraid of diarrhea after eating, okay?"

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Huh? This doesn't look like you!"

Guan Duanshan smiled even more and poured Xiao Chen a cup of tea.

"It's okay to have diarrhea. Just drink some hot tea and you'll be fine."

"I hope so."

Xiao Chen took a sip of tea.

"Laoguan, tell me, what's going on?"

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, No. 1 and I have no intention of using the 'Xiao Family' to trap you, let alone threaten you... If you can't trust No. 1, you can't trust me." Bar?"

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen and said.

"No, I can trust No. 1 too."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"You kid...hehe, he's not here."

Guan Duanshan chuckled.

"I asked you to form the Xiao family simply because I felt that you should be more stable and have your own power... You did a good job last time and this time, but I can't always let you work, right? So? , as soon as we discussed it, we decided on this matter."

"Last time? What happened last time?"

Xiao Chen was stunned.

"Bang Country."

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen and slowly said two words.

"Oh, it's been a long time since that incident in Bang Country. Do you still remember it?"

Xiao Chen reacted.

"We will never forget what you have done for the country... Likewise, the country will not treat you badly!"

Guan Duanshan said seriously.

"No, let's go back to the same code. The matter of Bangguo was agreed upon at that time. I went there on Su Yunfei's behalf... Didn't I promise you before that I would do three things for the country for Su Yunfei?"

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Well, there are already two, and there is one last thing."

Guan Duanshan nodded.

"I did it for him, so you don't have to think about giving me benefits...Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. It has become a fact, so let's leave it at that."

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette.

"That's right, I won't really do anything to you, so don't think about it all day long."

Guan Duanshan smiled.

"Laoguan, where's the Duanmu family? Are you really going to let the Duanmu family go like this? The matter they have done with the Holy See of Light is so big, so why don't you just let it go?"

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain and asked.

"Of course not. What needs to be liquidated will definitely be liquidated, but not now."

Guan Duan Shan shook his head.

"This is just the first step to allow the Duanmu family to withdraw from Longhai. The next step is to have another plan to deal with them!"

"Anyway, you have some idea. The Duanmu family has been colluding with the Holy See of Light for a long time... Their conspiracy is so paralyzing that it is simply insane!"

Xiao Chen couldn't help but cursed when he thought of the 'Bright Tomorrow' plan.

"Well, it is indeed very heartbreaking. We are already working on this...I believe it won't be long before their so-called 'Kingdom of Light' plan will be made public, and by then, they will become the public enemy of the whole world! "

Guan Duan Shan said in a deep voice.

"Laoguan, what do you mean..."

Xiao Chen was startled.

"In any case, the Holy See of Light is a giant in the West. If they have any crazy plans, the Western countries will be the first to suffer... Why should we come forward? Right?"

Guan Duanshan looked at Xiao Chen with a treacherous smile.

"Do you think the superpowers in the United States will allow the Holy See of Light to shake their rule?"

"Well, this is it too."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"However, the Holy See of Light has penetrated too deeply into the Western world. Just like many politicians in important positions in the United States, they are believers of the Holy See of Light."

"This is not important. What is important is...whether the Holy See of Light can bring them benefits."

Guan Duanshan shook his head and said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen didn't understand.

"Haha, which of the politicians who hold important positions are simple-minded? They are believers, because they can use the power of the Holy See of Light to achieve their own goals! If the Holy See of Light really wants to implement the 'Kingdom of Light' plan, then the Holy See of Light will The Holy See is the public enemy of the whole world! When the time comes, those believers will immediately leave the Holy See of Light, or even draw a clear line between them, and join forces to crusade!"

Guan Duanshan chuckled.

"Everything in the world is bustling for the sake of profit, and everything in the world is bustling for the sake of profit... This applies to China, and it applies to the whole world."


Xiao Chen remained silent. After thinking about it carefully, he became thoughtful.

"Okay, this matter is not something you should worry about for the time being. The Holy See of Light will have its own people to deal with it... However, you can't be careless. If you kill someone from the Holy See of Light this time, the news may leak out. Be careful of the revenge of the Holy See of Light. .”

Guan Duan Shan reminded.

"Um. "

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Damn it, that old boy Duanmuhai will definitely leak the news..."

"As long as you don't leave China, don't worry too much!"

Guan Duanshan nodded and looked at Xiao Chen.

"In the near future, please don't go out. Stay in China and take care of the Xiao family."

"Laoguan, you are not afraid that I will be bored in China, so you deliberately brought the Xiao family to let me relieve my boredom, right?"

Xiao Chen looked at Guanduan Mountain with a strange expression.

"Well, there is some reason."

Guan Duanshan nodded.


Xiao Chen was speechless.

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