Female President’s Bodyguard

One hundred and fifty fourth chapters will rise

Hearing Hua Yixuan's words, the dinner table suddenly became quiet!

Even Li Hanhou, who was eating sullenly, looked up at Hua Yixuan!

If another person dared to say that about Xiao Chen, his big slap would definitely slap the other person's face!

But Hua Yixuan was an exception, not because she was a beautiful woman, but because in Li Honesty's consciousness, there was no such thing as pity and pity!

She was an exception because Dr. Hua was also kind to her mother!

Back then, if Doctor Hua hadn't stopped them, they would have been kicked out of the hospital long ago!

Back then, if Doctor Hua hadn't recommended him, how could he have met Brother Chen?

Therefore, in every aspect, Li Hanhou was very grateful to Hua Yixuan!

Seeing everyone looking at her, Hua Yixuan felt a little embarrassed, why couldn't she hold back? After all, it's a guest, so it's a bit impolite!

Before Hua Yixuan could say anything else, Xiao Chen shook his head with a look of helplessness on his face: "Oh, I knew I wouldn't be understood... There is often only a fine line between a genius and a lunatic!"


Hua Yixuan curled her lips, and didn't bother to say anything more, anyway, in her eyes, Xiao Chen was just mentally ill!

It is estimated that Li's mother's illness was cured by him by mistake, so it can only be regarded as a 'miracle'!

Mother Li looked at Xiao Chen, then at Hua Yixuan, thoughtfully.

Then, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Xiao Chen was fine, he should eat and drink, and joked with Mother Li and Li Hanhou from time to time, but Hua Yixuan had nothing to say.

After eating, Hua Yixuan helped Mother Li clear the table, stayed there for a while, and was about to leave.

"Beauty, how did you come here? How about I send you?"

Xiao Chen grinned, and said a little frivolously.

"No, I came here by car!" Hua Yixuan said coldly, and looked at Mother Li: "Auntie, I'm leaving first, and I will come to see you some other day."

"Sit no longer?"

"No, I have something to do when I go back."

"Okay then, drive slowly on the way back."

Mother Li nodded and said nothing more.

"Well, I see."

After Hua Yixuan left, Mother Li couldn't help being curious and asked, "Achen, you and this doctor Hua..."

"Auntie, she knows that I treated you. I was worried that she would pester me, so I dealt with her."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"She knows?"

Li's mother was taken aback for a moment, thinking of something, she looked at Li Hanhou.

Seeing his mother's eyes, Li Hanhou quickly lowered his head.

"Dahan, what did I tell you?"

Knowing the son is better than the mother, seeing her son's reaction, Li's mother understood.

"Don't blame Dahan, Hua Yixuan played a little tricky..."

Xiao Chen talked about the matter.

"Ah Chen, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Mother Li said apologetically.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I guess this time, Hua Yixuan won't talk to me anymore."

Xiao Chen smiled, but felt a little pity in his heart, if there was no such thing, it would be nice to soak up this little beauty!

It would be even better if it could be further developed, with some temptations like white coats!

What a pity, what a pity!

Li's mother nodded, and secretly cried out in her heart that it's a pity, what a good couple, there is probably nothing to do!

She also knew that she had misunderstood. Before Hua Yixuan inquired about Xiao Chen, she probably wanted to know more, not to be interested in him!

Thinking of this, Mother Li smiled wryly and shook her head. Does this person change when he gets old? When did I like to take care of these things?

"Auntie, don't think too much, come, let me check your pulse again."

"it is good."

Mother Li nodded, and passed her hand to Xiao Chen.


Longjiang Avenue, one of the busiest places in Longhai at night.

"Don't let them run away, cut them off!"

There was a loud shout, and it sounded suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, more than 20 people rushed out from a restaurant!

The first person, of medium build, with an unusually ugly face!

To his left, followed by a man in a plaid shirt, holding a short knife in his hand, which was still stained with blood.

On the right is a bald head, with gauze wrapped in his left hand and a gun in his right hand.

"Don't get in the car, run forward!"

A man of medium build roared when he saw that his bald head was going to the parking lot.

"it is good!"

The bald head nodded, and then his expression became ferocious, and he cursed: "Damn, I was really careless tonight! If I can live, I will chop off that old guy's dog's head tomorrow, shit!"

"Stop talking nonsense, save some energy, and kill!"

The floral shirt looked stern, and watched the dozen or so young people appearing on the street in front of him, and tightened the dagger in his hand.

Almost at the same time, dozens of gangsters with knives rushed out of the restaurant, roaring and chasing after him.

"Protect Brother Xing, fuck me!"

There was an interception before, and there were pursuers after that. A look of despair flashed in the depths of the bald man's eyes. Could it be that he was really going to die here tonight?

However, the ruthlessness in his bones turned him into a trapped beast. At worst, he would fight to the death, kill one and earn one!

bang bang!

Gunshots sounded!

The bald man held a gun with one hand, and pulled the trigger on the young people who surrounded him in front of him.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, pedestrians on the street screamed and ran away with their heads in their arms.

bang bang bang!

The dozen or so elite confidants behind the bald head also had firearms in their hands. Seeing that the situation was not good, they didn't care about the rules and shot directly.

There was a scream, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen young people fell into a pool of blood.

Seeing that the opponent's firepower was so strong, the other youths who were chasing and besieging all stopped, and each took a cover to hide!

"Get out!"

The bald head and the others protected the man of medium build, and took this opportunity to rush out.

On the second floor of the restaurant, in front of a box window, stood a man in his forties.

There is a long scar on his face, lying on his face with a centipede, he looks a bit hideous!

"Mr. Ren, Huang Xing must be killed tonight! If they escape, there will be endless troubles!"

Next to him, a short, fat old man in his sixties with white hair said to the centipede man with some concern.

When the centipede man heard this, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes, but his tone didn't reveal the slightest bit: "Don't worry, third master, Huang Xing can't escape!"

The short and fat old man known as the "Third Master" nodded, hesitated, and asked: "Mr. Ren, what you told me before is true?"

"Of course it's true. After Huang Xing and the others are killed, the Flying Eagle Gang will sweep Nancheng... At that time, we must invite the third master to make an offering, eat delicious food, and be respected by brothers on the road!"

The centipede man nodded with a smile.

"Okay, if there's anything I need to do, Mr. Ren just asks!"

In the third master's small eyes, there is a bit of fire, he hasn't enjoyed that kind of power and prestige for a long time!

If the Flying Eagle Gang can really wipe out Nancheng, then they will become a first-class force, and even become the best of the first-class forces!

At that time, the day when his third master calls the wind and rain will come again!

"I've been staring at Huang Xing for a few days. I'm too cautious. If the third master hadn't invited him, I guess he wouldn't have left his lair..."

The centipede man looked at Huang Xing who was fleeing, and said with a smile.

When the third master heard this, he also looked down, feeling a little guilty in his heart, Huang Xing trusted him, and brought less than twenty people to the appointment... But he teamed up with Ren Hai and dug a huge hole!

However, this kind of guilt flashed by, and those who came out to mess around valued benefits more, what nonsense morality, it was just exaggerated by movies or novels!

"You three, go down and kill Huang Xing... cut off his head, I want to use his head as a sacrifice to the rising flag of the Flying Eagle Gang!"

The centipede man turned his head and said something to the three men in camouflage uniforms.


The three camouflage uniforms nodded, turned and walked out of the private room.

"Mr. Ren, who are they?"

"From the Golden Triangle, one first-rate master, two second-rate masters..."

The Centipede Man is none other than Ren Hai, the younger brother of the leader of the Flying Eagle Gang. This time he not only wants to stand up for his nephew, but also to make the Flying Eagle Gang rise up, and even stand side by side with the three gangs!

The third master's heart skipped a beat, first-rate master? Second-rate expert?

Before, he had heard that Ren Hai had brought back a large number of masters, but now it seems that the rumors are true!

However, he soon became excited. The stronger Ren Hai's people are, the stronger the Flying Eagle Gang will be. At that time, won't his offering be more powerful?

"Third Master, after killing Huang Xing tonight, there is one more thing I want to trouble you..."

"you say!"

"Those third-rate gangs in Nancheng all sell the third master some face, right? You can contact me the day after tomorrow. I want to talk to them..."

"Talk? Talk about what?"

The third master was taken aback.

"Hehe, let's talk about whether they are willing to join the Flying Eagle Gang..."

Ren Hai turned his head to look at the third master, grinning.

"Join the Flying Eagle Gang? How is this possible? They definitely don't want to..."

"If you don't want to, then die!"

The smile on Ren Hai's face became wider, and the scar trembled, as if the centipede had come to life.

The third master was stunned when he heard this.

If you don't want to, then die?

What do you mean by this?


Seeing the dull look of the third master, Ren Hai clapped his hands, only to see a beautiful woman coming in from outside, carrying a box in her hand.



The woman put the box on the table, opened it, it was glowing red, and it was full of banknotes!

The third master looked at the box full of money, his eyes lit up slightly: "Mr. Ren, you are..."

"Third Master, as long as you promise, the money and this woman are all yours!"

Ren Hai pointed to the money in the box, and then pointed to the beautiful woman.

When the third master heard this, his eyes became brighter. He looked at the money, then at the beautiful woman, swallowed, and agreed: "Okay! Wait for my news!"

Ren Hai smiled, happily.

As long as these third-rate small societies are integrated, it is enough to integrate a force comparable to the Flying Eagle Gang... At that time, wouldn't it be easy for two Flying Eagle Gang forces to deal with other second-rate societies?

Most importantly, the members of these small associations are a group of rare cannon fodder!

Seeing the smile on Ren Hai's face, the third master trembled inexplicably.

He wanted to repent, but when he thought of the masters around Ren Hai and the boxes full of money and beautiful women, he suppressed his thoughts again!

Forget it, he and Ren Hai are already on the same boat, and he understands the truth that one prospers, one prospers, one loses all!

Also, Huang Xing, oh Huang Xing, don't blame me for tricking you, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, and the word '利' is in the middle!


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This is the second chapter, two chapters today, don't wait.


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