Li Sheng is here.

Maybe it was because his son Li De said that Xiao Chen was also here. As soon as he came, he filled the banquet hall looking for Xiao Chen.

Finally, he found Xiao Chen and Hua Yixuan in the corner.

He looked at Xiao Chen and Hua Yixuan who were talking happily, hesitated for a while, and walked over.

"Brother Xiao, you are here too."

"Hehe, Brother Li."

Xiao Chen smiled and greeted Li Sheng.

"How are you doing recently? Did you gain both fame and fortune?"

"No, no, I just went to a few exchange meetings, all of which were the top ones in the country... In the past, I wanted to participate, but I was almost qualified."

Li Sheng grinned and said.

"Hehe, then congratulations Brother Li, you have reached another level."

Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"It's incomparable with Brother Xiao, but I've heard that Brother Xiao is now in Longhai, so it's definitely this."

Li Sheng said, giving a thumbs up.

"Oh? Brother Li is quite well informed."

Xiao Chen looked at Li Sheng, it seems that he can also touch certain circles.

"It's not bad, otherwise the dean of the Second Academy would have been in vain."

Li Sheng smiled lightly.

"So, if you want to say congratulations, then I have to congratulate you, Brother Xiao."

"Same joy, same joy."

After waiting for a few pleasantries, Li De thought of something, and looked at Hua Yixuan: "Yixuan, the leaders of the Municipal Bureau will come over later, can you come with me to receive them?"

"Uncle Li, I don't like that scene very much."

Hua Yixuan was a little embarrassed.

"I know, but now that you are famous all over the world, when the leaders of the Municipal Bureau come, it will be inevitable to chat with you,

right? "

Li Sheng looked at her and said.

"Well, all right."

Hua Yixuan nodded, some things are really hard to avoid.

While the three of them were chatting, there were many people around who noticed this side.

They were secretly surprised by Li Sheng's attitude towards Xiao Chen.

Li Sheng is the dean of the Second Academy, so he can be regarded as a person with real power.

Moreover, Hua Yixuan is also a doctor in the Second Hospital, and since the clinical trials are conducted in the Second Hospital, Li Sheng, the dean, is also rising, and the limelight is in full swing!

Let such a person be treated politely, what is Xiao Chen's identity, aroused the curiosity of many people.

Most importantly, this young man seems to have an unusual relationship with Hua Yixuan!

Many people secretly moved their minds, do you want to get acquainted with this young man and follow his path?

In about ten minutes, after Li Sheng answered the phone call, he took Hua Yixuan to the door.

Xiao Chen was a little bored, this celebration banquet looked more like a reception.

If it wasn't for Hua Yixuan, he would have turned around and left, which is really meaningless.

"Mr. Xiao."

A woman's voice came.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Chen turned his head, and then smiled: "Mr. Feng, hello."

The person who came was Hua Yixuan's mentor, Feng Mei.

She is one of the few people who knows how the CVK enzyme was discovered and the new ideas proposed by Xiao Chen.

Therefore, she was also very polite to Xiao Chen.

"Just now I saw you and Yixuan chatting happily, so I didn't come over."

"Yeah, Teacher Feng, congratulations too."

Xiao Chen looked at Feng Mei and smiled.

He knew that this time, Hua Yixuan's thesis caused a sensation all over the world, and the people in the whole laboratory also became famous.

This is especially true for Feng Mei, the mentor.

After all, she is a mentor. In China, the contribution of a mentor is often the greatest.

I haven't seen many colleges and universities, and many students' papers will be published with the name of the tutor.

"I didn't do anything, I just slapped Yixuan."

Feng Mei shook her head.

"Mr. Xiao, is it convenient to take a step to speak?"


Hearing this, Xiao Chen felt a little strange, and had to borrow a step to speak?

However, he still followed Feng Mei out of the banquet hall and onto the terrace outside.

"Mr. Xiao, I know that you have an unusual relationship with Yixuan, and she is my most proud student, and I treat her like a daughter."

After coming out, without waiting for Xiao Chen to ask anything, Feng Mei spoke.


Xiao Chen nodded, he heard from Hua Yixuan that Feng Mei treated her very well.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Chen has a good impression of Feng Mei, otherwise, he would not bother to talk to her.

"Now Yixuan is causing a sensation in the world's medical circles. As far as I know, many foreign medical schools and various related units are organizing teams to come to China to discuss with Yixuan... This is a good thing, but in I have been in this business for a long time, and I know some potential things.”

Feng Mei looked at Xiao Chen and said slowly.

"The emergence of the CVK enzyme is undeniable that it can detect cancer in advance, treat it as soon as possible, increase the cure rate, and reduce the death rate... But it is also undeniable that it has touched the interests of certain people or certain forces."

Hearing Feng Mei's words, Xiao Chen's heart moved.

Actually, he had considered this issue just now, and wanted to remind Hua Yixuan.

However, he pondered, it is only a paper that caused a sensation now, and it will be almost the same after this period of enthusiasm passes.

Not to mention that it brought too much danger to Hua Yixuan.

But now that Feng Mei reminded him, he really felt that Hua Yixuan had to pay attention.

"Of course, it is also possible that I am worrying unnecessarily, but I once had a senior brother who encountered this situation..."

Seeing Xiao Chen frown, Feng Mei was afraid that he would be too worried, so she comforted him again.

"Well, I know, didn't Teacher Feng remind Yixuan?"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked.

"Not yet, it's just my own little worry, I don't want to affect Yixuan."

Feng Mei shook her head.

"Okay, when I have time, remind her..."

Xiao Chen smiled.

"Mr. Feng, thank you."

"It's nothing, she is my favorite student, so I naturally don't want anything to happen to her."

Feng Mei also shook her head with a smile.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Well, Teacher Feng, you go in first, I'll smoke a cigarette."

Xiao Chen took out a cigarette and said.

"it is good."

Feng Mei nodded and went in.

Xiao Chen lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and considered Feng Mei's words.

Just now when he came here and saw so many people, especially when Hua Yixuan said that many people were looking for her in the past few days, he was worried.

"Be careful, it shouldn't be a problem... As for those interest groups, it's not necessary to say, just for a paper."

After finishing a cigarette, Xiao Chen was about to go back when his cell phone rang.

He took it out and took a look, showing a strange look.


"Xiao Chen!"

"Oh, it's Young Master Jiang, what's the matter? Are you coming to fight me again? Or are you saying that missiles have been set up abroad and are ready to bomb me?"

Xiao Chen leaned on the railing and asked playfully.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Jiang Yu almost died of anger.

"Xiao Chen, how can you spare my father and the Jiang family!"

After taking a deep breath, Jiang Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Oh, I don't understand what Young Master Jiang said."

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows, and the weirdness in his eyes became more intense.

"Offer your conditions, let them go!"

Jiang Yu repeated it again.

"Hehe, is Young Master Jiang submissive? You didn't say that before."

Xiao Chen lit his cigarette again and asked with a smile.

"Before, didn't you tell me that our battlefield is abroad?"

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as you let my father and the Jiang family go, I can let go of the past and meet your conditions!"

Jiang Yu was somewhat angry.

Xiao Chen smoked a cigarette and sneered.

It seems that Jiang Yu didn't make a lot of moves, but this time, the higher-ups made up their minds to take this opportunity to knock down the Jiang family, and they even spoke up on number one... So, no one dared to speak for the Jiang family!

Under such circumstances, Jiang Yu had no choice but to come to him again.

"Satisfy my conditions? Well, as long as you come back, I will let you go!"

After thinking about it one by one, Xiao Chen said mockingly.


Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Jiang Yu fell silent.

Of course he knew why Xiao Chen asked him to go back.

And he also knew that as long as he went back, he would definitely not be able to leave alive.

In other words, Xiao Chen was forcing him to make a choice, exchanging his own life for his father's.

"Why don't you talk? Jiang Yu, dare to come back?"

Xiao Chen asked with a more mocking look on his face.

"As soon as you come back, I will immediately find a way to release your father and the Jiang family!"

"Except for this?"

After a long time, Jiang Yu asked.

"only this."

Xiao Chen leaned against the railing and slowly stood up straight.

"You come back, they are free."

Over there, there was silence again, and it was longer than before.

"If it were you, how would you choose?"

Suddenly, Jiang Yu asked.

"Me? I will choose to come back, because I have the confidence that no matter where I am, I can crush the enemy! There are many people who want me to die, but I still live well, and most of them are dead."

Xiao Chen's tone was flat, but quite domineering.

Listening to Xiao Chen's words, Jiang Yu didn't speak.

After about tens of seconds, bang, the phone hung up.

"Oh, coward."

Xiao Chen sneered and put away the phone.

Although Jiang Yu hung up without saying a word, he had already given the answer, and it was impossible for him to come back.

In other words, he gave up his father and relatives.

Xiao Chen threw away the cigarette, although he despised Jiang Yu and called him a coward, but a bit of fear and dignity flashed in his eyes.

How cold-blooded and ruthless must a person be to abandon his father and relatives?

At least, Xiao Chen couldn't do it.

As he said, he knew it was a fire pit, but he would jump into it!

As for whether he can jump out, it is not a question that he should consider when making a decision.

"Jiang Yu, let's meet in foreign battlefields."

Xiao Chen muttered, looked at the night scene and lights outside, turned around and walked inside.

When he returned to the banquet hall, the leaders of the city bureau had already arrived.

Li Sheng was by his side, exchanging pleasantries.

As for Hua Yixuan, she is also coping with it, but she is not very good at it.

"Brother Xiao!"

Li Sheng raised his head and saw Xiao Chen.

To his surprise, before Xiao Chen came over, he saw the leader of the city bureau next to him. After seeing Xiao Chen, his body shook slightly and he walked over quickly.

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