Female President’s Bodyguard

Chapter 1,630 The Upright Girl

In the laboratory, Hua Yixuan, dressed in sterile clothes, was doing mixing experiments.

She looked very focused and dripped the liquid in the dropper on the glass piece by bit.

Finally, she picked up the glass piece and put it into the advanced experimental equipment.

This instrument was newly purchased. Because of the paper, the laboratory is not short of money now.

Many people contributed funds for various reasons, but all of them were rejected by Hua Yixuan.

She knew in her heart that once she took their money, it wouldn't be a pure experiment.

Sometimes, you can't refuse some things.

However, the city's allocation can still be accepted, which is regarded as experimental funding.

In addition, the school also invested part of the money in the laboratory to encourage them to continue research.

Because of the discovery of the CVK enzyme, the school became famous and received widespread attention.

If there are new developments, the school will naturally become more famous.

These are things that school leaders are happy to see.

"How about it?"

Feng Mei came in from outside, looked at Hua Yixuan who was attentive, and asked.

"Analysis is ongoing. The equipment purchased abroad is more advanced than what we used before."

Hua Yixuan raised her head and shook her stiff neck.

"Haha, these equipments were developed after spending a lot of money... Relatively speaking, our country still lacks the soil for research and development. All capitalists are focused on immediate interests. It is very difficult to do something that will not see benefits for a long time. Few people do it.”

Feng Mei smiled. What happened this time also made her quite emotional.


Hua Yixuan looked at Feng Mei and nodded.

In her heart, she was quite grateful to Feng Mei.

Because Feng Mei has been on her side these days, supporting her to conduct more pure experiments,

Not to be disturbed by external objects.

Even try to shield her from people she doesn't like to interact with.

"Okay, after this analysis is over, today is almost over. Rome was not built in a day... There are still activities tonight."

Feng Mei stepped forward to take a look and said to Hua Yixuan.

"Well, where are the others?"

Hua Yixuan nodded and asked.

"We've all finished what we're doing, please hurry up."

Feng Mei said, taking the record book next to her and writing a summary of the day on it.


Hua Yixuan nodded, stopped talking, and concentrated on her work.

After Feng Mei finished writing, she left the laboratory.

"Yixuan, you haven't finished your work yet? How long will it take?"

After a while, Yao Hai came in.


Hua Yixuan did not raise her head, staring at the data on the screen.

Seeing that Hua Yixuan was ignoring him, Yao Hai frowned and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

But after thinking of something, he smiled again.

"Yixuan, you go ahead and hurry up. I'm going out first so I won't disturb you anymore."


Hua Yixuan still didn't raise her head and didn't really want to talk to Yao Hai.

Yao Hai looked at Hua Yixuan, turned around and went out.

As he turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a look of madness.

"Hua Yixuan, you are mine, no one can take you away!"

Yao Hai clenched his fists, took big steps, and left.

"The activity of CVK enzyme is weakened, but it still seems to have an impact... More clinical trials are needed to find out more impact."

Hua Yixuan was immersed in the analysis of CVK enzyme, and she did not realize that a danger... was slowly approaching.

After almost ten minutes, she breathed a sigh of relief. Today's analysis was finally over.

Then, she stood up, moved her hands and feet, then printed out the analysis report, turned off the instruments and equipment, and left the laboratory.

Just as she left, a figure wandered into the laboratory.

He walked around the laboratory, then took out his mobile phone, took several photos of the analysis report printed by Hua Yixuan, and then turned around and left.

Outside, seating area.

"Yixuan, are you done?"

Someone saw Hua Yixuan coming out and asked with a smile.

"Well, I just finished my work. Xiao Li, are you ready with the things I asked you to prepare?"

Hua Yixuan nodded and asked.


The person called 'Xiao Li' nodded.

"Okay, then you go to the Second Hospital with me tomorrow. I have a few patients and I just want to do some clinical work."

Hua Yixuan said to him.


"Is it time to go?"

"Yeah, okay."

"Hey, where is Yao Hai?"

"I don't know. I think you went to the bathroom?"

"Then just wait."


About three or four minutes later, Yao Hai appeared.

"Brother Hai, what are you doing? I'm just waiting for you."

"Oops, my stomach hurts a little. It's fine now. Let's go."

Yao Hai smiled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long, let's go now."


Afterwards, the group left the laboratory.

"Yixuan, take my car."

After going downstairs, Yao Hai said to Hua Yixuan.

"No, I'll take the teacher's car."

Hua Yixuan shook her head and walked towards Feng Mei's car.

Yao Hai's smile froze slightly when he saw Hua Yixuan being so disrespectful.

"Haha, Yao Hai, just let Yixuan ride in my car. I just have something to talk to her about."

Feng Mei noticed Yao Hai's expression and smoothed things over.

"haha okay."

Yao Hai smiled, nodded, and got in the car.

Feng Mei also got in the car and looked at Hua Yixuan in the passenger seat: "Yixuan, what's going on?"

"What's going on?"

Hua Yixuan is a little strange.

"What's going on with you and Yao Hai?"

Feng Mei started the car and asked.

"Nothing's going on, I don't want to talk to him."

Hua Yixuan lowered the car window a little and fastened her seat belt.

"We all know that Yao Hai likes you. If you don't like him, it's best to tell him clearly."

Feng Mei thought for a while and said.

"As someone who has been through this, I don't want you to get hurt by this."

"I've told him many times that I don't like him and it's impossible for me to be with him...but he's still like this. I have no choice but to ignore him and avoid him."

Hua Yixuan was a little helpless.

"Really? That would be quite troublesome."

Feng Mei nodded.

"Actually, Yao Hai is quite good. He's young, right? He's not bad in appearance. With his qualifications, he has to be the attending doctor in any hospital. He can be promoted within two years... "

"His excellence is his business and has nothing to do with me, and I don't think he is that outstanding."

Hua Yixuan shook her head.

You know, her grandfather is Yao Qihuang, and since she was a child, she has met many young men from big families.

Although there are many idiots, there are also many outstanding young people!

These outstanding young people have now emerged in their respective fields, and some are even in charge of tens of billions of companies, and they still rely on their own abilities!

Therefore, relatively speaking, in Hua Yixuan's eyes, Yao Hai is really not that outstanding.

What's more...compared with someone in her heart, it was even worse!

"Well, compared with Mr. Xiao, it's a little worse..."

After hearing Hua Yixuan's words, Feng Mei thought of something and nodded.

"It's a lot different."

Hua Yixuan is also an upright girl and said seriously.


Feng Mei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Yao Hai had been unlucky for eight lifetimes when he met Xiao Chen, his love rival.

She compared them carefully and found that there seemed to be no comparison between the two.

Whether it's about looks or talent, Xiao Chen beats Yao Hai!

If it were her, she would definitely not choose Yao Hai.

"Yixuan, do you like Mr. Xiao?"

Feng Mei thought for a while and asked.


Hua Yixuan looked at Feng Mei but said nothing.

"I can see that you like Mr. Xiao... But how much do you know about him? There should be many people like him for an outstanding young man like him, right?"

Feng Mei looked at Hua Yixuan and asked again.

"Well, probably."

Hua Yixuan nodded, actually she knew what was going on.

"Then you have to think about whether you want to compete with others... If you want to have a result with him, you have to take the initiative. You can't just wait, you know? Isn't there a saying, man? There's a mountain to chase a girl, but there's only one layer of yarn between a girl to chase a man, and I've been there too."

Feng Mei was worried about this proud female student.

"Since you like it, then be brave. I think Mr. Xiao is also interested in you, otherwise he wouldn't be so helpful and he would be very nice to you... In fact, at the celebration banquet a few days ago, I was alone with him Chatted for a few words.”

"Huh? What were you talking about?"

Hua Yixuan asked curiously.

"After a casual chat, I can tell that he cares about you very much and doesn't want you to get hurt in any way..."

Feng Mei smiled.

"So, think about it for yourself, how to face him... As for Yao Hai, let me talk to him sometime."

"What's there to talk about with Yao Hai?"

Hua Yixuan frowned slightly.

"There is a thin line between love and hate. Some people easily turn from love to hate, and even get into trouble and have other ideas..."

Feng Mei said seriously.

"By the way, have you invited Mr. Xiao tonight?"

"He doesn't seem to have time tonight."

"Well, it's okay if he doesn't come. If he comes, he will probably have another conflict with Yao Hai."


Hua Yixuan didn't say anything. She was thinking whether she should find a reason to let Yao Hai quit the laboratory.

Not only because of emotional issues, but also because she knew that Yao Hai had been doing some small tricks behind their backs.

These little actions annoy her.

In the Longmen Inn, Xiao Chen drank wine with Mr. Long.

Shopkeeper Liu, Big Fatty and Two Fatty are all here, accompanying him.

"Brother Chen, come here, let me toast you."

Big Fatty and the others picked up their wine glasses and said to Xiao Chen.

"Haha, why, you want to compete with me for drinks again? Have you forgotten my drinking capacity?"

Xiao Chen looked at them and said with a smile.

"Of course I didn't forget it. I just wanted to offer you a glass of wine with great respect."

Big Fat and the others all shook their heads.

"Haha, come on then."

Xiao Chen chuckled and clinked glasses with them.

"Xiao Chen, you went to Banan a while ago and had contact with the people of the Badi Dragon King, right?"

After finishing the wine, Mr. Long suddenly asked.

Third update, plus one update!

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