Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1565 The last carnival?

"Looking for the murderer? Brother Chen, do you know who the murderer is?"

Bai Ye perked up and asked quickly.

"I don't know, but it's almost there."

Xiao Chen shook his head and took out his cell phone.

"Go to Longmen Group's headquarters first, and I'll find out about the situation from Sister Lan."


Bai Ye nodded and gave instructions to the driver.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, called Lin Nan. After all, he was back and wanted to say hello to him.

"Hey, Brother Lin, I'm back."

Xiao Chen said after waiting for the call to be answered.

"I know... I guess the entire Long Hai also knows that you are back."

Lin Nan smiled bitterly.

"Why are you so high-profile?"

"Brother Lin, it's not my fault. It was Xiaobai who came to pick me up...who knew he would cause this situation."

Xiao Chen shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

"Bai Ye? Okay, just be high-profile. You go back to the resort first, and I'll find you in the evening."

Lin Nan was also helpless and said.

"Will there be any trouble?"

Xiao Chen asked.

"That's not a big deal. No one will bother with this matter. I'll go see Jiang Guangcheng later."

"Okay, then you get busy first and wait until we meet in the evening."


After hanging up the phone, Xiao Chen called Amelia Su again.

Although Su Qing didn't call him in the past two days, he knew that Su Qing had been worried about him.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone rang, it was answered.

"Xiao Chen,

You're back? "

"Well, I just came back and I made you worried."

Xiao Chen nodded and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, just come back... The Jiang family has sent me an invitation to attend Mr. Jiang's funeral! Will you go when the time comes?"

Su Qing knew Xiao Chen fairly well and thought he might go, so she asked.

"Of course I'm going. I'm not afraid of shadows. I didn't kill him, so what should I be afraid of?"

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette and said.

"But many people think you were the one who killed him, including members of the Jiang family... If you go, they must not think you are deliberately provoking?"

Su Qing was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter what they think. If nothing happens, I will find the murderer by then."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Did you find out?"

Su Qing asked hurriedly.

"I have an idea. I won't go back for the next two days to deal with some things... You tell Xiaomeng to prevent that girl from getting emotional."

Xiao Chen said to Su Qing.

"Okay, then be careful."

Su Qing agreed.

Afterwards, Xiao Chen hung up the phone, took a deep breath of cigarette and narrowed his eyes.

"Hey, Brother Chen, let me ask you something."

Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and couldn't help but say.

"what's up?"

Xiao Chen turned his head, feeling a little strange.

"How many women do you have now?"

Bai Ye asked curiously.


Hearing Bai Ye's words, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, what the hell?

"Look, Su Qing, Qin Lan, Xie Yiling, and Tong Yan... I know a lot, and there are probably some I don't know, right?"

Bai Ye counted on his fingers.

"Are you really free? Why do you think about this when you have nothing to do?"

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Am I not concerned about your life-long affairs, Brother Chen?"

Bai Ye grinned.

"Oh, you care about my life-long events, right? OK, when I go to the Bai family, I will also discuss your life-long events with your grandfather, your father, and your mother... I am also very concerned about your life-long events. care."

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and said slowly.

"Hey, stop, Brother Chen, I was wrong, okay?"

Bai Ye smiled bitterly and surrendered.

Although he is the only one in the Bai family, and Mr. Bai has also said that he will make his own decision about his marriage.

But he is not young anymore, especially in the past year, Mr. Bai and his parents have talked to him about this several times.

In his own words, you are allowed to have free love, but why don't you bring me a daughter-in-law home?

Even though Mr. Bai slept with many women, there was none that really made his heart flutter...

Even if your heart beats when you see a beautiful woman, it is caused by the kidneys and not your heart.

"Since the way is wrong, then shut up and stop talking about my affairs... I think you are really free."

Xiao Chen was not angry.

"Yes, yes, I'm just curious... You see that your harem camp is quite big. I'm thinking that my sister Qing should be the empress of the main palace and the boss of the platoon, right? How is your progress with her? Why is there no news?"

Bai Ye looked at Xiao Chen and asked.

"I have decided to go to Bai's house tomorrow."

Xiao Chen said seriously.


The white night was silent.

"It's too high-profile, let all your people withdraw."

Xiao Chen looked back at the Mercedes-Benz fleet and said.

"We've already been high-profile, so it's not too late, right?"

Bai Ye smiled and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"No big deal, I'll keep them away..."

"what's the situation?"

Xiao Chen looked at Bai Ye and frowned slightly.

Under Xiao Chen's gaze, Bai Ye shrugged: "I'm not afraid that Jiang Guangcheng is desperate and wants to fight you to the death...I got news that the Jiang family is outside the resort where you live, but they have been arranging Attracting people."

"The Jiang family? The fish is dead and the net is broken? Does Jiang Guangcheng have the courage?"

Xiao Chen sneered.

"Whether the Jiang family has the courage or not, my grandfather said that at this time, many people like to touch muddy waters..."

Before Bai Ye said the word "fish", he felt the car body shake suddenly and an emergency brake came on.

The Mercedes-Benz at the front had already hit a large truck, and the entire front of the car was dented, which looked quite serious.

"Car accident?"

After Bai Ye stabilized his body, he raised his head and looked forward, frowning involuntarily.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed and he shook his head: "A car accident? Ha, not necessarily... As you said, many people like to fish in troubled waters! The fishermen are here!"

Bang bang bang!

As Xiao Chen finished speaking, a burst of gunfire rang out.

"Fuck, someone really wants to take advantage of it!"

Bai Ye's eyelids twitched, and he opened a box next to him, opening it and revealing the contents.

"Come on, Brother Chen, I'm ready for everything!"

"Heh, not bad."

Xiao Chen looked at the things in the box and smiled.

Then, he thought of something.

"Xiao Yina, have you arranged anyone?"

"It's necessary, there will be no worries!"

Bai Ye nodded.

"Ah That's good."

Xiao Chen was quite relieved to do things in the white night. He took out a shotgun and loaded the bullet.

The gunfire outside became more and more intense.

"Tell me, which force is this? Is it sent by Jiang Guangcheng?"

Bai Ye also picked up a gun and looked forward.

"I don't know. If it's really Jiang Guangcheng, hehe, then he is really much worse than his son!"

Xiao Chen sneered, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Bai Ye followed closely and put on an earphone at the same time.

"Everyone, prepare to fight back and kill without mercy!"


Many people's voices came from the headphones.

On the Mercedes-Benz, many people also got off and quickly gathered around.

"The battle is quite big."

Xiao Chen threw a cigarette into his mouth without lighting it and said lightly.

"You have been targeted for a long time, so it doesn't matter whether I pick you up today or not."

Bai Ye raised the gun in his hand.

"The location is well chosen. On the viaduct, there are only two ways for us, either to jump off the bridge or to fight our way out..."

"No, there is a third option, which is to be killed... Haha, but this is a dead end."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

As they finished speaking, the battle ahead became more harsh and intense.

At the same time, a group of people appeared at the scene.

However, they did not attract too many people's attention for the time being.

"Stop standing around and get to work!"

Bai Ye said something to the people around him. Except for a few Bai family priests who were still there, everyone else dispersed and started a fierce gun battle with the intruders.

"Brother Chen, do you think this is their last party?"

Bai Ye asked, thinking of something.

"If I can't kill you today, then the establishment of the Xiao family will be a foregone conclusion, and... there is still a lack of a strong Jiang family to take the blame."

"Not just today, but...before Jiang Tiansheng's funeral."

Xiao Chen chuckled.

"However, they are bound to be disappointed."

"Will the Duanmu family come?"

"I don't know, but even if it comes, it won't be openly."

"What are you talking about? Let's fight!"

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he walked forward with the gun in hand.

Xiao Chen also lit the cigarette in his mouth and took a puff. This kind of foreplay is meaningless. The big show... should be later.

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

Xiao Chen blew out a smoke ring and stepped forward slowly.

Bang bang bang!

Soon, he joined the fighting circle, and the sound of gunfire was deafening.

He kept pulling the trigger. Because it was a shotgun, it covered a huge area. The gunmen who had been advancing all fell into a pool of blood.

"Are they mercenaries? It seems like we should tell Lin Nan and ask him to greet the relevant departments... China, when will it be the mercenaries' turn to run wild!"

Then, I saw several foreigners coming through the gap in the car.

"That's him, kill him!"

A black man saw Xiao Chen with a goal of five million US dollars. This is big business!

Bang bang bang!

Several foreigners all raised their guns, pointed them at Xiao Chen, and pulled the trigger.

"court death!"

Xiao Chen looked at the muzzle of the gun, sneered, and disappeared in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in front of several foreigners on the right side.

Bang bang bang!

Both sides pulled the trigger almost simultaneously.

The expressions of several foreigners changed. Where are they?

Before they could react, a burst of pain erupted, and shotgun bullets enveloped them.

In the blink of an eye, several foreigners fell in a pool of blood.

"How dare you come to China with this level of skill?"

Xiao Chen laughed mockingly, then frowned slightly and looked in another direction.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several extremely fast figures came from far to near.

"Xiao Chen?"

One of the middle-aged men looked at Xiao Chen and asked coldly.

"Yes, who are you?"

Xiao Chen nodded, a little strange.

"Nineteen on the dragon list, *guest!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he waved his hands, and a gun appeared in each hand.

"Dragon List?"

Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment, isn't he on the list of geniuses? When will another Dragon List come out?

But then he suddenly thought of something.

Dragon Ranking, Dragon Sea Master Ranking!

There was once a Dragon Ranking master who came to kill him, but was defeated by him!

Unexpectedly, the master on the dragon list now appears again!

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