Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1605: News of Transformation

At noon, Xiao Chen received a call from Vulcan.


"Well, Vulcan, are you leaving?"

"I've arrived at the airport and I'm leaving soon...Xiao, I'll wait for you abroad."

"Hehe, well, it may not be long before we meet again."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"At that time, when it's your territory, you have to cover me."

"Don't worry, we are friends, brothers."

Vulcan said seriously.

"Well, they are friends, and they are brothers."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"Then...forget it, it's too vulgar to say a safe journey."

"Hehe, Xiao, I've already said hello to the manor, and my team is still there. If you have time, meet them."

"it is good."

After chatting for a few words, the two hung up the phone.

When Xiao Chen thought of meeting Vulcan for the first time, he couldn't help being a little funny.

On Xuanyuan Mountain, he got the Xuanyuan knife and became the target of being hunted down.

The old guy from the Yan family was chasing after him, and the god of fire was blocking the way in front... He yelled at the god of fire and asked him to block the old guy from the Yan family.

In the end, this guy was fine, it was fine if he wasn't the opponent of that old guy from the Yan family, and he ran away like a jerk, he didn't have the air of a master at all.

Later, he had a relationship with Ning Xianzi, met Vulcan again, and the two sides fought...

Then, he and Fairy Ning cleaned up Vulcan, and then he gave Vulcan 15 Duanchang powder, and released the news that this guy took Xuanyuan Dao.

To his surprise, Vulcan escaped from Xuanyuan Mountain under the siege and interception of so many masters, which is considered a skill...

"Oh, Vulcan,

interesting guy. "

Xiao Chen smiled and put away the phone.

Afterwards, he accompanied Qin Lan and Xie Yiling to dinner.

In the afternoon, he thought about it, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Whether it's Longmen or Longmen Group, he doesn't have to worry about it. As for the Xiao family... it has to be released later. A big family cannot be established just because it is established, and there are still many things to do.

Thinking about it this way, he became an idler.

But thinking of the news he got from Vulcan, he called Feng Manlou.

"Mr. Xiao."

When the phone was answered, there was a windy voice.

"Well, Brother Feng, do you have time? I'll show Xiaoqing again."

Xiao Chen nodded and said.

"Okay, shall I pick you up?"

Feng Manlou was busy.

"No, I'll just go there by myself, you wait for me at home."


After Xiao Chen hung up the phone, he greeted Qin Lan and left the headquarters of Longmen Group.

In about half an hour, he arrived at the place.

"Mr. Xiao."

Feng Manlou and Shui Miaomiao are both at home, and they are very polite when they see Xiao Chen.

"Well, where's Xiaoqing?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Xiao Chen asked.

"The child is sleeping in the room. After your treatment, she didn't have another attack, but she seems a little lethargic."

Feng Manlou said to Xiao Chen.

"Well, it's normal. This is self-healing through sleep... Isn't it said that sleep is the best health care?"

Xiao Chen smiled.

"That's good."

Feng Manlou was relieved, his daughter was lethargic, and he was too embarrassed to call Xiao Chen to ask Xiao Chen. He was always worried, but now he was finally relieved.

"Mr. Xiao, please drink tea."

Shui Miaomiao took the tea and placed it in front of Xiao Chen.

"Okay, thank you."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"I learned about dual-line abilities from a friend..."


Hearing this, Feng Manlou and Shui Miaomiao both sat up straight and listened carefully.

They don't know much about dual-line abilities.

Xiao Chen told Feng Manlou and Shui Miaomiao what he heard from Vulcan.

"The odds are that small?"

After listening, Shui Miaomiao frowned, worry flashed in her eyes.

"Well, the odds are slim."

Xiao Chen nodded.

"But once she awakens her dual-element abilities, she will definitely become famous in the world of abilities."

"Single-line abilities, it's already hard to awaken. The chance of double-line abilities is so small, but it's in my imagination... Now it's up to Xiaoqing, none of us can help."

Feng Manlou smiled wryly and said.

"My friend said that many supernatural organizations have research on awakening supernatural abilities... Maybe we can send Xiaoqing to such supernatural organizations. In this case, she will have more chances of awakening supernatural abilities. Some."

Xiao Chen put forward his own suggestion, which was also what he thought of on the road.

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Feng Manlou and Shui Miaomiao fell silent.

After a long time, Feng Manlou said: "I know, but... the price is that Xiaoqing loses her freedom and works for her!"


Xiao Chen was taken aback, then nodded, yes, Vulcan also said, these supernatural organizations find many unawakened supernatural beings, help them awaken, and then control them.

If you want to lose your freedom just to awaken the ability, it is really not worthwhile.

At least, Xiao Chen would not choose this way.

He is a person who advocates freedom, and what he is doing now is also preparing for true freedom!

In the mundane world, only by standing at the peak can one be free!

In the ancient martial arts world, the strong are respected, and only the strong have freedom!

"For such a supernatural organization, Miaomiao and I have been in contact with it before... Miaomiao and I were not in China before, but abroad! There is a supernatural organization abroad. I don’t know how they know us, so they come to us. Let's join in."

Feng Manlou looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

"Both Miaomiao and I refused, and then this supernatural organization wanted to forcibly arrest us and take us back...Later, Miaomiao and I killed the person who wanted to arrest us, ran back to China from abroad, and died in the Dragon Palace. The sea settled down."

"So that's how it is."

Xiao Chen suddenly realized, no wonder these two people were silent after hearing about the supernatural organization, so there is still such a past.

"These supernatural organizations control many supernatural beings and let them do things for them... To put it bluntly, they use supernatural beings as tools! I don't want Xiaoqing to become such a tool and lose her freedom..."

Shui Miaomiao also said slowly.

"Are these supernatural organizations official, or what?"

Xiao Chen thought of something and asked.

"Some are official organizations, while others are not, but there are also shadows of some superpowers behind them... The foreign forces are intricate, not only the forces of supernatural beings, but also the forces of transforming people."

Feng Manlou explained.

"Reform human power?"

Hearing the words 'transforming people', Xiao Chen sat up straight all of a sudden.

"Yes, the reformed person...what's wrong?"

Feng Manlou was a little surprised by Xiao Chen's reaction, and nodded.

"How many of these transformational forces are there?"

Xiao Chen looked at Feng Manlou and asked.

"There are quite a few, but most of them are not good enough. Only those controlled by some super powers or super countries are very powerful... Some have a prosthetic limb and claim to be a modified person, but in fact it is useless at all! And those real modified people are very strong. , and the place that has been transformed is also full of strange things..."

Seeing that Xiao Chen seemed interested in this, Feng Manlou said carefully.

Listening to Feng Manlou's words, Xiao Chen frowned, as if he had misunderstood this reformer before.

No matter whether he is looking for Guanduan Shancha or Vulcan Cha, most of Chade has the power to transform people.

So, are there some mistakes?

"Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?"

Seeing Xiao Chen thoughtful, Feng Manlou asked.

"I've been looking for someone who has the power to transform people, or in other words, has the power to transform people, but I haven't found any clues... So, when I heard Brother Feng talking about transforming people, I thought of something else."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said.

"Oh? Looking for a reformer force? Have you ever met a reformer?"

Feng Manlou was startled, and asked curiously.


Xiao Chen nodded.

"It's convenient to tell me, what does the reformed person you met look like?"

Feng Manlou asked.

"They have metal arms and bombs that can self-destruct..."

Xiao Chen's eyes turned cold when he thought of the reformed man Naga encountered.

Especially the self-explosion of the reformed person, Su Yunfei also fell in front of him in a rain of blood.

At that time, if he hadn't jumped up, the one who fell would have been himself!

"Metal arm?"

Hearing this, Feng Manlou frowned.

"Two arms? Or just one?"

"Huh? Is there a difference?"


"I really didn't pay attention."

"Where did you meet the reformed man?"


Xiao Chen hesitated, but said it anyway.

"Naga? Okay, wait for me to call and ask a friend... He has more contact with some reincarnated forces, see if he can find any clues."

Feng Manlou said to Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen nodded, he didn't expect to come to Fengmanlou today, and there would be new news about reforming people.

"Brother Feng, thank you."

"No, you saved Xiaoqing and let me and Miaomiao go, which means we owe you three lives... This little thing is nothing."

Feng Manlou shook his head.

Afterwards, they chatted for a while about the matter of transforming people.

Xiao Chen also knew more about reincarnation.

"Uncle Xiao?"

Feng Yuqing woke up, she rubbed her eyes, came out of the room, and saw Xiao Chen with a surprised look.

"Hehe, Xiaoqing, you're awake."

Xiao Chen looked at her and smiled too.

"Come on, sure enough, let Uncle Xiao check you up."

After saying this, a strange flash of light flashed in his eyes, why is he so like a wicked Wei Shuli, coaxing a little girl!

"Yeah, okay."

Feng Yuqing came over and handed Xiao Chen his hand.

Xiao Chen clasped Feng Yuqing's wrist and examined the pulse carefully.

Feng Manlou and Shui Miaomiao didn't speak any more, for fear of disturbing them.

A few minutes later, Xiao Chen let go of Feng Yuqing's wrist and nodded: "It's not bad, continue to drink medicine."


Shui Miaomiao nodded.

"Uncle Xiao, when will I learn magic?"

Feng Yuqing sat beside her and asked.

"Well...it depends on you."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Your magic is innate, and you will have it when you awaken."

"All right."

The wind and rain are a little disappointed.

"Hehe, don't worry, you will definitely awaken magic."

Xiao Chen touched Feng Yuqing's head and said with a smile.

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