Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1569: The little man wants to date me?

"When are you going to find him?"

Qin Lan lit a lady's cigarette and asked.


Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Tonight? Aren't you still restricted from freedom? Can you go out at night?"

Qin Lan looked at Xiao Chen.

"Haha, restricting freedom is just saying something."

Xiao Chen smiled, came to Qin Lan, and hooked her chin.

"Sister Lan, do you have a date tonight?"

"What, the little man wants to date me?"

Qin Lan looked at Xiao Chen with a seductive voice.

"Of course, if Sister Lan doesn't have an appointment, can you come with me?"

Xiao Chen nodded.

“The bed in the resort is not small.”

"Haha, since when did you dare to tease sister?"

Qin Lan smiled after hearing Xiao Chen's words.

"Why, you just came back, don't you need to pamper your little girlfriends?"

"Um, those? Are they that exaggerated?"

Xiao Chen twitched the corner of his mouth.

"No? How about I count them for you?"

Qin Lan asked with a smile.

"No, no, Sister Lan, let's stop playing with counting."

Xiao Chen shook his head.

"Sister Lan, you haven't said yet whether you have time tonight."

"I may have to work overtime. In addition to Longmen matters, I am also busy with Xiao family matters."

Qin Lan thought for a while and said.

"Sister Lan,

Thanks a lot. "

Xiao Chen looked at Qin Lan and felt a little distressed. There were a lot of things going on in these two stalls, and they all fell on her.

"Well, I've been fine recently. I'll take care of the Xiao family's affairs myself."

"No, you don't have the patience for some trivial matters...and I took over it, so you can't even touch it for a while."

Qin Lan shook his head.

"Then leave what you can to others to do, and don't do everything yourself."

Xiao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Well, I know what's going on, don't worry."

Qin Lan nodded, raised his hand and touched Xiao Chen's face.

"Why, do you feel sorry for my sister?"


Xiao Chen nodded.

"Sister Lan, don't work too hard."

"Haha, I know."

Qin Lan smiled and nodded.

"Sister Lan, don't work overtime tonight. Give yourself a holiday and take a rest?"

Xiao Chen held Qin Lan's hand and said.

"Take a rest? Are you sure you are taking a rest? Why do I think it will make you more tired?"

Qin Lan blinked.

"Well, tired, but happy."

Xiao Chen smiled evilly.

"You kid... Okay, I'll go to your place tonight, but I have to finish what I'm doing."

Qin Lan rolled his eyes at Xiao Chen and said.

"Okay, then you get busy first while I go out for a walk."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Well, go ahead. You, the hands-off shopkeeper, should also take a tour of your kingdom. Even if... this kingdom has just built the cornerstone, the tallest building starts from here."

Qin Lan said to Xiao Chen.

"haha okay."

Xiao Chen smiled and then left the office.

"Mr. Xiao."

The bodyguard guarding the door saw Xiao Chen coming out and hurriedly said hello.

"Huh? What are you doing at the door?"

Xiao Chen was startled and asked.

"Master Bai asked us to stay here and said no one is allowed to come in and disturb you and Mr. Qin..."

The bodyguard answered seriously.

"Okay, where's Xiaobai?"

Xiao Chen was helpless, how could he not know what was going on in Bai Ye's mind.

"Master Bai is wandering around."

"Okay, you two should rest as well, I'll go find Xiaobai."

Xiao Chen said and began to stroll.

"Brother Chen?"

Soon, he saw Bai Ye, who looked surprised.

"Coming out so soon? Have you been... feeling a little weak lately?"

"Xu, you are so big!"

Xiao Chen hit Bai Ye on the head.

"Day by day, what are you thinking about? Sister Lan and I are discussing things."

"Discussing things? Not making little people?"

Bai Ye asked, covering his head.

"I made your sister, I made her, she deserves a beating, right?"

Xiao Chen raised his hand again, which scared Bai Ye and took a few steps back.

"Brother Chen, stop fighting, I was wrong...Brother Chen, do you know who the murderer is?"

"Well, that's about it. Let's go find him tonight."


"Is there any news about what happened today?"

"The identities of a group of gunmen have been found out. They are members of the Wulong Gang."

Bai Ye nodded and said.

"They may have taken money from someone else and want your life."

"Five Dragon Gang? What the hell is this?"

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Chen, after all, you have established Longmen, why don't even the Five Dragons Gang know about it... The Five Dragons Gang is the first-class force in the underground world of Longhai, and it ranks high... However, they are really people who only care for money and kill birds for money. Eat death, for five million US dollars, they actually have the guts to touch you."

Bai Ye said with a smile.

"First-rate force? Ha."

Xiao Chen sneered.

"You can identify them, right?"

"That's for sure."

Bai Ye nodded.

"Okay, then the Five Dragons Gang...just pay the price for this."

Xiao Chen said calmly, took out his mobile phone and called Huang Xing.

"Hey, Brother Chen."

The phone was connected, and Huang Xing's respectful voice came from the receiver.

"Old Huang, find a time to destroy the Five Dragons Gang."

Xiao Chen didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

"Five Dragons Gang?"

Huang Xing was startled.

"Brother Chen, did the Five Dragons Gang offend you?"

"Yes, the gunmen from the Five Dragons Gang want to kill me."

"What? Okay, I understand, Brother Chen, I'll do it tonight!"

Huang Xing was surprised and immediately agreed.

"When you destroy him, let him know why you destroyed him."

Xiao Chen said slowly.

"I see."

Huang Xing nodded.

"How are things going with the Bloody Hand Gang over there?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked casually.

"Boss Xue and Luo and I have already discussed that each of them will send three thousand elites to land there and launch an attack... First kill the big brother of the Bloody Hand Gang, and then eat away at the territory of the Bloody Hand Gang little by little..."

Huang Xing answered seriously.

"Each faction has three thousand elites? Almost ten thousand people... Well, that's right. Since you're going to move, don't make a fuss. It's no fun."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Hurry up and destroy the Five Dragons Gang. It would be best if you can capture the leader of the Five Dragons Gang alive."

"I understand, Brother Chen."

After Xiao Chen chatted with Huang Xing for a few more words, he hung up the phone.

"Haha, this gives Longmen an opportunity to expand again."

Bai Ye was beside him and said with a smile.

"Although Longhai is prosperous, the place is only so big, and the Qinggang and Hongmen occupy the most prosperous areas, so if you want to expand, you have to radiate to the surrounding areas... The underground world of Longhai has little influence in the whole of China. Low, but also the slowest development.”

Xiao Chen took out cigarettes and handed one to Bai Ye.

"In addition to the gunmen from the Five Dragons Gang? What else was found? For example, who is the person behind the reward?"

"I don't know about this yet. I've sent someone to inquire about it."

"Okay, when you find it, tell me. I have to let him know what's wrong."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't I fish in troubled waters to kill you?"

Bai Ye is curious.

"No, he was wrong because he shouldn't have only offered a reward of 'five million US dollars'. Doesn't this look down on me too much? I think he is insulting me. After all, fifty million US dollars is fine."

Xiao Chen was a little unhappy.


Bai Ye was speechless, what kind of thinking was this.

The two talked, looked around Longmen Group, and then left.

Before leaving, Xiao Chen said hello to Qin Lan, who said he would go there in the evening.

On the way to the resort, Xiao Chen thought about it, shouldn't we get together in such a nice environment?

Therefore, he called many people, including Li Hanhou and others.

"Brother Chen, this is a nice environment. It doesn't feel like you are restricted in your freedom. It is clearly a vacation, and there is a dedicated butler."

Bai Ye lay on the leather recliner and said somewhat comfortably.

"Haha, so, if I hadn't gone to Badi, I would have fallen into this leisurely and comfortable life."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"What does that sentence mean? A comfortable and comfortable life can make people lose their fighting spirit... I think this is Lin Nan's purpose."

"Haha, you should say this in front of him."

Bai Ye laughed.

Soon, Li Hanhou, Sun Wugong and others came over, including Hao Jian and others who joined later.

Now, they have gradually integrated into this circle.

Although there are still some differences, they are not big.

These are the original members of the Xiao family. Just like Qin Lan said, tall buildings will rise from here.

While they were gathering here, three Mercedes-Benz cars slowly arrived at a hospital.

When they arrived at the inpatient department, the Mercedes-Benz stopped. The cars one behind the other opened their doors first, and several bodyguards in black suits got out from above.

They looked around to make sure there was no danger before opening the middle door.

"Mr. Jiang."


Following this voice, Jiang Guangcheng got out of the car.

After looking around, he adjusted his suit a little and strode inside.

And several personal bodyguards followed closely behind, protecting him in the middle.

A few minutes later, he appeared outside a ward on the ninth floor.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here."

At the door of the ward, two men in black suits were guarding him. When they saw Jiang Guangcheng, they quickly greeted him respectfully.

"Well, let me see Lao Wu."

Jiang Guangcheng nodded.

"how is he?"

"Fifth brother is recovering well. He just took medicine and is resting."

One of them in a black suit said to Jiang Guangcheng.


Jiang Guangcheng nodded and walked inside.

When he entered, he saw Jiang Wu lying on the hospital bed, one of Jiang Shan's proud disciples and the fifth-ranked Jiang Wu in the Jiang family army!

That day Xiao Chen and Qin Lan went to Jiang's house, and it was Jiang Wu who received them. He avenged his master Jiang Shan and had a conflict with Xiao Chen.

Later, Mr. Jiang died tragically. Jiang Wu and Xiao Chen fought hard several times and were seriously injured, and finally fell into a coma.

For the sake of his loyalty to protect his master, Xiao Chen did not kill him and spared his life.

Later, after Han Yifei went there, she asked the police to take Jiang Wu to the hospital and receive treatment until... Jiang Guangcheng came out.

This was the second time Jiang Guangcheng came to see Jiang Wu. He also heard about Jiang Wu's loyalty after his father's death, so he was very moved.

"Mr. Jiang, you are here."

Jiang Wu, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes after hearing the noise.

When he saw Jiang Guangcheng, he was startled and wanted to sit up.

"Lao Wu, you are injured, just lie down and don't move."

Jiang Guangcheng shook his head and stopped Jiang Wu.

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